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Someone told me there would be hot springs shenanigans.
Sabrina, having been given the tour, felt sickeningly at home. The show of force, the sparkling uniforms, even the no-nonsense Colonel who's fuse was probably about as short as she was. Sabrina was never one to consider herself conceited enough to be prideful of her appearance, but she knew that she wasn't like the other girls. The short, stocky commander would probably have it out for her in some kind of way or another. It was just the nature of things. After all, she was from the EC, where the image of beauty was a well-figured person with blonde hair and blue eyes. The EC wasn't the only country with that philosophy, but in her homeland it applied to both sexes.

For now, Sabrina had hit up the firing range to practice with her sidearm and also had sent a requisition for a personal defense weapon small enough to store in her FRAME cockpit without it hampering her operation, chambered in a high-caliber cartridge. What she got was an integrally suppressed assault carbine manufactured by the NSU chambered for 7.62 by 35mm. They called it the "wolverine", and even had a silhouette of the animal's face bearing it's teeth on the lower part of the receiver. It would be here within the week thanks to a little greasing of the quartmaster's palms. She felt such a need only because of her old days back in the jungle where she was very naked, outnumbered, and had to make do with the bare basics. If she hadn't gone through Kommando training, she would likely have died.
Wow... Jossie is already popular. Are we going to have to worry about a certain someone *cough*@AtomicNut*cough* trying to steal her away from Adrian?

Well seeing as how he about struck out before he even got to step up to the plate with Joy...
Been dealing with a lot of stuff lately. Also, already posted.
Things have been kicking me around here. I'll see what I can do in the near future.
I don't know but I'm going to get a post up soon. Been slacking, but then again who isn't...
Joy's wet clothes laid in a pile on the floor of Joslyn's bedroom. The girl in question was so tired after the caffeine pills were finally wearing off, but she knew that water can grow mold or something like that. Wait, could it? Joy shook her head to clear her mind and decided that she could just throw them onto the side of the bathtub. So she did, and looked at her panties as she shivered, having not enough time to dry herself off. Well, it wasn't like Adrian used soap on it. She sniffed them and then quickly pulled them away from her nose.

"Oh fuck, gross..." She groaned, throwing them onto the tub with her jacket and pants.

She looked behind her and sighed. Wherever those other two went, she was sure that they weren't going to snitch on her. Well, it wasn't like she was going to be able to get an opportunity like this again. She kicked her sleeping bag into the corner and took out her 1911. Joy slipped it under the pillow before sliding in between the bed sheets and sighing. A bed. Finally, an actual bed to sleep in. Despite it being cold, she was soon enough out like a light, snoozing the daylight away.
Joy paled. Sure, Joslyn with her was one thing, but Adrian?! And she about gagged and was visibly flustered about that...that...thing he had. Of course, the emotional height didn't stop at that when she heard voices of what she deduced were soldiers in the other room. She covered her mouth, feeling completely naked without her guns or knife around. She looked to Joslyn, visibly worried as to be expected. She stood there, holding her breath, shaking like a leaf as cold water dripped down from her hair. Given the days events, she was about ready to cry. She was more than ready for a rest now.
Joy groaned, mumbled, and generally didn't want to get up. She was tired, but there would be time to rest later. One whiff of herself told her that yeah, okay, maybe it was finally time to get going. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stepped into the gym with Joslyn. Joy made the walk at a leisurely pace, trying to still stay alert enough to get things going in her mind until they came to the showers. Just take her stuff off? Okay. She put her clothes on one of the benches and felt pretty alright until she turned around and caught Joslyn in her sight. Was she there the whole time?! Joy swiftly covered herself as her cheeks flushed. She didn't know why, but she was incredibly embarrassed.

On the other hand, Joslyn herself seemed to not mind standing in her birthday suit. Joy looked at her, and then at herself. She did this a few times, noticing a very distinct difference in their sizes. What'd she do to get them so big? Joy sighed and looked down at her own in contempt before Joslyn ushered her into the shower stall out of the locker room. She still covered herself, for reasons she didn't know, and felt chills run up and down her spine at the cold water and Joslyn's assisstance in washing her back. With her body shaking and her lip quivering and about turning blue, she tried to focus on other things as the girl whimpered from the icy water, making goosebumps on her skin. This wasn't like back at the facility, and she was started to miss that little difference a bit.
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