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<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "Eternal Dusk, makes sense when you see what it does."

Does it convert the area to darkness or something? Consume it in the void?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "Oh that? That's from my daughter, she actually made the concept of this weapon."

Oh, how sweet. What did she call it?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "It could destroy a small planet, I just haven't tested it recently."

*You notice a small bow on the side of it*

Hm, and what’s the decoration for?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "Not too much, this one is probably one of my most powerful, though."

*I hold up the rail gun as I speak.*

What are its full capabilities?
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "Afraid that won't work..."

*I sigh and open up a quick warp behind me.*

Cyrus: "I'll be right back, don't touch my stuff."

*I fall backwards into the warp and then almost immediately come walking through another one, picking up the railgun I left.*

Cyrus: "Now, let's see if this works..."

How many weapons do you have in there?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

@RoadkilBanana I'm afraid not. But these cannons have quite a few building on their engine. If you want you can take one apart and use that for your weapon...

@Memory start what, these cannons? they are handheld... you carry one with you anywhere you go on the planet... what i'm looking at right now however, is what do we need to work on... maybe a soul fishing rod type thing to pull them out from the liminal indentions?... *Starts mumbling to myself as i walk around the base*

I’m thinking about whether we can begin the universe purification from camp or not.
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Yes, it surely must be, now let's not forget our mission here people... we can be all cosy once we have began even basic repairs in this universe first...

Can we start those from within camp?

Cyrus: "@The Odeoron@Memory@Alex McClainWould anyone happen to have an Anti-Matter fusion coil on hand?"

*I say while holding a weapon that closely resembles a sort of railgun.*

I, er, can't say that I do. Alexander may?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Well then... Duping is on the menu and with us, it is not only a gaming colloquialism! *I side eye you with an awkward smile* You DO know what videogames are right?

Er, yes, I'm more than familiar. Not my favorite pastime though.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Since this is the first time i met you, i definitely was impressed by the style you just changed *She pouts flustered*

Sorry. Just experimenting.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*You are back to your chill short sleeve and casual pants outfit but still holding the cannon unless dropped before*

Well that's fascinating.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

@Memory *Stands there pointing a finger slacking* Huh! I presume you reverted to your conduit clothes default shape huh? Perhaps more training in channelling primordial powers is in order?

Hm, perhaps it is. Let me try this, then.
*Reverses time around myself alone*
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