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I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Kiana listened to the child talk about her knowledge of emotion. "Do not presume you know all, my new Padawan, for such hubris is the undoing of many new Padawans. Remember that a decision made, unclouded by emotion, will never be regretted." She had personal experience with such a regret after her rash actions got her first padawan killed during the Hyperspace war. She then listened to her talk about her combat training. "Indeed, such tactics are fruitful to be aware of, but remember that the greatest victory is a battle un-fought. Many outsiders see us as the heroic Knights of the Republic, swinging in, lightsabers ablaze and thwarting evil. You will come to appreciate that, most of a Jedi's life is very dull, sitting in meditation for days on end, helping the Chroniclers to orginize the Archives, settling minor disputes on worlds that you have been assigned to." She smiled as she remembered the sprawling fields of Aldaraan, that she had been assigned to for a while. "Master Cain taught you how to fight. I intend to teach you how to be a Jedi." They continued to walk through the halls, bowing to people on the way past. Canderous looked down at Manu.

"So, you fight with everything and anything?" he asked. "You know how to shoot straight?"

"Clone, do not put idea's of combat into her head." Kiana frowned at him. Canderous was taken aback, he knew that she had to appear unfeeling towards him, but he had told her multiple times that he did not like her using the C word to address him.

"Yes, general, sorry general." He replied, standing to attention. She was annoyed with him for talking about Combat when she was trying to get her mind anywhere but there. She continued to walk. As they reached the Library, she took the girl over to a computer and sat her down, Canderous remaining outside the Library, walking back and forth in the same 20 meter line, a standard patrol maneuver in a place like this. The Temple-Guardians stared at him, he took no notice of the white-robed beings, although they did give him the creeps. Inside, Kiana pressed a few buttons, before a small hologram of a person appeared in front of them.

"This is a simple test of judgement." Kiana said to her "There are no wrong answers, as they will only indicate what direction I should take my training in." she said. The hologram of the man suddenly changed to become 2 men, dressed in simple farming-clothes.

The first one spoke up "Master Jedi, I am Ben Dansen, a farmer from just across the ways, this man is Henry Masterson, a business rival. Last week, several of his Bantha broke loose and and into my Meyluran patch. They destroyed hundreds of credits of produce and broke my fense. Now, Masterson has paid me 200 credits, but that's not even enough to cover just the fense." The second man scoffed. I am Henry Masterson, owner of the Masterson Ranch over the ways. Yes, that is not in doubt and I, like the good businessman and neighbour, paid Mr Dansen the sum of the produce lost, which I In fact, I offered to repair the fense myself for estimated take to fix his fense, which I offered to do for 50 credits, a more than fair sum, considering that any other carpenter will charge 500 credits just for the resources. I just so happen to have a surplus of the materials to fix the fense." the first one looked angrily at the second. "Well of course you would, you just want into my field to get dirt samples. We both know you've been after my fertiliser formula for years." he seethed angrily.

"So, what do you do?" Kiana asked her. "Mr Masterson has offered to fix all of the damages at cost, but Mr Dansen demands a third party do it." Kiana then left Manu to quickly mull over the situation as she spotted the one that they called "The Night" talking with a Padawan. There was something about that woman that she didn't trust.
@Duthguy His review was one of the reasons I started re-reading it. I first read it after /co/ did a storytime with the first few issues. So, any idea's for a character?
Kiana watched the bubbly ball of attitude and funlovingness and almost felt regret that she was going to have to mold that all out of her, much like her rebelious streak had been molded out of her by Master Plo-Koon. This was going to be one of her more difficult ones. Krenax was already harshly tempered by the time he became a Padawan-Learner, emotionally balanced and almost ready to take on the trials there and then. Kiana bent down and took Manu's hands in her own. "The first lesson I will teach you is the most important lesson any Youngling can learn. Temperament is everything. Your happy attitude is enjoyable for some to be around, but beware that these feelings, like all, can be used to serve the Dark Side of the force. Your first lesson is to learn to be silent and observe, to let go of your childishness and take your first step into a larger world. Then, and only then, can you truly begin your path towards being a Jedi. You may be amazed at what you can learn by being silent and simply allowing the world to unfold around you, rather than demanding the world allow you to unfold around it." she said, her face emotionless. She then got up, letting go of Manu's hand. "Thank you, Master Cain." she said, bowing to him. "Come." she said, as she exitted the chamber. Canderous following suit with the bow and exit.

"So, what now, General?" he asked.

"Now?" Kiana looked at Manu. "Now, I have an excellent knowledge of your ability with the Force, but I want to see how good you are at logic. Follow me, I have a special test in the Archives." she said to the young padawan as she began to make her way towards the Library, the Clone and padawan in tow.
@TheUnknowable I'd like that... Although, if you are suggesting that we use a "YT-1300 that got modified by its previous owner" and ares suggesting that we take the Millenium Falcon, I can't even begin to tell you everything wrong with that, especially considering how, at this time, Han Solo was still at his mother's teet and the Millenium Falcon was a tugboat by the name of Stellar Envoy above Coruscant... But at the same time, I don't care, let's do this.
@Princess of God I didn't know Revan was burried on Yavin. I assumed his tomb was, like many Sith Lords, built before his death on a Sigh world like Korriban or Thule. Sith tombs are built as a living reminder of "Git Gud or Git ded." Hense why both Vader and Palpatine have tombs built on Korriban long before their deaths. I mean, the only Sith I knew was burried on Yavin was Exar Kun.
So, do we have any specific places we are going? Because, unless something forces her out of the temple, maybe a mission or something, then we are going to be spending the entire RP around the temple.
As Kiana approached the force room, she stopped outside and let out a sigh, she was afraid. She knew it wasn't good to feel such things, but she did. Canderous put his hand on her shoulder "Look up, General. You never know, she may become greater than you." Juana looked at him.

"That's what I am afraid of." She steeled herself, putting on her best game-face. Walking into the room, she smiled as the child looked at her. "Greetings, young one." She began, before looking at the dent in the wall and then to the master. "I have come on behalf of Master Yoda. I am afraid to say that Master Yoda has deemed that Maru would learn more under my tutaladge." She said to him, she then looked down at Mary. "I apologise if you'd rather stay with Master Cain, but the matter is out of my hands. This is Canderous." She motioned to the Clone.

"CC008, at your service, sir." He said, standing to attention, bowing to the Jedi Master.

"I know it is unorthodox for a Clone to be here, but he is here for at my request. Ever since Krenax ascended to Knight, I have felt comfortable with having his council." She then bent down to the Youngling. "I have had several Padawans. I will not lie to you, I will do my best to make you into a Jedi, but it will not be easy. You will falter, you will cry, you will undergo great suffering. But at the end of it, you will be a proud member of our order. You can ask Knight Krenax and you will be able to ask Knight Peltin and Master Plo-Koon." She got up. Master Cain, is there anything you would like to say?"
@Princess of God

1) There is obviously a defense that Jedi have against other Jedi reading their thoughts. If there wasn't, then Anakin and Padme wouldn't have managed to go 3 years undiscovered.

2) That's why they were only acting all lovey-dovey in private. Trust me, there is a big difference between sappy love and mad, passionate love. I mean, the way you describe it would make their relationship like that of Anakin and Padme, whereas it's more like Gomez & Morticia Addams (Which, let's face it, is the single greatest love story ever told.) They are, in public, the model of a Jedi and their Clone Commander, efficient and deadly. It's not until they get behind locked doors that that goes out the window and they go at each other in the manner of rabid weasels.

Hell, in that whole post, the only public interaction that they had was him asking her what the meeting with Yoda was about. I know the Jedi code and I know that she knows it. Trust me, this isn't going to be a problem.
Just post it here. I'm fine discussing it with everyone else to see.
--GAR Venator-class Star Destroyer "Krakatoa"--

The morning seemed to creep ever closer as Kiana and Canderous sat in orbit above the planet. They were in her private chamber, both sat naked on the bed, looking out of the viewport, Canderous holding her in his arms as the sun began to creep over the horizon. Kiana squinted as the light flared from finally breaking the horizon and she smiled "No matter how many times I see it... It's always so beautiful." she said.

"I can think of several prettier things." said Canderous as he kissed her neck.

"Alright, lover boy, you know we can't do anything like that." she smiled pushing him away.

"I know... But sometimes, I just can't help it." Kiana then turned around to him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They locked lips in a passionate embrace, before a beeping came from the computer. She immediately pushed him away, rolling off of him and onto the floor. "Poodoo!" she exclaimed. She looked around at the computer, knowing that it was from another Jedi. In any case, she needed to answer it and she couldn't be seen like this. She'd be exiled for sure. She desperately looked around, then looked at her wardrobe. "Into the wardrobe." she ordered. He shot up to his feet and rushed to the closet, before opening it. There was barely enough room for him to fit, with her small meditative shrine set up in it. He climbed in. She winced as he knocked over several things on his way into the closet and she closed it. She then didn't bother to get anything on before answering the call. "Yes?" she asked the computer as a hologram of her former Padawan appeared. Knight Krenax, a Shistavanen.

"Mast-WOAH!" he covered his eyes. "Master, can you please put something on?" She smiled as she leaned down and grabbed a long cloth, before covering herself with it. Excellent, now he was shook up and it would be difficult for him to read her emotions. She was so glad that it wasn't Master Yoda, he wouldn't have winced.

"Better?" she asked.

"Slightly..." he replied with a look of mild contempt. "Master-" But before he could go further, she cut him off.

"None of this Master business, you have completed the Trials, you are free to refer to me as Kiana from now on." she said with a smile.

"You are still a Master of the Jedi Order and I will refer to you as such." he replied. He then took a deep breath and composed himself. "Master Yoda has sent you a summons. He says that it is of the utmost urgency. Something which affects all of us." he said. Kiana kept her smile, but died a little inside as she suspected that Yoda had found out.

"I will be there as soon as possible." she replied, before bowing to him. "So, tell me, have you a new apprentice?" she asked.

"No. I was offered a few, including... Manu..." he said. "I am hopeful that young Kupak will be ready for padawanship soon. He is talented for a boy his age." he said.

"I do feel sorry for that young one. She has something in her... Something I haven't felt since..." she shook her head. "I just hope Master Yoda finds her a suitable master soon. At this point, I believe that only he or Master Plo-Koon would be capable of molding her into a Jedi." she said. She then felt a twinge of something in the force. "Anyway, I need to go now. Don't want to keep Master Yoda waiting." she said hurridly. "Bye." and immediately shut off the feed, moments before Canderous lost his balance and came tumbling out of the closet. Kiana walked over to him, lying in a daze on the floor and leaned over him. "What am I ever going to do with you?" she asked.

"Love me... Feed me... Never, ever leave me..." he groaned. She got down on her knee's leaning over to give him a kiss, upside-down.

"Now get up. You heard what he said, I need to see Master Yoda and it's entirely possible that we're rumbled." she smiled, walking her fingers across his face. "If we are, we may need to blast our way out of here."

"Really?" he asked.

"Just get dressed." she said, throwing his Duraplast breastplate at him.


--Jedi Temple, Council Room--

Kiana walked, confidently in. Canderous was outside of the door, rifle in hand and stood to attention. He watched the Temple guard as they stared at him. He was only permitted here as long as he was under Kiana's orders. Kiana was surprised to see only Master Yoda.

"Greetings, Master Kiana." he said in his high, gravelly voice. She got down on her knee and bowed to him.

"Master." she responded.

"Wonder, do you? Why here you have come?" He asked.

"Indeed... Master..." she responded. She surpressed her feelings.

"Afraid, are you?" He asked.

"Fear is a path to the Dark Side... I have no wish to walk that path again." She replied.

"Good..." he smiled, before looking out of the window. "Good... A mission, I have for you. Difficult it will be. Only you, no other, walk this path can. Only one, with full view of the Dark Side may I trust." Kiana was now slightly confused, but she was at least happy not to be getting Exiled.

"Anything, Master. I am at your service."

"Training... A padawan needs."

"Taking on a new Padawan so soon?" she asked. "Surely Krenax would be more suited, he is in desperate need of a Padawan."

"Intimately with the Dark Side of the force, Krenax is unfamiliar with." Yoda shook his head. "Maru, your new apprentice is." he said.

"No..." She got up. "No, master, please do not ask this of me, I sense something within that child an old presence something that harkens back to my days as a Nightsister." He looked at her.

"Why you were chosen, your history has determined. More mindful will you be of where your student goes." Kiana looked him dead in the eye. She knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Very well, Master Yoda, I shall do as you have asked." she then bowed again as she left. She met Canderous outside.

"So?" he asked.

"I have a new Padawan." she replied.
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