Orias in his cermonial armour.
Name: Orias
Age: 24
Race: Human (Unknown origin)
Gender: Male
Extensive training in Force usage: Since a young age, Orias favours the use of force powers over his Lightsaber, specifically the force choke and other abilities.
Lightsaber Combat: Only knows Djem So, but nonetheless is highly proficient with it, believing to know 1 form as best as possible, rather than trying to learn multiple.
Fluently able to speak, read and write in Galactic Standard and Nelvaanan.
Force sensitivity: Yes
Personality: When in battle, he is cold. Rarely speaking, usually simply staring at anyone around him with a stare that could turn a raging inferno to ice. He is a believer in balance, Good and Evil is not truly a concept to him. He see's Good as those that would preserve balance, whereas Evil are those that wish to eliminate all other ends of their spectrum, Order beings attempting to eliminate Chaos and Chaos beings attempting to eliminate Order.
When out of battle, he tends to be more open. Will easily be engaged in conversation and will even enjoy the odd game of Dejarik.
Bio: At the end of the Empire, the Emperor had many acolytes that did his bidding. One such acolyte had witnessed the final battle through the force, watching Luke defeat Vader and subsequently turning him from the dark, back to the light. It was at this point that he understood. The old teachings of the Chosen that would bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith. It was Vader, it had always been Vader, he had brought balance to the force, he had slayed all of those that cloaked themselves in shades of the force. As a direct result of his actions, only 2 Jedi and 2 Sith remained... Balance... Then, he had fulfilled the prophecy once and for all by destroying his master. The prophecy had been misread, the Jedi had been foolish enough to assume that the Chosen would do both at the same time.
That day, the acolyte abandoned his name, his allegiances to Palpatine and began his work to create a new sect of force users that would continue Lord Vader's work. The Acolyte dubbed himself Darth Traal, the first Darth of the Acolytes of the Chosen. Utilizing stormtroopers that were loyal to him at the time, he managed to kidnap several force-sensitive children from across the galaxy and brought them to their lords final resting place on Endor.
Orias was one of these children. He was found in a crashed shuttle on Nelvaan, his father killed on impact, his mother barely able to keep him from freezing to death in the icy wastes, succumbing to the cold shortly before he was found by his adoptive father, a local Nelvaanan, and was taken in by his tribe. His adoptive mother had lost her baby the previous week to disease and so immediately grew inseparably attached to him. The Nelvaanan world was often visited by Acolytes of the Chosen, as the natives worshiped Vader as a great hero that had saved them in their darkest hour, calling him "Holt Kazed" or Ghost Hand. Orias was found during one such pilgrimage to the planet and was tested, after a lot of bartering with his adoptive mother, he was brought to Endor and trained as an Acolyte from the age of 4. The understanding was that, he would be trained by the Acolytes, but would still have to return to Nelvaan to perform the rituals that all young Nelvaanans would. This arrangement annoyed Lord Traal to no end, as he wanted to both have the boy seperated from distractions, but also needed to keep in good relations with the Nelvaanans, in order to allow safe pilgrimage to a sacred site that their lord had performed great deeds at.
His training progressed at a phenomenal rate, even with the distraction of his adoptive parents being in his life. Eventually, he performed the final test. Dropped on the opposite side of Endor with only the Force to help him, he was forced to make his way, first, to the burning site of Darth Vader's mortal remains, then back to the Acolytes temple, made in the wreckage of the old Endor Shield Bunker. It took a standard year to complete the journey, never stopping to rest as he had become quite adept in the art of Force Sustainance (The ability to use the force to provide his body with the necessary nutrients/oxygen/energy to survive)
When he had finished, he performed the ceremony, having his right hand removed by Lord Traal and having the skeletal, cybernetic hand grafted on in its place. Immediately afterwards, he had to return home to Nelvaan to undertake his ritual hunt. His body hardened and scars from the plentiful predators of Endor already adorning his skin, he was easily able to travel to the Khazed Mal (Or Cave of Ghosts) to undergo a vision quest. He never revealed what he saw in that cave.
He was now a full Acolyte (An equivalent rank of Knight) and was set with his task to bring balance, spread order among chaos and chaos among order until all was balanced. However, in a chaotic galaxy such as this one, he spread far more order than he did chaos. However, he was also tasked with seeking out new Acolytes. He was dropped off on the planet Tattooine and told to spread balance throughout the galaxy. He was able to quickly precure a ship and an Astromech that would help him run it.
Recently, he heard that Nelvaan had been raided by the New Order for slaves to serve in the ore processing facilities on Theta 12. After securing his things, he managed to mind-trick a guard into taking him into custody. He is now on the ship bound for Theta 12, in chains. He is determined to help his people.