Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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Sonia grabbed her backpack and thanked the captain. The journey to the cabin was uneventful, but somehow Sonia felt she just missed one. There were cracks, and the hardwood floor was crumpled unnaturally in some corners, they looked new and she was actually concerned if the damage could jeopardize the integrity of the vessel. Still, seeing everyone including the crews was not paying them any immediate attention, she decided to do the same and mind her own business.

The key to her cabin had been provided by the quartermaster, who, after a few inquires about the details of the accommodation included in her ticket, seemed agitated and was ready to nail a plaque that reads; "I really wish I weren't here right now!". So Sonia just gave up and decided to find her room by herself.

The door opened, and she immediately noticed the room had been aromatized. There were books and other personal belongings already placed near the second bed. Feeling that any further inspection of the stranger's stuff would be very rude, she stepped back.

Smelled like sweetened talc and flowery fragrance of the old perfume. It was faint initially but felt very lingering the more she remained there. This... this was no ordinary scent, and now there was a funny sensation in her throat. Sonia hurried for the door, gasping for some 'neutral' air before addressing the matter to the nearby crew.

"Excuse me," Despite being polite, there was a hint of frustration in her voice. It should be natural for Sonia to get angry, nothing had gone well so far, her ticket was printed with the wrong schedule, she had to climb to just be aboard, and now she was on the brink of constant sneezing after entering the wrong cabin. She wanted to complain about their terrible service as a paying customer should, but suddenly she remembered home, this day, her journey. Let's not do that.

"Would you mind helping me *sniff* find my cabin?"

She showed the ticket, and no matter how polite she worded her request, the crew looked at her with an equally troubled look. However, he complied, and he ushered her... to the same room she had previously entered.

"I believe there is a mistake. The room has already been occupied." Sonia gestured the crew to see it for himself and after checking, sighing, and rechecking the ticket, he seemed to agree, albeit reluctantly.

"Yes, it seems to be the case. Please stay here, ma'am, I will ask the quartermaster about your room. He will be here shortly!"

Then he dashed to the other side of the aisle.

Feeling tired, Sonia rested on the nearby bench. Looking at the vessel from the inside suddenly made it clear that she might not be getting the room as they advertised; Luxury suite ticket, including two beds, deluxe accommodations, and full privacy.

Yeah, especially the privacy part, not that she minded a company though, however, everything needed to be cleared out first. What she would be getting for what she had paid and how the arrangement would be. Everyone must follow the rules, right?

@spiral origin

Sonia had always imagined her embarkment to be a graceful ascend on a stairway instead of clambering up a rope ladder like a scallywag. She turned to the first mate and wanted to ask if there were a better alternative, but seeing how her luggage was carelessly hooked, hoisted, and bumping the shiphull along the way, a ladder of the same kind seemed to be much more humane.

"A luxurious trip and a rare chance to experience a deckhand's work all in one package! Drink up me hearties, yo ho!" she hummed and trying not to look down as her body dangled left and right. Falling into the ocean wouldn't be pretty, and she had to be mindful of the horn, they were quite sharp, you know, and that wasn't intentional, they had always been grown that way.

"Additional passenger, eh? Well that's one way to board the ship! Welcome aboard!" the captain greeted the woman with a cheery smile and a tip of his tricorne as he took a puff of his cigar. "Cap'n Owyn, pleasure to be acquainted!"

Just hauled herself up from that rope ladder, Sonia, between her ragged breathing managed to gesture a quick wave at the captain. "Thanks for having me, I will be in your care from now on."

Despite everything, she smiled and it was genuine, sometimes It was the Process that Matters, Not the Prize, well, whatever that meant with her current situation, she wasn't so sure. Anyway, boarded the ship, mission accomplished!

"I would like to see my cabin as soon as possible if you don't mind."

@spiral origin
@Grade Much obliged!

And also
none of them concluded LMAO

Your faith for him, sir, is certainly laudable.


I clicked the link and it seems I entered the wrong server. It prompted me to something called monthly-nazrin channel and that's all.

About the OOC interval, most of us here use Discord. Half of the players are in this one server that Frank owns, including me.

About the IC interval... honestly, blame spiral origin. People have to wait days to get an IC response from him. I'd know, I've since played like three text-based games with him including this one.

Sweet! Where I can get my invitation?

The other three must be very good if you still stick around. How many of them have been concluded?

It is currently an "American Holiday", and I work healthcare. I am derailing the game with my absence from it. I am just being swamped by having to cover multiple other people who took the next few days off. It is not intentional; just the result of healthcare being 90+% female, and "BUT MY KIDS!!!!!!" being the #1, guaranteed-to-be-mentioned, "I GOTTA HAVE THE HOLIDAY OFF, OR THE WORLD WILL END!!!!" nonsense maker.

Happens on second thursday of November, and on Dec 25 as well, EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.

(Heaven FORBID that maybe, just maybe, they should have the conversation about not getting what you want with their kids, and that it should be professional and mature. No no. Those brats' expectations HAVE. TO. BE. MET.)

It has gotten to the point that I have started getting really salty about it, asking sharply when it is that I ever get to visit my own family for a holiday. Being the asex man with no kids gets really old some times.

Anyhow-- I did not intend to rant. Just mentioning why I am slow to respond. Having to do the work of 3 people for a week tends to do that.

Calm down buddy, I didn't mean to push anybody.

The interval between posts in both threads is still quite worrying though.

I don't see much activity both in game and OCC thread. Doesn't seem like a good sign.

@Pakde All looks good! Accepted!

Feel free to add her to the characters section.

I'll look to introduce her in the IC thread soon. Thinking we could say she boarded the company's smaller ship and caught up to the larger one after about an hour. That'll match up with the current timeline and you can get right into the RP. Let me know if that works for you~

That will do. Good thing I didn't put any punctual details about the ship's departure in my character's introduction XD
Moved to character

At the particular harbor in New Fronio, a certain red hair, barely arrived after a long transit glanced over the scenery. Why, to look for the ship that she had booked weeks in advance, of course. It was a three-masted ship, supposedly luxurious, magnificent, and... gone! Why was it gone?

The rep office of the shipping company was there! Let's ask them!

The young woman informed them about her plight, showing the ticket that was supposed to be legitimate. The departure date was stamped today, and the ship was supposed to depart in a few hours.

"It appears our other branch was mistaken when issuing your ticket, ma'am." said the rep after poring over the ticket with a magnifying glass. "We are very sorry, but we can reissue your ticket for the next journey with us if you want.

"Next journey?"

"Yes ma'am, similar fleet. It will depart in two weeks. We will give you a 50% discount as compensation."

"But I can't wait that long..." the woman replied somberly. She was a simple adventurer, and while the funds for her journey had been generously planned, her pocket was not bottomless, especially for two weeks lodging in a faraway town.

"We are very sorry, but there is nothing we can do. Now, would you like to take up on our offer? We would also like to remind you that the offer would be void once you left the premises."

The rep was ready to show her the door, but she remained in her seat. "So I have to pay again for... this? Why? it's not my fault."

"Dear customer, that's the company's policy."

"it's unfair. Almost... like a scam. How can you do this?"

The rep's next refutal was almost robotic."If you have further questions and concerns do not hesitate to write a complaint directly to our HQ."

"I Ain't leaving."

"Dear cust-"

The woman lifted a loaded crossbow to the counter and shook her head, needless to say, her patience almost ran out. "No, we have to talk first about my missed voyage. Could you help me catch up with my ship?"

Between her and that corporate white-collar was a tungsten bolt probably imbued with whatever spell you can find in the market, the rep however doesn't seem terrified. "That's beyond my paygrade, ma'am."

"I insist! Call your manager!"


Pretty much my character's entry, if there is any. If not it will be redacted. Other details are waiting for approval.

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