Name: Mara
Alias: None
Species: Human(Ish)
Age: 400+ (She'll never tell exactly)
Gender: Female

Ties to Hero:
Jonah Hex: Back in the old days of the west, she helped the Cowboy several times when he needed some magic-based firepower.
James Ewell Brown Stuart: After he was fatally wounded, she was the closest thing to a doctor that was willing to treat a confederate. He spent the whole time saying he wanted one last good fight. She was unable to save him, but managed to cast a charm on his soul that would allow him to perform in one last war. Leading him to become the Haunted Tank of WWII
Ma Hunkle: The original Red Tornado. Mara was quite the fan of her back in the day. She was, like everyone else, shocked when she found out that the Red Tornado was a woman. She got to know the woman quite well outside of superheroing. It was Ma that convinced her to try and join the Justice League and put her powers to good use.
Tattoo's of the Gods (Her body is covered in tattooes of the different gods and spirits that she has got the blessing of.)
Pig (Given by Bajie and located on her shoulder. Bajie is the embodiment of the Pig Zodiac, a fat and lazy being, he is nonetheless one of the most powerful entities in the Zodiac realm. She gained his favour when she found him (disguised as a regular pig) and took him into her home, feeding him, scratching his belly and letting him sleep wherever he wanted. He gave her his Rake in return for her kindness and told her to "Call anytime you need assistance... Except if i'm eating... Or napping." meaning there are very short windows with which to contact him. The tattoo grants her Heat-vision similar to, yet not even nearly as powerful as that of Supermans)
Tobacco (Given by Iosheka and located on her left forearm. Iosheka is a Native-American god, she discovered him when she went to the States, after assisting his people in a banishment for his evil brother Tawescaron. For her feats, Iosheka gave her the magical tobacco that she smokes in her pipe, it is that of the gods and permeates her body with magical energy, allowing her to wield the mystic arts more effectively.)
Shadow (Given by Peing-Khan: The Shadow King and located on her ankle. Khan is a large, portly, Chinese demon that has an army of demonic Shadow-Ninja's at his disposal. After assisting him in searching out a warlock who attempted to usurp his throne and disposing of the fiend, he has owed her a favour that she plans to call in one day. The tattoo grants her complete invisibility within shadows. However, if she moves within the direct view of a source of light, she is completely exposed. It also grants her teleportation between shadows, meaning she can jump into one shadow and out of another, however, she needs to be able to see the shadow she is jumping out of and it doesn't work if anyone is looking directly at her when she is trying to teleport.)
Rooster (Given by Pleiades and located on her right shoulder-blade. Pleiades is a friend of Bajie, a fellow Zodiac. Mara met Pleiades when she attempted to contact Bajie, but reached the rooster instead. Pleiades is somewhat a joker, he enjoys playing pranks and joking, but is always the first to own up to his actions. She and Pleiades got to talking and after several days and a few times hanging out and throwing rotten eggs at the Hall of Justice, Pleiades decided they were "Tight" and gave her the tattoo. It grants her the ability of levitation of herself. She can't fly fast, Max speed is about 20mph)
Physical Age control (She can easily assume the form of whatever age she wishes. From a 10 year old girl to a 100 year old crone. However, she retains their physical attributes, meaning that, she would be most powerful in the form of a 30 year old, but usually chooses that of a 10 year old, because she prefers it.)
She has access to the Backwards magic used by Zatana and her father, but refuses to use it on the grounds that she is "Above using "Babies first mystical arts""
Potion brewing (Has the knowhow to brew a vast quantity of different potions and other relevant things.)
Intricate knowledge of history
Intricate knowledge of the history of magic.
Magic Attack Scrolls
Instead of the regular incantation based magic, she carries a number of magical scrolls with magic built into them. This has the upside of allowing her to very quickly cast high level spells, at the cost of reliability. Scrolls are made of paper, meaning that they can very easily be destroyed. And replicating them takes time and concentration as they are written with a special ink that takes a 3 hour ceremony to make, and then, only lasts for an hour before the magic leaves the ink and the ceremony needs to be performed again. These are kept up her sleave and can be called upon at a moments notice, flying from their resting place and casting the magic infused into them. They include, but aren't limited to:
Fireball Scroll (casts fireball)
Immobilization Scroll (Can freeze inanimate objects and those with a lack of willpower in place)
Telekinesis Scroll (Allows her to move objects with her mind, only 1 specific object at a time, though. And not herself, she has to rely on her Rooster Tattoo for that.)
Power Scroll (fires a beam of energy that hits with almost 1TPSI force. Usually used to open doors and take down particularly tough opponents.)
The Rake of BajieA magical rake given to her by the Great Pig, Bajie. It is indestructable and allows her to converse with the great pig, however, 99% of the time, he is either asleep or eating, and so will not answer. Over the years, she has become quite adept at wielding it.
History: A backstory shrouded in mystery. Although the first thought in anyones head is that she must be a child, the fact is that she only assumes this from due to having a fondness for children. In actuality, she is more than 400 years old. Numerous stories give varying accounts of her origin, including; The daughter of a priestess and a demon, the daughter of Satan, a being created from magic, an Alien, a Vampire gone wrong, and many, many more. She will never tell, as she finds great amusement in hearing what people say about her.
She has been to many places in her 400+ years of life, she has met many magical entities, assisting Native Americans in banishing a dark god, becoming the keeper of a Pig deity, hunting rogue Warlocks and witches, should the need arise.
Recently, with the advent of heroes, she has been forced out into the open, something she would rather they didn't do. One of the heroes that she ended up becoming friends with was the original Red Tornado, Ma Hunkle. It was Ma that convinced her to try putting her powers to the use of helping people and not too long ago, she finally petitioned to join the Justice League. They refused to take her whist she retained the form of a child. Tensions got frayed, with her argument being that she was older than most of them, but they countered by telling her that all she needed to do was assume the form of an adult... She did not take kindly to this, telling Wonder Woman that "Ones ability to twist their spine so that all the boys can see their huge tits and ass at the same time is irrelevant when it comes to helping people" before telling Red Tornado "I preferred you when you were a fat old lady."
She convinced the Titans to take her in due to a want to help people and the League being "Full of assholes and chauvinists"
Personality: Mara is a rather abrasive person and not the easiest to get along with. She always assumes that she is the smartest person in the room and refuses to accept otherwise until proven wrong (And even after that, usually still assumes that it was a fluke) She likes to think that she is slow to anger, but mention how she should be taking the form of an adult and she will quickly go from serene to DEFCON 1. She has a love of children and is usually untrusting of adults. She has no respect at all for the Justice League, however seems to hold the old Justice Society of America in quite high regard.
She currently has several people that she wants to get magic blessing tattoo's from, speficially, the wizard Shazam and Nabu. She is also trying to track down the entity behind a name that keeps coming up in Aztec lore called "Khaji Da" All she knows is that it has something to do with a beetle, making it possibly an insectoid spirit.
Ma Hunkle
The gods that grant her power.
Family: None
Crush/Relationship: She has a Hero-crush on Ma Hunkle, but nothing sexual. She's definitely not into the whole "Fire DNA at each other and create a parasite that leeches off you until expelled 9 months later" thing.