Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Serena stirred again when she felt Yami touch her skin, her skin cold. Odion nodded and said “that will help. I hope she will be alright. That was very brave what she did…”

Tristen jumped out with Duke to help as Allen, Alister and Raphael were laying around the street. Raph was shaking when Yami got to him and he opened his eyes weakly “Yami…your okay…the others…are they…” he gasped in pain. Alister was leaning against a wall sitting, blood running down his face. “Seto…is he…alright…” Duke found him and yelled “Kaiba! These guys are messed up bad”

Allen was laying on his side, unconscious with one of the wands by him broken.
Odion sighed and said “I’m trying to keep her warm but I can’t get my jacket over her. I think she’s in shock from the attack…”

Tristen moved Yugi to his side so he he could check his pulse and said “his okay. Just passed out. What happened with the riders?”

They soon pulled into the side street and they saw the signs of a shadow battle. The three riders were laying in the road in different spots, looking beaten up but breathing.
Ishizu nodded and said “Marik tell them to send us their location and not to move. We will come to them” then she headed to the limo and got in. “We need to make a stop Kaiba. The riders were hit on their way to meet us. We need to get to them and help them pull out”

When Marik told Raphael he chuckled weakly and said “figured…pharaoh would…say that…I’ll try I…” then the line went dead. But a moment later Marik got the GPS on the riders location. It was half way from the base and their current location.

Odion was trying to slip his jacket off so he could wrap Serena in it but he couldn’t get it off. Serena was shaking more now.
When the call was picked up he heard panting and a painful grunt. “Sorry…Marik…we got…hit…we can’t…get there…we aren’t…in great shape…get the pharaoh…and Guardian somewhere safe…we will try and get there…when we can move again…”

Ishizu frowned hearing the other end and said “we need to find them. They aren’t alright. Adam said he had trackers with them. We might be able to find them on our way to the warehouse. We can help them there”

Odion looked to Seto and said “mind giving me a hand with her. The brave girl is shaking like a leaf…I think she might be in a little shock…”
Adam smiled and said “thanks…and her brother is Aaron. His in your coma ward…we better have his chest checked now…” he left to follow the chopper. He wouldn’t say anything yet till Seto was told he could tell Drake what he missed.

Tristen chuckled and said “Joey help me with Yugi. His still out of it” he climbed into the limo keeping Yugi against him.
Odion took Serena and said “I’ll take care of her my pharaoh. Do not fear” he carried her to the car as Marik and Ishizu and the woman said “where would like to go Yami? Back to that home base or down here else? Marik? We need to find where the riders ended up. They never got here”
Drake kept staring at her and looked down at his all black outfit and he said “what the heck am I wearing…what happened to me…where is Aaron? He should be here?”

Drake was loaded up and started to go but he reached out and caught Setos arm. “Mr. Kaiba…please…help her…I think I did something I shouldn’t have and…please help her…” then he was gone. Duke stood by Seto and said “he has no idea what’s his body has been up to…heck how long do you think he was like that?”

Odion moved to Marik and said “sir do you want help carrying her?” Serena stirred again and opened her eyes weakly, seeing Yami above her. “Yami…are you…okay…” when he answered she smiled weakly then passed out again.

Tristen carried Yugi over to limo and said “are we done here? All good?” Adam nodded and said “ya…if you want to go back to the home base go for it. I’m…going to follow Drake to the hospital if that’s okay Kaiba? I’ll be there for him” he went for the van to follow.
Drake looked around and saw Serena and he went white. “No…not Serena…crap I promised him I would keep her safe…” he tried to get up to get to her, but his body was still numb and he hit the ground. “Is she okay? Did she lose? No…no way she would lose to those freaks…” odion tried to support him, checking his pulse. “His heart rate is too high.”

Yugi smiled at Yami and said “I’m okay…tired and light headed but I’ll…” he blinked after a moment and he swayed a bit but Tristen caught him. “I think his still out of it Yami. But his okay. I think”

Serena stirred a little in Mariks arms, turning her head a little to the side.
Ash looked at him and said “I got…a flash…a memory…I do know him…from before…”
Duke moved to help moved Drake onto his back and checked his pulse. “His alive…he may need a hospital…” Drake stirred and opened his eyes slowly. “Aaron…I have…warn…him…Serena…” he flinched as he tried to move. Adam stared and said “that’s the Drake I know…”

Drake looked around and saw them standing there. “Wait…the duel…what…” he flinched again. Ishizu moved to him and nodded to Odion. He knelt and helped sit up and she said “we are friends. Are you alright?” Drake looked around weakly and saw Seto and he said “wait…mr. Kaiba? What…you weren’t here…Aaron…said he was meeting you in a few days…” he held his head and Odion said “his soul is in bad shape. They must have done more to him then just take him from his body.”

Drakes eyes opened and said “no…I lost…the duel…I am not a duelist but I..had to stall so Aaron could…get to Serena…” he looked up at a saw Yami and he stared a moment. “Wait…king of games? I…I don’t understand what’s going on…”

Yugi was trying to get up and said “Seto? Can he go to your hospital? To recover fully? I think he needs that kind of help”
The Tomb Keeper studied the item for a few minutes then said “yes, I can reverse it. Give me a moment…” she turned the handle and the wands end changed from red to blue and she said “alright, ready to release the soul. Are you ready my pharaoh?” When he nodded she hit the switch and a white sphere appeared on the end of the wand. Odion said “interesting way of doing the work of the shadow realm…”

Yugi was sitting against Tristen as he watched what was going on. He was still tapped out but he could move a little.
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