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I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
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Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Well, i'm fine with starting the fight, but i'd like to wait to hear back from King about potentially having to heavily rewrite Dotty first. Like, if i'm gonna change and retcon things, i'd like to have to change a minimum.
@King Kindred Roight... So, turns out the 101 Dalmatians timeline is even more confusing than i thought. Pretty much, every 101 Dalmatians movie and series is it's own self contained thing with major retcons from the previous one, with ONLY 102 Dalmatians being an actual, total sequel to something that came before. The 1996 series is set in 96 and in America, as opposed to 1958 Britain (I got that wrong, but also, i don't know why i thought 1930's, considering they had TV, which wasn't really widespread until the 50's anyway.) BUT the events of the first film happened the way they did in the movie, but no time at all has passed as the puppies are still puppies. 101 Dalmatian Street takes place in another continuity where the Dalmatian Plantation was bought, but they also kept the London house and a bunch of the dogs moved back there... Also, he 96 Cartoon may be or may not be canon, there's a throw away line referencing it, but 4th wall humour is always subject to canonicity issues and- Oh no, i've gone cross-eyed

So, yeah, i'd like to request we go with either 1 of 2 explainatins:
1) original idea of "The same world with branching timelines can appear multiple times across the Space Between, don't think too hard about it." handwaving explanation. Because, as i said, this solves a lot of problems, doesn't cause any major ones and leaves doors open for more interesting stuff down the line. (Example, someone can do Atlantis world, another person could do Gargoyles world and despite the two stories taking place 60 years apart, they are confirmed a shared universe as, if the Atlantis cartoon series had gone ahead, there was going to be an episode where the Atlantis crew would fight Demona in Paris during her years walking the Earth alone.)
2) A slighty more handwavey explaination that explains how Pongo & Perdita ended up in Traverse Town from London with their 99 puppies, but the timeline continued on in London with them having been there, the result of which ended with the events of 101 Dalmatian Street.

Alternatively, we could go with a convoluted Time Travel BS story that KH is known for. But i would rather avoid that.

Point is that Dotty's motivation is that she DIDN'T go on any big adventure. She has no callousness to her, she's never really faced any real hardships and when she finally did, she had a secret god-mode cheat she could activate for it by just letting Zen-Aku deal with them. It's why she's so upbeat and has no idea of how the world really works. So, her having been kidnapped and almost made into a coat doesn't really fit with the kind of motivation i've given her. I just feel that, yes we could say she's one of the original 99 and handwave the Poodlewolf thing, but this just causes too many problems with her character background Vs the growth i'm trying to portray with her (The idea being that she will eventually be given that VERY real taste of just how small she is in the cosmos, growing more calloused like Zen-Aku, while Zen-Aku has to learn to be more upbeat and let go of the past that he can't remember to be more like Dotty, focusing on the here and now.) I mean, how can you have a character who's entirely blind to the horrors of the world because they have never faced them and who's only experience with them was through he medium of 90's grimdark melodrama stories, when they absolutely came face to face with their own mortality only a short time beforehand?

I'm sorry, i'm really not trying to be obtuse or argumentative or anything like that, but as i said, i'm finally on a path for the character that i like and i'd really rather not have to try and write in a big glaring hole in that character background. That being said, any idea's you have to keep the consistency are always appreciated. Just, preferably an explaination that requires minimal rewrites. But at the end of the day, you are the DM and it's your job to make sure that stuff like this doesn't fuck up anyone elses fun or any of the story you've got in mind for us going forward and if you say i've got to do he re-writes, then absolutely i'll do them. But i'd rather find a more amiable resolution.

@Sadu I'll be honest, i was a little confused as well, so i just went with he flow of what Taivas layed down. I don't remember any of the district lay outs as i haven't played KH1 in about 6 years and i only played it through, start to finish once. You may notice in my posts that i'm sort of hand-waving district lay-out descriptions, mainly just to avoid stepping on any toes.
@King Kindred Gonna be honest, if you'd have asked me that before i started on the whole Poodlewolf thing, i would have been absolutely fine, probably pivotted that into Thunder worship, but i've kinda gone into it now and changing it now would necessitate a LOT of rewrites, based on the fact that Poodlewolf is a parody of 1990's/2000's pop culture whereas OG are characters from the 1930's.

In my head, the way it works is that Space Between is a fucky place where Time has very little meaning. Which is why you can leave worlds for years on end with seemingly very little time on that world having passed. I mean, Kingdom Hearts timeline, says that, in the events of Hercules, there is about 2 years between when Herc fought the Hydra and when Hades made his move on Olympus. The by-product of this being that you can accidentally meet people from the future of certain worlds. Sort of like The Warp in Warhammer.

Alternatively, the easiest explaination, and the other one i was actually going to go with, is that 101 Dalmatian Street is an actually alternate world. They run on basically the same time-line start timeline, one up until the end of 101 Dalmatians. Then one timeline generates 2 and the 90s Cartoon, whereas Street world they never left London, so they never founded the Plantation. This explaination is easy, clean and leaves room open to potentially run some retconned out stuff later on (Like i'm going with Buzz Lightyear of Star Command with Launchpad and Leon, but this leaves the door open to anyone who also wants to do the Lightyear movie as well as Toy Story.)

Dotty seemed a little taken aback by the insinuation of being human. "No, silly, i'm not a pet." She laughed in that innocent child like way where she clearly assumed he was joking. She then continued following him as he walked over to the floating rocks. She seemed to get down onto all fours and jump much like a puppy trying to get onto a sofa, although with much more success. Finally reaching the other side, she sniffed around. "I smell..." She looked around as Taivas mentioned hearing a dog. If her ears were capable of pricking up, they probably would have. Her head shooting up to try and get a better look around. She ran ahead, up the stairs, following the wimpering sound. Looking around, she couldn't find it, until she heard the book-case come tumbling down. At which point she rushed over and looked at the puppy. Taivas was taking great care not to scare the poor thing. Dotty, on the otherhand only saw another puppy. "OMIDOGOHMIDOGOHMIDOG!!!" She screamed, leap-frogging over Taivas and landing feet beside it, grabbing it as it seemed to how in startled fright from this, before she grabbed it, held it up and rubbed her face all over its head. As the puppy recognized fellow puppy smell, it seemed to go from fright to confusion.

Dotty then stopped. She sniffed its head, the look of confusion only growing on the actual puppys face, before she ran her nose down its back. "Don't you dare sniff its backside." Zen-Aku's spirit growled at her.

"Why not, you do it all the time. It's just a greeting." She scowled at the ghost.

"I have never sniffed ANYONE'S backside as a greeting." Zen-Aku barked at her.

"Of course, episode 6, you-." At that point the spirit of Zen-Aku seemed to grow immense, towering over her, even Taivas would feel a shiver from this.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU QUOTING SOME INCIPID SHOW ABOUT SOME ACENINE DOG AND HIS MELODRAMATIC ADVETURES! IF I COULD, I WOULD REND YOUR SOUL FROM YOUR BODY JUST TO KEEP YOU FROM UTTERING ANOTHER WORD ABOUT SUCH TRIVIALITIES, MASTER ORG WILLING, I WILL MAKE WHAT WE DID TO THE ANIMARIUM LOOk like a..." He trailed off as he started seeing the fires again, the war of the giants, the cries of that beautiful woman, sadness from the death of people he clearly cared about in some way. He shrank back as he continued to bare witness to images that catagorically refused to contextualize themselves. What he hell was an Animarium? "I need to find that woman." He grunted under his breath. Dotty had taken all of this in her usual ignorant way of not realizing exactly how pissed Zen-Aku was. She looked at Taivas.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." She whispered. "He's having a bit of a hard time at the moment and Inventicus isn't here to make his special silly potion that makes you and Poodlewolf happy." She smiled, before looking down at he puppy and pressing her nose directly on its scalp and taking one last great sniff. "OH NO WAY!!!" She bounced with joy. "GREAT UNCLE FRECKLES!!! I haven't seen you since you moved away to the Plantation! You REALLY upset mummy with that one. Wow, that Plantation was GREAT for you, they must have a great Spa, it's made you turn back from being super-duper-mega-wrinklerama!" She smiled, dancing around with him in her arms. She then looked at Taivas. "Let me introduce you, this is my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grand-Uncle Freckles. He was the last one of great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandpa Pongo and great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandma Perdita's puppies that beat the Devil Woman! All the rest moved to he plantation in Scotland years ago, but he stuck around until that day when he seemed like he was SUPER tired and DID NOT want to wake up from his afternoon nap and mummy put him on the bus and took him up to the Plantation, which was super quick, because i thought Scotland was, like a day there and back, but she came back in only a few hours, i guess she put him on the train or something. But yeah. WOW!" She beamed as she looked Freckles over. She then pointed to the door to Merlins house. "Anyway, the Wizard went in there. We going in to talk to the Wizard first, or are we going to walk Great Uncle Freckles home?"
Busy for holidays. Regular posting usually restarts around 3rd or 4th in most RP's.
@Crimson Flame It's Christmas, RP's always slow down.
I warned y'all she'd burst into song.

"Ok, i believe you!" Dotty chirped as he told her where he had hidden his magic bow. She then turned and began marching through the districts towards where she had seen the old wizard man. "I only saw him, didn't get his name. Looked like a Tim or maybe just Wizzo." She seemed to ponder for a second. As she did so, the spectral frorm of Zen-Aku floated in front of Taivas' face.

"Save yourself you fool." Dotty saw this and immediately looked around.

"Save yourself?" She asked. "OH NO, IS YOUR BESTY IN TROUBLE??" She cried. She ran towards him and grabbed his leg, trying and failing to lift him out of harms way.

"Oh he's in big trouble all right, you're going to be the end of him..." Zen Aku sighed. Dotty then looked down at her own hands in mute horror.

"Am i venomous?" She asked.

"No, if he died from you touching him, you'd be poisonous." Zen-Aku explained.

"I'M POISONOUS!?!?" She screamed, starting to hyperventilate a little in absolute terror. Zen-Aku's spirit then rolled its eyes as it sunk down in front of her.

"You are not poisonous. You are not venomous... You are Dotty." Her breathing quickly slowed to survivable levels. "You are only you. Except when you put on the mask-" Dotty then threw her arms across her face as if a superhero flourishing their cape.

"Then i am the great Poodlewolf..." She said in her deep and broody voice.

"I'm never going to convince you i'm not this fictitious character am i?" He asked.

"Hehehe, that's exactly what Poodlewolf said in ep-mmmphhmpmphmmmmph." Zen-Aku quickly held her mouth closed before she could begin giving them a long description of some grim-dark fantasy melodrama. The pair then looked at Taivas who had only been privy to half of the conversation.

"Just lead us to the wizard..." Zen-Aku ordered in a hushed tone. Dotty nodded and he let go of her mouth. She then looked at Taivas.

"Poodlewolf says i need to lead you to where i saw the Wizard." She said, staring him directly in the eyes, before getting up and walking over to him and taking his hand. She looked both ways across the street. "Daddy says to hold onto someones tail before crossing the road." She then whispered "But seeing how we're in disguise, we have to use hands." She looked down at her free hand and wiggled her fingers. "I don't get how pets get by with these things." She stated. As they crossed over the road and she lead him through to the streets.

As they finally arrived in the Third District, she pointed at Merlin's house. "The wizard went in there last time i saw him."
@Theyra Sorry, i didn't realize there was a discord.
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