Captain Crasse looked around at the new squad. "Glad to see you all with us." He turned around in his chair to look out into the shipyards of Fondor. Without turning he continued. "It's at this point that you are supposed to be given the general briefing, but i'd prefer to give it to you straight. Your Empire is on a tipping point. Contrary to what His Majesties propaganda machine would tell you, the incident at Lothal is anything but minor. The rebels struck hard, fast, countless losses on our side with equivalently minor losses on theirs. The entire of Battlegroup Chimera is gone, minimal survivors managed to make an escape and the Rebels have secured their position and dug in like a Mynock infestation. With Admiral Thrawns death, Moff Seerdon see's an opportunity to climb the ladder and he's taking it. If we are responsible for getting him up that ladder, then guess who he's taking with him." He turned around again to look at the party.
"All of us. Battlegroup Cairnmog could be the new Death Squadron, but only if we bring results." He looked at Vanovar "That's why Lord Seerdon has requested your presence. Thrawn overestimated his own abilties and underestimated those of the Jedi. We don't know how many more cultists of that dead religion are still around."
He then pressed a button on the console "Battlegroup Cairnmog is being dispatched to Sector 3, The Moff wants to make sure there are no Rebels in his sector before we branch out to others and show them how it's done. Our job is to take Hasiki, a number of Imperial Freighters have been being raided recently. We believed it might have been pirates, but a few survivors from their latest attack claim that the attackers were Rebels. The ships have all been hit by short ranged craft and they have all been hit with Hasiki in range so we are moving there first. When we arrive, your job will be to go down to the city and investigate. Find those ships or anyone who may lead to those ships. You're being given a Partrol Transport to get the job done. We will be at the planet in a day. Until then, if there's no questions, you are dismissed."
"All of us. Battlegroup Cairnmog could be the new Death Squadron, but only if we bring results." He looked at Vanovar "That's why Lord Seerdon has requested your presence. Thrawn overestimated his own abilties and underestimated those of the Jedi. We don't know how many more cultists of that dead religion are still around."
He then pressed a button on the console "Battlegroup Cairnmog is being dispatched to Sector 3, The Moff wants to make sure there are no Rebels in his sector before we branch out to others and show them how it's done. Our job is to take Hasiki, a number of Imperial Freighters have been being raided recently. We believed it might have been pirates, but a few survivors from their latest attack claim that the attackers were Rebels. The ships have all been hit by short ranged craft and they have all been hit with Hasiki in range so we are moving there first. When we arrive, your job will be to go down to the city and investigate. Find those ships or anyone who may lead to those ships. You're being given a Partrol Transport to get the job done. We will be at the planet in a day. Until then, if there's no questions, you are dismissed."