Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Launchpad and Leon's journey to Traverse Town was uneventful. As per orders, they weren't allowed to bring any Space Ranger gear with them. Launchpad had his trusty Trident, whereas Leon had... Circumvented those parts of his orders and stocked up from a bevy of custom-built blaster cannons and other weapons. Not technically Space Ranger equipment.

For the last few weeks, the pair had been working inconspicuously. Leon working at a local Blacksmiths, Launchpad working in a Restaurant, cover that had been arranged ahead of time, he didn't think too much on it. As Launchpad got back to their small appartment, he collapsed in his chair. "Jee, stick a weed-wacker in me, i'm bushed." He wiped his brow. Leon looked up at him, he was behind a small workbench, calibrating his Blaster Cannon. "Haven't had to put up with that kind of beratement since Nega-Duck. People are so mean to waiters. This isn't what i ordered! you got it all over my nice shirt! I get soup all over my shirt all the time, it's great" He licked a small tomato soup stain on his shirt. "Mmmm, Gazpacho." He grinned. As he was about to take off his shoes, a beeping suddenly wrang out. Leon immediately vaulted over to a small computer they had. Pressing buttons, he pointed to a gathering of purple blips on it.

"Heartless..." He growled. Launchpad was on his feet in a second, ripping his waiter uniform off and revealing the armour underneath. Leon threw him his Trident and grapped his cannon as the pair ran over to the door. Leon sapped the computer onto his wrist and was about to try and triangulate the position to figure out the best line of attack, when suddenly, the mighty arm of Launchpad coiled around him and with a mighty *SPROING* Launchpad had lived up to his name and rocketted into the air, the trident shining and a magical construct of the Thudnerquack appearing around them. As they reached the height of the jump, Launchpad pointed towards the scene. A girl with a sword of some kind pointing at a horde of Heartless. Not hesitating for a second, Launchpad aimed himself directly at a clump of 3 Heartless, falling from the heavens like a bolt of lightning, sending the 3 flying. One splattering into a wall, the heart slowly floating up, the second one simply vaporized as the Thunderquack exploded and the last one seemingly having survived the blast miraculously unharmed, it looked around, then wiped its brow in relief, before it realized that Leon had jumped clear just before impact, the diminuitive creature with his enormous laser cannon taking aim and blasting the survivor to oblivion, the force of the shot slowing his descent.

"Have no fear, little girl, for I am the Terror that Flaps in the Night!!!" Launchpad began, he so rarely got to pretend to be Darkwing anymore, it was nice to get back into the swing of things. £I am the..." He pondered for a second, a Heartless jumping at im to attack him, but he put the hand holding the trident to his bill at the perfect time to accidentally skewer the creature, who writhed for a second, before disappearing. "I am the... Turnip... that... No that's no good..." He thought for another second, Leon blasting a 5th one that tried to attack him from behind. "Wait, i got it!" He snapped his fingers, meanwhile, Leon took notice of what the girl was holding. "I am-"

"A KEYBLADE!!!" He yelled in an uncharacteristic burst of emotion.

"No that's not it Leon, you made me lose my train of thought." He groaned. Leon looked at him, seriously doubting he had so much as a Handcar of thought, let alone a whole train.

"No, she's got a Keyblade!" Leon yelled.

"She has a-" Launchpads eyes practically blew out of his sockets at the realization of this. "A KEYBLADE!!!!" He ran over to her Don't worry, Keybarer, we've got this!" He yelled confidently. As he let out the cheer, Hoshi would feel a surge of strength through her body. The big dumb one seeming to buff her using unknown magics. Leon ran to her side. "I'm Launchpad, this is Leon. We're here for..." He had to stop and think again.

"We kill these things." Leon grunted, before blasting another one, it sailing gayly through the air, before landing in a heap, it was about to shake itself off, before noticing that its heart was ascending to the sky, it waved goodbye before melting away.
@King Kindred El Dorado is Dreamworks, not Disney.

Also, i was thinking of another pair of canon characters to team up with someone. Would another pair be allowed?
Hmmm, I will be impressed if anyone can recognize the char or the comic he is from.

Roight, with people landing in Traverse Town, i'll endeavour to get a post up soon.
@AndyC All things considered, probably the sensible option, since most RP's tend to die over Christmas.
@Bounce See, whenever it comes to power balancing in RP's, especially in RP's like this, the only thing that matters is "Rule of Narrative" Which states "If X needs to defeat Y for the story to progress, then X will defeat Y." Meaning if the story calls for Master Splinter to manhandle He-Man, then Splinter is gonna Manhandle He-Man. (Which actually happens in the Turtles of Greyskull series, although it's a Mutant He-Man.)

But i do appreciate the feedback. I'm gonna think on it over the next month and probably put something up in January, or maybe just open the Interest Check in late December.
Alright, i'm probably gonna make one of these sometime soon. I made a Strawpoll to see which one of the idea's i posted earlier would be everyone's preferred setting. Feedback would be appreciated.

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I'm still around, waiting for everyone to get to Traverse Town.
@Theyra I mean, Power Rangers have started with less than 5 in plenty of series.

Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury...
@Theyra Still waiting myself. Also, if you want me to make some costumes, send me some references for what kinds of suits you want them to have and i'll do my best to make some micros.
@MacabreMoth You still with us? Because I kinda need at least 3 people to continue.
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