@NPC as far as I'm aware.
"Spacenoids... We are at war. It is an old war, a war that has raged for over 250 years now. A war between the Earth and those who shed her bonds. Many have arisen. Warlords, Tyrants, Politicians, Terrorists. Today, i am sad to say that i must play a role that no-one wishes to play. I am the revolutionary that must revive Zeon, once again. I know, this grave has been desecrated MANY times. So, it should turn out as no surprise that my anger towards the Federation. Not that I have revived Zeon to take them over, but because they forced me to make such a dull and repeated move. "The Revival of the great Principality of Zeon." One might call this the "Pawns Defence" of "How to start a war in the Universal Century." The name inspires fear and awe. To some of you, it inspires images of great Zaku's rolling over Federation tanks. Of the Red Comet and White Devil trading Beam-saber clashes at Jaburo, A Baoa Qu and Texas Colony. To others, it may represent the cruelty of the Zabi family, of the colony's dropped on Sydney and Dublin, the madness of Char Aznable and his attempt to drop Axis. To me, it represents the ideals of Zeon Rem Deikun; of his love for humanity and his wishing for them to move into outer space."
"I am not a politician, i am not a dictator, despite what the Federations propaganda would have you believe. I am simply a man who has grown sick and tired of those on Earth continuing to live on and pollute our beautiful cradle, to pass laws that benefit only those on earth and laws that are to the detriment of only the colonists. With your help, your support, we will be able to go to war with the Federation and force them to leave Earth so that she can recover and our childrens children will be able to enjoy her beauty. To make them understand what it is like to live in Space and why their uncaringness towards us cannot continue. Who knows, maybe it will lead us to accelerate our plans as we, the human race, begin to move forward with the colonization of Mars, Jupiter and the other heavenly bodies. Maybe in 100 billion years, when our sun goes Supernova, our decendants will look back on us and say "It is still the most beautiful planet, I am glad our ancestors were able to enjoy it."
"We are not going to make the same mistakes of Past Zeon's. Under the Zabi's, Haman Karn, Char Aznable, Full Frontal. We will fight this war with conventional weapons. Nothing so underhanded as Operation British. We will fight with Mobile Suits, with Warships and we will fight their armies, not their civilians. Because this war will be for you, the people. That is why i will come onto my next point. There will be no "Hail Zeons" Because Zeon is nothing without its people. Instead, i hail to you. I lead you because i am the manifestation of your wishes and your wants." He steps out from behind the bullet proof in front of his podium. "And finally, we will differ for the main reason that counts." He pulls out a gun and fires a shot into the air. "Do not be alarmed. I merely wish to show you that this gun is real. There has always been a divide between the Rulers and the Citizens of the governments, be they Earthling or Spacenoid, so i issue this to you. Anyone that does not wish for me to go through with this, this gun is loaded and i will hand it over to any of you that wishes to "Stop my evil plan" My guards have been ordered to not interfere and i promise now, whoever chooses to do so will not receive any punishment." He looks around at the crowd. "Come on, i'm deadly serious. The price of Peace is at an all-time low. Less than a bag of bread. Whoever does go through with this, you will be labelled a hero. You stopped a war by a despot that will kill millions of people... You will not be punished, because your punishment will be more severe than any court can possibly give down. You will lay awake at night and ask "What if he was right? What if we could have done it... What if i ended any and all hope for the freedom of Spacenoids?" Because, dear people, i promise you, i will not be the last. I will not be the last person to dig up the name of Zeon Deikun, but i am the only one to take up his name with honest and true intentions. The next despot may be a power hungry lunatic that drops another colony on Earth, a madman like Jamitov Hymen who gasses any colony that refuses to follow him. You need to look around and ask yourself. "Do i wish to follow him?" Well, do you? If not, then please, put me out of my misery now, because if the Spacenoids will not follow, then we have failed before we have started. We need to stand together. We need to rise up whilst we have the chance to do it with morals. We need to rise up whilst we have the chance to do it with Integrity! We need to rise up so that our children and our childrens children do not have to. HAIL TO THE PEOPLE! HAIL TO THE PEOPLE! HAIL TO THE PEOPLE!