Avatar of mickilennial


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23 days ago
Current 🐢 Harvey (2009-2024)
1 yr ago
Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I lie awake dreaming of being as consistent in this hobby as I was ten years ago.
6 yrs ago
Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need.
6 yrs ago
I’m not a good writer. I’m just good at pretending to be.


if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 34 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

I assume whatever the other edition is it's in the 100's? But ye wow, it don't seem like it really deserves a high price on steam.

I mean I'm sure Sony and whatnot put a lot of work into it, but I just can't justify the price hike going from sixty to seventy. Reminds me of the late 90s when games went from fifty to sixty, but the jump in graphical fidelity was a lot larger. I'm sure I'll end up liking Forspoken (like I did Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, and Horizon Zero Dawn but probably to a lesser extent), but I'm definitely going to penny pinch and wait for a sale that's advantageous to try it out.
Because there's a broken H3 tag by the looks of it.
How much is it?

Basic Edition on Steam is 70 dollars.
Forspoken's writing doesn't really bother me. The price tag does.
Can I still post my submission or has that ship sailed? I mentioned wanting to join earlier. Also, Holy there are a lot of submissions.

Competition makes adults out of children. :3
Mostly finished conceptualizing. Not a big fan of competing in such a stacked game but I've got an itch and it must be scratched.


Eli shot a glance at the boy beside him, but only just barely.

As much as he found it absolutely unfair that he had to wait several rounds to get a good warm up match, he did like the thrill of battle even if it meant watching it. Back home, in the Silvercrest Mountains, Eli had been a terrible student… when it came to learning from reading or hearing. With seeing, though? That had been his forte. His sword tutor, Algernon, a famous knight, had said that was par the course for people who had the ability to control their aura. That aside, Eli wasn’t as supremely perceptive as other knights. He tunnel visioned his fights and only seemed to read someone's movements well when he was in the thick of it in a dueling circle. From afar, with his fingers twitching in his pockets out of sheer boredom? He wouldn’t be able to really get a read on the fighters in the arena. At least, not as well as someone like the boy to his left did.

β€œI guess so. But they could make it seem like more of a competition.” He leaned forward, trying to get a closer view. β€œThere’s four sections. One of them could be assigned to two nobles. I’unno. I just want to get out there.”

Location: Uhladein, Eastern Marches

β€œThey tried to do that at the beginning. Before we had hunters.”

Trantascilia had remembered the stories. She was but a child during that brief period where the pyromancers were the sword and the shield, the moment where hunters didn’t really exist. When a hunter did come, she had been alone and for years the void consumed the entire Empire of Aulrithia with needless abandon. It was because of that there was so much void coming upon the rest of the world because places like Midnos allowed Aulrithia and the free nations beside her to get swallowed while they worked tirelessly to create new solutions.

A terrible time.

β€œA great misfortune is that despite their abilities, they can not do it. Which is why we need to work together, unified by our goal to drive out the darkness.” She smiled, turning to the small child hunter who had survived. β€œIt is very inspiring of awe. Coolness of the greatest kind.”
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