See, i kinda wanted to do my Star Trek Online crew, but honestly, i think a smaller, more focused group is better for me. So, i'm resubmitting the Astro-Megaship.
Name of Ship: Astro Megatimeship
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Power Rangers
Ship Class: Astro Megaship
Role: Transport/Megazord
Physical Description/Image: A large ship built around it's mostly saucer shaped body, with a visibly distinctive bridge and engines. The ship is mostly blue with red and silver stripes and other decals. It also has a mysterious purple symbol that is located on the front of the ship. It has two distinctive twin laser cannon turrets on the front.
Physical Size (roughly): 100m long, 70m wide and about 50m tall. The ship isn't physically large itself, but almost every inch is ergonomically designed, meaning almost no space is wasted.
Armament/Complement (roughly):
2x Twin Heavy Laser Batteries
2x Ion Cannons
2x Missile Launchers
7x Jet Jammers
1x Megatank
7x Tempus-Cycles
1x Tyrannosaurlock Zord
1x Trisorcerer Zord
1x Wizardactyl Zord
History of the Ship: Millions of years ago, as the Cybertronian Civil War raged, an ancient warrior by the name of "Trypticon" was one of the most cruel and despised titans on the side of the Decepticons. His constant duels against the Autobot Titan "Metroplex" were stuff of legends. However, near the end of the battles on Cybertron, he was locked into his Alt-mode and used as a the Decepticon headquarters for the longest time.
After the end of the Civil War, the Nemesis was captured and put to use as a part of the new Cybertronian Defense Fleet. However, after one battle against the Machine Empire, the Nemesis was left badly damaged with only a mechanic and a janitor as the survivors. It was onto this badly damaged ship that a woman and her two sons found the key to the defence of time itself. Taking the ship to KO-35, it was upgraded with a working Timedrive and shapeshifted to serve as a new Astro-Megaship. Inside Trypticon slept as its body was used to fight against the foe known as Paradoxicus and his Paradox Navy. It wasn't until an incident where they met a creature calling itself "The Last Light" That Trypticon was awakened. Agreeing that Paradoxicus is truly the greatest foe known to anyone, it agreed to continue allowing the Power Rangers to use it as their vessel and helps them, serving somewhat the role of a Carrierzord.
Notable Crew:
The mentor for the team, she is Jack's mother. She is a brilliant scientist who is strong of mind and body, but short on attention span. Her romantic escapades are the stuff of legend, having a "little black book" larger than the oxford dictionary. Jack is the result of one of these many escapades and she considers him her greatest creation, alongside the robot that she built called "Philip" who she also treats as her son.
Raekar possesses shapeshifting powers, able to adopt humanoid forms, although her base form is of a bird monster due to an accident when under the mentorship of Zordon.
Red Ranger of the team and son of Raekar. Jack is a Captain Marvelous type hero with a completely indomitable will and an absolute need to see and know everything. Becoming a Power Ranger is just another feather in his cap. This dogged determination serves him well as a Ranger. He also seems himself as something of a Zord piloting Ace. A consideration well earned when observing his skill. Since Raekar has been teaching him about Zords and Zord piloting since he was very young. The question of the identity of his father is important to him, but not important enough for him to sacrifice anything important. He loves his mother very much and his question is more curiosity than quest, seeing as his mother was there to raise him where his father wasn't. Even though he doesn't necessarily have the technical know-how to create Zords, he still takes a great interest in it.
He uses the Fenrir Spiritzord
The Pink ranger of the group, He is the son of Jindrax and Toxica from Wild Force. Being a Duke-Org, he looks mostly human, with blond hair, Asian facial features, but most notably, a long horn on his head. He is very self-conscious about his name "Jugglo" being named after his uncle, hence why he calls himself Jay. Jay's relationship with his parents is good, but they do not approve of him being a Ranger. He is an acrobat by nature, having grown up working with his father in a circus. He is also very good with throwing things, especially knives with deadly accuracy. Ever since joining the Rangers, Jay actually learned to respect his parents more and more, as well as come to embrace his clown-like traits.
He summons the Rhinoceros Beetle Spiritzord
The Yellow Ranger of the group, she is the daughter of Jarrod and Camille from Jungle Fury. Mele is a bight, perky and happy-go-lucky girl with a shaggy mane of black hair on her head. She is a little conscious about her tongue as she has a long, chameleon-like tongue like her mother. Mele, despite having a bubbly personality, is actually quite calm and collected when in combat, she is a student of the Pai Zhuq and this shows. She is something of the emotional support of the team, almost like a puppy.
She uses the Roc Spiritzord
The Black Ranger of the group, Philip is a robot built by Raekar using a combination of recovered Machine Empire technology, as well as the Android technology developed by Andrew Hartford. Philip has been with Raekar and Jack for a while, with Jack seeing Philip as his closest friend. Philip has Cameleon technology built into him, using it to assume a human-like form, but when his chameleon field is down, he looks very robotic.
He uses the Rhino-Tank Spiritzord
The Blue Ranger, she is daughter of Joe Shih and Nadira. She grew up with her loving parents and always wanted to join Time Force. She succeeded and spent time as something of a secondary antagonist, as she was trying to apprehend Raekar, suspecting that she's the one causing all of the problems across time, as Paradoxicus left evidence incriminating Raekar and her Rangers to be the ones responsible. Asami eventually cought up with them and battled the rangers a few times before finally joining them properly after Paradoxicus invaded and conquered Time Force HQ.
She uses the Hydra Spiritzord
Michelle is the White Ranger and an Angel from the Realm of Good Magic. She was sent to the Rangers to assist them in the capture of Kai by the Mystic Mother. She is a bit confused by earth customs and is something of the odd one out of the party. She has a mostly egyptian aesthetic to her clothes.
She uses the Sphinx Spiritzord
Kai is the son of Zedd and Rita that they had after being purified by the Z-Wave. He idolized his father, but due to Rita leaving them to become the Mystic Mother when he was young, he gained a resentment towards her. Paradoxicus wanted to recruit Zedd into his army, but where Zedd refused, Kai stepped up, wanting revenge on his mother for abandoning them. Paradoxicus helped Kai unlock his monster form, but Kai wasn't done with just that. He also went to the underworld and contacted Dark Specter, finding out how to create Psycho Rangers. With this knowledge, he fashioned himself a Psycho Goldenizer, allowing him to ascend to Gold Psycho Ranger. He served as antagonist until he rebeled against Paradoxicus and tried to go it alone, but found that he isn't strong enough to defeat him. Badly wounded, he was found by Asami who smuggled him onto the Astro Megatimeship. Nursing him back to health. As Kai is almost back to health, he is abducted by Michell who brought him to Mystic Mother. Mystic Mother argued with him, but eventually manages to trick him into taking a Gold Tempusmorpher that she had fashioned based on Raekar's designs and Solaris Knight's morpher. The Tempusmorpher drove the evil from him and he joins the Tempus Knights as their 7th Ranger.
He utilizes the Tyrannosaurlock, Wizardactyl and Trisorcerer Zords that form the Magisaurus Megazord
Decepticons that have always served Trypticon. Wipe-Out is a simple janitor who cleans and keeps the master happy. Attempts to communicate with him usually result in the words "Wipe-Out hears ya, Wipe-Out don't care" Meanwhile, Full-Tilt is his polar opposite. Full-Tilt WORSHIPS Trypticon as a cultist with a god. He attends to the masters every need, working in the engine rooms and keeping everything working at full power.
Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology: Morphing Grid Technology (Special magically powered technology that draws its power from the Morphing Grid)
Although the ship has access to a working Time Drive, its use is heavily restricted due to attempts to change history releasing dangerous amounts of "Paradox Particles" which their enemy Paradoxicus is attempting to compile. Meaning that they CANNOT attempt to go back in time and change something that they were directly involved in.
Crew Size: 51 (Counting the sentient ship)
(11 main crew and 40 Hengemen Guard)
Faction/Operator/Owner: Power Rangers
Name of Ship: Astro Megatimeship
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Power Rangers
Ship Class: Astro Megaship
Role: Transport/Megazord
Physical Description/Image: A large ship built around it's mostly saucer shaped body, with a visibly distinctive bridge and engines. The ship is mostly blue with red and silver stripes and other decals. It also has a mysterious purple symbol that is located on the front of the ship. It has two distinctive twin laser cannon turrets on the front.
Physical Size (roughly): 100m long, 70m wide and about 50m tall. The ship isn't physically large itself, but almost every inch is ergonomically designed, meaning almost no space is wasted.
Armament/Complement (roughly):
2x Twin Heavy Laser Batteries
2x Ion Cannons
2x Missile Launchers
7x Jet Jammers
1x Megatank
7x Tempus-Cycles
1x Tyrannosaurlock Zord
1x Trisorcerer Zord
1x Wizardactyl Zord
History of the Ship: Millions of years ago, as the Cybertronian Civil War raged, an ancient warrior by the name of "Trypticon" was one of the most cruel and despised titans on the side of the Decepticons. His constant duels against the Autobot Titan "Metroplex" were stuff of legends. However, near the end of the battles on Cybertron, he was locked into his Alt-mode and used as a the Decepticon headquarters for the longest time.
After the end of the Civil War, the Nemesis was captured and put to use as a part of the new Cybertronian Defense Fleet. However, after one battle against the Machine Empire, the Nemesis was left badly damaged with only a mechanic and a janitor as the survivors. It was onto this badly damaged ship that a woman and her two sons found the key to the defence of time itself. Taking the ship to KO-35, it was upgraded with a working Timedrive and shapeshifted to serve as a new Astro-Megaship. Inside Trypticon slept as its body was used to fight against the foe known as Paradoxicus and his Paradox Navy. It wasn't until an incident where they met a creature calling itself "The Last Light" That Trypticon was awakened. Agreeing that Paradoxicus is truly the greatest foe known to anyone, it agreed to continue allowing the Power Rangers to use it as their vessel and helps them, serving somewhat the role of a Carrierzord.
Notable Crew:
The mentor for the team, she is Jack's mother. She is a brilliant scientist who is strong of mind and body, but short on attention span. Her romantic escapades are the stuff of legend, having a "little black book" larger than the oxford dictionary. Jack is the result of one of these many escapades and she considers him her greatest creation, alongside the robot that she built called "Philip" who she also treats as her son.
Raekar possesses shapeshifting powers, able to adopt humanoid forms, although her base form is of a bird monster due to an accident when under the mentorship of Zordon.
Red Ranger of the team and son of Raekar. Jack is a Captain Marvelous type hero with a completely indomitable will and an absolute need to see and know everything. Becoming a Power Ranger is just another feather in his cap. This dogged determination serves him well as a Ranger. He also seems himself as something of a Zord piloting Ace. A consideration well earned when observing his skill. Since Raekar has been teaching him about Zords and Zord piloting since he was very young. The question of the identity of his father is important to him, but not important enough for him to sacrifice anything important. He loves his mother very much and his question is more curiosity than quest, seeing as his mother was there to raise him where his father wasn't. Even though he doesn't necessarily have the technical know-how to create Zords, he still takes a great interest in it.
He uses the Fenrir Spiritzord
The Pink ranger of the group, He is the son of Jindrax and Toxica from Wild Force. Being a Duke-Org, he looks mostly human, with blond hair, Asian facial features, but most notably, a long horn on his head. He is very self-conscious about his name "Jugglo" being named after his uncle, hence why he calls himself Jay. Jay's relationship with his parents is good, but they do not approve of him being a Ranger. He is an acrobat by nature, having grown up working with his father in a circus. He is also very good with throwing things, especially knives with deadly accuracy. Ever since joining the Rangers, Jay actually learned to respect his parents more and more, as well as come to embrace his clown-like traits.
He summons the Rhinoceros Beetle Spiritzord
The Yellow Ranger of the group, she is the daughter of Jarrod and Camille from Jungle Fury. Mele is a bight, perky and happy-go-lucky girl with a shaggy mane of black hair on her head. She is a little conscious about her tongue as she has a long, chameleon-like tongue like her mother. Mele, despite having a bubbly personality, is actually quite calm and collected when in combat, she is a student of the Pai Zhuq and this shows. She is something of the emotional support of the team, almost like a puppy.
She uses the Roc Spiritzord
The Black Ranger of the group, Philip is a robot built by Raekar using a combination of recovered Machine Empire technology, as well as the Android technology developed by Andrew Hartford. Philip has been with Raekar and Jack for a while, with Jack seeing Philip as his closest friend. Philip has Cameleon technology built into him, using it to assume a human-like form, but when his chameleon field is down, he looks very robotic.
He uses the Rhino-Tank Spiritzord
The Blue Ranger, she is daughter of Joe Shih and Nadira. She grew up with her loving parents and always wanted to join Time Force. She succeeded and spent time as something of a secondary antagonist, as she was trying to apprehend Raekar, suspecting that she's the one causing all of the problems across time, as Paradoxicus left evidence incriminating Raekar and her Rangers to be the ones responsible. Asami eventually cought up with them and battled the rangers a few times before finally joining them properly after Paradoxicus invaded and conquered Time Force HQ.
She uses the Hydra Spiritzord
Michelle is the White Ranger and an Angel from the Realm of Good Magic. She was sent to the Rangers to assist them in the capture of Kai by the Mystic Mother. She is a bit confused by earth customs and is something of the odd one out of the party. She has a mostly egyptian aesthetic to her clothes.
She uses the Sphinx Spiritzord
Kai is the son of Zedd and Rita that they had after being purified by the Z-Wave. He idolized his father, but due to Rita leaving them to become the Mystic Mother when he was young, he gained a resentment towards her. Paradoxicus wanted to recruit Zedd into his army, but where Zedd refused, Kai stepped up, wanting revenge on his mother for abandoning them. Paradoxicus helped Kai unlock his monster form, but Kai wasn't done with just that. He also went to the underworld and contacted Dark Specter, finding out how to create Psycho Rangers. With this knowledge, he fashioned himself a Psycho Goldenizer, allowing him to ascend to Gold Psycho Ranger. He served as antagonist until he rebeled against Paradoxicus and tried to go it alone, but found that he isn't strong enough to defeat him. Badly wounded, he was found by Asami who smuggled him onto the Astro Megatimeship. Nursing him back to health. As Kai is almost back to health, he is abducted by Michell who brought him to Mystic Mother. Mystic Mother argued with him, but eventually manages to trick him into taking a Gold Tempusmorpher that she had fashioned based on Raekar's designs and Solaris Knight's morpher. The Tempusmorpher drove the evil from him and he joins the Tempus Knights as their 7th Ranger.
He utilizes the Tyrannosaurlock, Wizardactyl and Trisorcerer Zords that form the Magisaurus Megazord
Decepticons that have always served Trypticon. Wipe-Out is a simple janitor who cleans and keeps the master happy. Attempts to communicate with him usually result in the words "Wipe-Out hears ya, Wipe-Out don't care" Meanwhile, Full-Tilt is his polar opposite. Full-Tilt WORSHIPS Trypticon as a cultist with a god. He attends to the masters every need, working in the engine rooms and keeping everything working at full power.
Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology: Morphing Grid Technology (Special magically powered technology that draws its power from the Morphing Grid)
Although the ship has access to a working Time Drive, its use is heavily restricted due to attempts to change history releasing dangerous amounts of "Paradox Particles" which their enemy Paradoxicus is attempting to compile. Meaning that they CANNOT attempt to go back in time and change something that they were directly involved in.
Crew Size: 51 (Counting the sentient ship)
(11 main crew and 40 Hengemen Guard)
Faction/Operator/Owner: Power Rangers