Name: Inquisitor Viqtor Remly
Age: 131
Gender: Male
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Malleus
Appearance: Very little can be seen of his body beyond his armour. It is the Standard Power Armour worn by Inquisitors increasing his strength and defensive capabilities to be on par with that of the Astartes. Beneath his hood, he has a thick, brown beard and a prosthetic eye, with a scar down his face, which no hair grows on, giving him a noticeable line of flesh through his beard. The robes over his armour are red, but the armour itself is of the same colour scheme as his predecessor and mentor, The main body of his armour is black, with a white Psyker Hood, Grieves and boots. His upper legs are white and the arm plating is a deep blue.
Philosophy: Radical (He sees himself as a puritan as what he does, he does for the sake of the Imperium and the Emperor, but most refer to him as a radical because of his "Victory at any cost" attitude to his work.)
Skills & Abilities: Low level psyker that wields Smite of the Biomancy disciplines.
Retinue Members:
Homn - A giant mutant created by a mad Heretek, the two first met when the Heretek attempted to feed Viqtor to it, but, for some reason, the creature instead turned on its master to protect the Inquisitor. Ever since, Homn has worked well as Viqtors bodyguard and beast-of-burden. It is armed with a pair of Assault Cannons for arms and has a Hurricane Bolter in its chest. The ammo is fed into its backpack. Unfortunately, the creature is also not very bright and is known for constantly breaking its cannons by using them as melee weapons to smash over its enemies heads. And for as many bullets as it can fire per second, it is not very good at aiming, so misses most of its shots.
Interrogator Trelane - An acolyte and the one currently being trained by Viqtor to become an Inquisitor, she is a rather powerful psyker and wields vast power from the Telepathy and Telekinesis disciplines. She is quiet and calculating, choosing to read her opponents minds and quietly relay her information to either Viqtor or Marchius, rather than talking with strangers herself. In battle, she weilds a Nemesis Force Halberd.
Marichus - A Grey Knight that serves as Viqtors personal Chamber Militant attache. He doesn't speak much, but is generally the one that Viqtor brings with him when when he is unable to bring Homn. Marichus also serves as Trelane bodyguard and has a fierce dislike of the mutant that Viqtor puts so much trust in. He formerly served Ettrican when she first became an Inquisitor and has gone on to serve both him and his new acolyte. As nobody is allowed to know about the Grey Knights, his armour is red and wears the seal of the Red Hunters to protect his identity. He wears Terminator Armour and weilds a Nemesis Force Hammer and a wrist-mounted Storm Bolter with Psybolt Rounds.
Krumm Steelclaw - Although not strictly a member of the Retinue, he is one of Viqtor's Agents. When the Iron Priest was a member of the Deathwatch, his killteam was put under Viqtors command for several missions. Although Krumm has little love for the Inquisition, he does have some level of loyalty to Viqtor, as the Inquisitor has saved his life. He serves most of his time in the great forges in the Great Company under Egil Iron Wolf, but on rare occasions, will get receive a secret mission from Viqtor to perform an "Off the books" mission on a battlefield that the Iron Wolves are fighting on. This could be anything from securing a secret item to making sure a specific enemy commander does not make it off the battlefield alive. It could be to even make sure that a specific enemy commander is captured, rather than killed.
Servo-Skull (It floats around him, taking notes and recording everything that happens.)
Power Armour
Helfrost Pistol (A gift from Krumm)
Force Sword
Empyrean Brain Mines (Grenades that latch onto their victim and send a pulse of energy directly into their brain, momentarily paralyzing him and giving the wielder a chance to strike. However the mines' energy cells are prone to burn out after a few seconds, making the effect temporary)
Relationships with Other Characters:
Grandmaster Ettrican - Ettrican is Viqtors former master and the one that taught him everything he knows. She is a puritan, however, and frowns on his allowing Homn to exist. She is the one he will always go to if he requires assistance. On the rare occasions that she strides into battle, she does so in Terminator armour, weilding a Nemesis Force Sword and Psycannon.
Kaptin Smashstompa - Smashstompa is a Ork Freeboota Kaptin with big idea's, little brains and a whole lot of luck to back him. The leader of a small fleet of WAAAGHships, he is considered by his krew to be da biggest, strongest, smarterist and most brutally kunnin' of all da Orks. His relationship with the Inquisitor is a strange one. Viqtor keeps giving him the heads of viciously terrifying creatures, containing a lot of Teef, as well as Chaotic artifacts that have lots of spikes for his Kaptins chair. In return, the Ork performs off-record missions for him, mainly involving going to Daemon worlds and slaughtering countless heretics and daemons. Viqtor see's no problem in sacrificing the enemies of mankind to kill the enemies of mankind. Although Smashstompa has no love whatsoever for Viqtor, he nonetheless see's him as an endless source of income, whilst Viqtor see's him as a curiosity. He has seen the Kaptin take on a Daemon Prince and survive, so, at this point, Viqtor is curious as to what will finally end the brute once and for all.
Age: 131
Gender: Male
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Malleus
Appearance: Very little can be seen of his body beyond his armour. It is the Standard Power Armour worn by Inquisitors increasing his strength and defensive capabilities to be on par with that of the Astartes. Beneath his hood, he has a thick, brown beard and a prosthetic eye, with a scar down his face, which no hair grows on, giving him a noticeable line of flesh through his beard. The robes over his armour are red, but the armour itself is of the same colour scheme as his predecessor and mentor, The main body of his armour is black, with a white Psyker Hood, Grieves and boots. His upper legs are white and the arm plating is a deep blue.
Philosophy: Radical (He sees himself as a puritan as what he does, he does for the sake of the Imperium and the Emperor, but most refer to him as a radical because of his "Victory at any cost" attitude to his work.)
Skills & Abilities: Low level psyker that wields Smite of the Biomancy disciplines.
Retinue Members:
Homn - A giant mutant created by a mad Heretek, the two first met when the Heretek attempted to feed Viqtor to it, but, for some reason, the creature instead turned on its master to protect the Inquisitor. Ever since, Homn has worked well as Viqtors bodyguard and beast-of-burden. It is armed with a pair of Assault Cannons for arms and has a Hurricane Bolter in its chest. The ammo is fed into its backpack. Unfortunately, the creature is also not very bright and is known for constantly breaking its cannons by using them as melee weapons to smash over its enemies heads. And for as many bullets as it can fire per second, it is not very good at aiming, so misses most of its shots.
Interrogator Trelane - An acolyte and the one currently being trained by Viqtor to become an Inquisitor, she is a rather powerful psyker and wields vast power from the Telepathy and Telekinesis disciplines. She is quiet and calculating, choosing to read her opponents minds and quietly relay her information to either Viqtor or Marchius, rather than talking with strangers herself. In battle, she weilds a Nemesis Force Halberd.
Marichus - A Grey Knight that serves as Viqtors personal Chamber Militant attache. He doesn't speak much, but is generally the one that Viqtor brings with him when when he is unable to bring Homn. Marichus also serves as Trelane bodyguard and has a fierce dislike of the mutant that Viqtor puts so much trust in. He formerly served Ettrican when she first became an Inquisitor and has gone on to serve both him and his new acolyte. As nobody is allowed to know about the Grey Knights, his armour is red and wears the seal of the Red Hunters to protect his identity. He wears Terminator Armour and weilds a Nemesis Force Hammer and a wrist-mounted Storm Bolter with Psybolt Rounds.
Krumm Steelclaw - Although not strictly a member of the Retinue, he is one of Viqtor's Agents. When the Iron Priest was a member of the Deathwatch, his killteam was put under Viqtors command for several missions. Although Krumm has little love for the Inquisition, he does have some level of loyalty to Viqtor, as the Inquisitor has saved his life. He serves most of his time in the great forges in the Great Company under Egil Iron Wolf, but on rare occasions, will get receive a secret mission from Viqtor to perform an "Off the books" mission on a battlefield that the Iron Wolves are fighting on. This could be anything from securing a secret item to making sure a specific enemy commander does not make it off the battlefield alive. It could be to even make sure that a specific enemy commander is captured, rather than killed.
Servo-Skull (It floats around him, taking notes and recording everything that happens.)
Power Armour
Helfrost Pistol (A gift from Krumm)
Force Sword
Empyrean Brain Mines (Grenades that latch onto their victim and send a pulse of energy directly into their brain, momentarily paralyzing him and giving the wielder a chance to strike. However the mines' energy cells are prone to burn out after a few seconds, making the effect temporary)
Relationships with Other Characters:
Grandmaster Ettrican - Ettrican is Viqtors former master and the one that taught him everything he knows. She is a puritan, however, and frowns on his allowing Homn to exist. She is the one he will always go to if he requires assistance. On the rare occasions that she strides into battle, she does so in Terminator armour, weilding a Nemesis Force Sword and Psycannon.
Kaptin Smashstompa - Smashstompa is a Ork Freeboota Kaptin with big idea's, little brains and a whole lot of luck to back him. The leader of a small fleet of WAAAGHships, he is considered by his krew to be da biggest, strongest, smarterist and most brutally kunnin' of all da Orks. His relationship with the Inquisitor is a strange one. Viqtor keeps giving him the heads of viciously terrifying creatures, containing a lot of Teef, as well as Chaotic artifacts that have lots of spikes for his Kaptins chair. In return, the Ork performs off-record missions for him, mainly involving going to Daemon worlds and slaughtering countless heretics and daemons. Viqtor see's no problem in sacrificing the enemies of mankind to kill the enemies of mankind. Although Smashstompa has no love whatsoever for Viqtor, he nonetheless see's him as an endless source of income, whilst Viqtor see's him as a curiosity. He has seen the Kaptin take on a Daemon Prince and survive, so, at this point, Viqtor is curious as to what will finally end the brute once and for all.
NOT COMPLETED, but, I was wondering if everything was looking good so far. Especially his retinue, because I was going to include his retinue in the history/personality/sample post. So, i'm asking if they are alright before I try to include them and then have to re-write them later.