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Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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@Burning Kitty I was talking about in the eyes of the Republic. They don't care about the nitty-gritty of it. Point is, the legally recognised government was overthrown and now that the Death-Watch's hierarchy has fallen apart, you are just another, equally undesirable group that has said "We are the new leaders!" The Republic won't recognise anyone's leadership, other than the legal heirs to the Mandalorian nobility. So, unless you could prove that you were a member of the Kryze family, you will never be recognized, by the Republic, as anything other than "Just another extremist with delusions of grandeur. To be captured or eliminated before they can rally enough support to become an actual threat."

I'm sorry if this seems that i'm putting your character down. I'm not. It's a perfectly valid character to make and once again, i'm all for this. All I am trying to say is that, at this point, your character is just an ant before the size 12 boot that is The Republic. If you want to fight the boot, i'm not gonna stop you, i'm just saying that it doesn't bode well for your characters survivability. Then again, i'm used to playing Edge of the Empire, where any and every action will get you on somebodies hit-list :)

Also, I just noticed that your character has the Darksaber. How did he get it away from Maul?
@TheUnknowable I do have a love of quoting the films when in roleplays :)
@Princess of God I would actually disagree with that. The senate building wouldn't likely have Jedi in it. Maybe 1 during a time of war, since they are Generals in the GAR and may be delivering information to the Chancellor and even if they were, no, they wouldn't kill a hostage to get to the guy behind them. That's completely against the code. The Senate is guarded by the Senate Commando's and Senate Guard. Also, Senate Guard tend to be armed with Force-Pikes which are not lightsabers, but just as deadly, when push comes to shove. And the Commando's tend to be armed with Blasters. They will happily use Stun-setting on their buddies to get to the Mando underneath.
@TheUnknowable Inuel's false smile faded almost the moment she mentioned she was a Jedi. "Not interested." he grunted, before walking to the ramp of the ship. Renny ran in front of him and pushed to make sure he stopped.

"WAIT!!!" he shouted. Inuel stopped and looked down at Renny.

"Why?" he knelt down and started to whisper. "You hate Jedi more than I do."

"Yes, but the bint has money. And if we do tug-work, i'm going to blow my brains out in boredom. This way, we leave Sleepy here, do a trip in their ship, get paid and go back to doing what we do best." The boy reasoned. Inuel thought for a second.

"I suppose we aren't doing it for the money... We're doing it for a shit-ton of money." he grunted, then got back up and walked back to the Jedi. Dozzy would notice Renny keeping his distance, as well as a hand on his weapon. "I apologise for my haste. I may be interested, but unfortunately, docking fee's and fuel aren't what they used to be before the war and a pilot of my age and calibre is impossible to find elsewhere... 50,000 no less." he said. He liked to make sure his business partners were listening before he did anything crazy. He knew to start high and then negotiate down to a reasonable wage.
@Princess of God I posted for Kiana, I was wondering if you wanted to control Yoda for this bit.
Kiana watched as Canderous was able to kip-up and start watching for Manu's next attack. "Good." she called. "You are both doing admirably." It was at that point that the doors to the training room opened and Kiana looked around to see Yoda in his floating chair. She bowed to the Grand Master. "Master Yoda, an unexpected pleasure." she smiled, nervously. She wasn't entirely sure it was appropriate to pit her Padawan against a clone. Yoda simply looked at her, then to the sparring session.

Canderous kept his gun levelled at the ceiling, watching her shadow as it moved along the rafters. Finally she jumped down and went for the frontal assault. Canderous had dealt with Lightsabers before, using a few simple dodge maneuvers that Kiana had taught him, he dodged several of her strikes, before throwing the blaster in her face to confuse and disorientate her, he immediately reached behind his back and Kiana stepped in. "THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH." She bellowed, she knew what the clone was about to do and it wasn't going to look good in front of Master Yoda. "This session is over." she frowned at him. Canderous stood motionless for a second, looking at her. "Commander, you were about to use a Flashbang on my Padawan, were you not?" she asked. His hand was quite clearly clutching a flashbang.

"Yes, General, you said we could use anything non-lethal." Canderous said, saluting. Kiana looked him in the eyes with a look to say he went a little too far on a beginner. She then looked down at Manu. "Padawan, how would you have dealt with that flashbang?" she asked, knowing full well that the little girl probably had no idea what a flashbang was. "A flashbang is a grenade that flashes with a bright light, as well as produces an incredibly loud noise to disorientate anybody effected. The commander here has a helmet designed to filter out such an attack. You are not. This is a lesson for the future that an enemy will not always fight fairly. I can teach you how to overcome such an attack, but not right now." she said. She then turned to see Master Yoda, who seemed to be quite enjoying this.

"So long, has it been, that you dealt with a Padawan? Our own ways, we teach our successors." He laughed. Kiana had remembered when Yoda had taken the young Dooku as his padawan. Every morning, waking to see the young man who would one day be a Dark Jedi, running around the temple, with Yoda on his back.
@Burning Kitty Firstly, at no point did I ask Princess to violate any rule of Roleplaying. You control your character. I would never ask her to take control of your character away from you and force them to do something without your permission. But the DM controls the rest of the world around you. You take an action, the DM decides the consequence of said action, that is pretty much the DM's entire role in the game. E.G. Action: You threaten a Senator. Consequence: You get stunned and taken in for questioning by said Senator's armed guards.

I don't have a problem with how you're playing your character. My problem is that you just made your character walk up and cockslap a senator in front of an armed entourage and then expected to just walk away. That's not how the world works. Also, you aren't a legally recognized member of the Mandalorian Government. You are the Star Wars equivalent of Islamic State. You are a group of extremists that usurped the legally recognized government and overthrew it, then declared yourself a state. Even if you aren't Death-Watch, you are a member of the Extreme Mando's that want to go back to the old ways, which the majority of Mandalorians don't want to happen. Mandalore is inhabitted primarily with the pacifist Mandalorians. Centuries ago, the planet was rendered damn near uninhabitable by the constant waring of your style of Mando. Maul and the Death-Watch ruined everything in the eyes of the people. Quite frankly, i'm pretty sure that, at this point, they'd be begging the Republic for aid in ridding the Death-Watch and all Honour Warriors from their planet. To see it from their point of view, you have just threatened to re-ignite the Death-Watch fiasco all over again, so they are going to want to nip this in the bud. At the very least, they are going to politely ask you to come in for questioning. Politely being "Please come with us, sir. If you refuse, we will use force."

Also, on what planet is "Any occupation force will be treated as an invading army and slaughtered without mercy then we will come for you and eliminate you." not a Terrorist threat?

This isn't me trying to be an asshole, this isn't me trying to control how the roleplay is going, I think it's going fine. Only reason things slowed down was due to my shitty internet troubles. I was going to post last night, but I was shattered and I have spent all day visiting family. My point is: "Don't walk into one of the most heavily defended buildings in the Galaxy, threaten someone, and then expect to walk away without any consequences." If you want this to erupt into a glorious battle which he manages to escape from, I am 100% a-ok with that. If you want to prove that you are a badass motherfucker that can take on the entire republic single-handed, that's your perogative and if the DM says that's ok, I will be all onboard for that. Just please accept that actions have consequences.
@Burning Kitty The difference her is that at Knightfall, they were overwhelmed by a surprise attack from 1,000 soldiers, lead by a traitor, who was widely considered one of the most powerful Jedi of all time and who also had intricate knowledge of every one of the Temples defences. You are a pair of assassins assaulting the guys that can sense danger coming. As HK-47 said, Jedi are notorious for deflecting Blaster bolts, but tend not to do so well when they are surrounded by them.

You need to remember "Quantity is a quality in and of itself."

And, although the Jedi Temple, yes, i'm not saying that your plan to deal with the temple is bad, perse. I'm not going to drop the whole "Walked up to the most heavily defended building in the Republic, admitted to commiting Terrorist actions, as well as leading a group of terrorists, then making terrorist threats against the Republic and walking away, scott-free."

@Princess of God Can you please post Naast getting hit by 27 consecutive stun-rounds and brought in for questioning? Again, I don't mind him escaping after he is captured and locked up. I am all for badass actions, it's just when people do something incredibly stupid, I like to feel they were punished for their stupidity. :)
@BladeSS4 I like him. Love the suit as well, does he have the Darth Vader "I need this suit to live" deal going on? Because that'd be cool.
@Burning Kitty@SparkyCutie@RumikoOhara@Duthguy

Cain looked at Wolverine and nodded "Ah, the old "Subtle and intricate as a well-played game of chess" strategy." he laughed, thinking back to an old episode of The Simpsons "Well, i'm up for that." He then listened again to hear the sounds of explosions stop. He waited a minute and no more sounded. "Uh oh..." he walked back to the rest of them. "It's go time. I don't think we have time to do this the sneaky way." He then looked at the rest of the party. "We're gonna need to head up the beach to where the explosions were coming from, anyway." he said, setting off at a light jog so as to not leave any of the others behind.

As they got closer, soon they saw the emplacements. Cain turned to the others. "You lot ready?" he asked. "Because we are about to wade into one of the bloodiest shit-shows in history." He looked at Wallflower, seeing how young and innocent she was, he couldn't help but frown. "If you want to stay behind on this one, I don't think anyone here will blame you." It was at that point that he heard some shouting, when he was then hit in the back by a loud and rather painful volley of heavy machinegun fire. Cain frowned and turned, waving his hands in the path of the bullets as though trying to swat away flies. "OY YA NAZI BASTARDS, CUT IT OUT!!!" he yelled.
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