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<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I take one of those hand held cannons and throw it for you to catch then point a finger at your clothes* What about the new you? That was the old you, but now with such levels of power that are veritable god level, can you really say you can't?

I'll try it.
*Splits into two copies*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Wait... you can't duplicate items with your copies like i did before we entered heaven and am able to do also now? *I look at you baffled as i check my tesseract intensely with a similar level of goofiness as before but tempered by my new nature*

There are limits to it, but for something like this, no.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

But certainly, i tap into my tesseract for extra power when needed, much like Benjamin. We have the same niche of powers though our backgrounds and worlds may differ. We are mainly enhanced with reality and fire alteration powers of varying degrees, just like yours is light based time and consciousness alteration at the base, at least on top of your already Cloning powers.

So in other words, we can equip our copy armies with these, which gives us a fighting chance.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Well, i'm definitely willing to present it to him if we come out of this war victorious...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Yeah, we manufacture them in heven, but... *I flick my wrist as my tesseract hovers above me and the weapon held by the soldier and alchemists begins to levitate, and in a sonic boom, it becomes a mountain of these cannons as they all have been replicated for anybody to use - then i proceed to stylishly dust off my tuxedo*

Are you able to make an unlimited number?
<Snipped quote by Interface>

The Auric Disruptor is designed to target the specific frequencies of the outer void apparitions' auric fields. By disrupting these fields, we can weaken their connection to our reality and potentially even banish them back to their own ... realm... if you can call it that...

*Runs my hand gently against the sleek weapon's surface*
This is a piece of equipment my father would have loved to see.
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Ah! Splendid! *I rub my palms together*

Ah, wow, how does it operate?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

It is not confirmed yet, so don't get your spirits excited, but it seems to aim for creatures related to the evolutionary relatives of sentient beings and those sentient beings too, with anything that they may have had an emotional attachment to. It is a zigzag type strategy, and doesn't always consume anyone in that niche either, so there may still be people around, frozen in time, even on this planet if not others too...

Ah, I see... I think.

<Snipped quote by Interface>

*Looking around the camp impressed* Efficiency certainly seems to be the motto of heaven's armies *I nod impressed*

We should definitely go talk with as many people here as we can before the thing re-emerges from Cyrus's prison

@Memory @RoadkilBanana

Is there any way we can defeat those creatures?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I scratch my beard thoughtfully.* what we also do know for a fact is that it consumes consciousness in almost all battles, but not indiscriminately. There's a pattern to its targets... at least from the studies done in Heaven thus far.

Pattern? What kind of pattern did you find?
<Snipped quote by Memory>


So, what have we gleaned so far? @RoadkilBanana @Memory*A commando unit perked up as he arrived from a nearby group, his brow furrowed in concentration, surveyed the bustling encampment.*

Creatures out there, some can be defeated, some can't. We also had several of my copies get consumed by the chaos.
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

To be honest i think i might just know who this Lumyiell fellow is, and i don't like it one bit... but won't spoil the mood here because we currently have a far greater foe to deal with and unless he acts too much off script here i don't see a reason why we should make a scandal here yet.

Agreed. We need to stay unified. Divisions among us will just make the chaos stronger.
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