Avatar of mickilennial


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22 days ago
Current đŸ¶ Harvey (2009-2024)
1 yr ago
Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I lie awake dreaming of being as consistent in this hobby as I was ten years ago.
6 yrs ago
Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need.
6 yrs ago
I’m not a good writer. I’m just good at pretending to be.


if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 34 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

In Titans 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

New York City, Earth -- Now
Koriand’r never liked zeta beam travel.

Being teleported through two beacons on separate ends of the galaxy was convenient, but it was also painful. For Kori it was like experiencing the worst of sensory overload and burning pain. She supposed the Rannian scientists who developed it thought the positive aspects outweighed the negative. The Princess of Tamaran obviously did not come to the same conclusion, though after being chased across an abandoned planet with her pursuers to her back she didn’t exactly think about the displeasure of zeta beam travel when she found a malfunctioning teleportation device in an old survey post. Kori knew the dangers of a working zeta beam transponder. But fortunately, instead of having her body deconstruct in the process of moving through time and space she found herself simply thrown into a laboratory halfway across the galaxy.

But Kori didn’t get the time to “take a breath” and try to figure out where she was. By the time she had gotten to her feet her pursuers had made the courageous move to follow her through the malfunctioning transponder and Kori was not so lucky to have them end up missing their limbs or frying their brains upon contact. She had immediately screamed as she scrambled to her back just as the laboratory’s warning device screamed out in a language she did not understand. Despite this, she knew exactly what was happening when her eyes caught sight of the device beginning to tremble and crack.

The transponder was going to go nova and the laboratory was going to explode.

She didn’t even have enough time to react.

The taste of concrete, the smell of gasoline.

Koriand’r winced, face down some amount of distance away from what remained of the laboratory she had found herself in. She closed her eyes and reopened them, trying her best to focus away from the pain and discomfort. The impact of the transporters overload had blown apart the lab’s easternmost wall, igniting the building with unnatural fire, and tossing what appeared to be a variety of primitive transport vehicles on their sides. Some people were crushed under debris and metal while others ran away in fear as Kori’s pursuers called out for her in a toxic, vicious tongue. She knew the words well.

<Find the slave.>

She couldn’t let the Gordanians catch her, but at the same time what kind of person would she be if she let innocent people be hurt simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? What kind of Princess of Tamaran would she be? These people had no chance against Gordanian weapons. The amount of energy she had left from X’chal was low, but she couldn’t just run away. She wouldn’t. A bright hue of energy surrounded her and she pushed forward, flying above the streets as her hands began to glow with neon green energy. She would do everything she could. Even if it ended in her inevitable capture.

“You chase me across the galaxy? Your master must be proud!” She shouted in Tamaranean as she shot out a beam of light at one of her would-be captors.

She was outnumbered. Maybe outmatched. But she was not going back.

Kori spun underneath one of the electromagnetic blasts that exited the Gordanian weapons. Her brows narrowed, recalling how the beams felt when they touched her skin. Her people were strong against gamma beams and anything revolving around ultraviolet radiation. The Gordanians had developed weapons to counteract this somehow, weapons that revolved around electromagnetic energy. It was worse than being cold. It burned like fire, but with a bone chill that attacked her nerves. Energies that could slow and disorient. She still wasn't sure how the Gordanians got their hands on it.

The loud hum of the Gordanian energy weapons became apparent once more as a flurry of more energy beams screamed past her head, hitting the buildings behind her. Kori immediately cursed in Tamaranean, ducking and weaving the best she could while she tried to count how many of her pursuers had followed her from Staphis. This was no small task between the fire that had begun to spread and the innocent people caught in the crossfire. It was hard to keep focus, but as far as she could tell there were at least eight or more alien pursuers.

She shot out another blast of neon energy as she flew down and kicked one of the Gordanians in their chin, sending him flying back into a few of his friends.

How much longer could she fight them off?

New York City, Earth -- A Few Minutes Ago...

There was always a good air in New York City during the July 4th weekend.

From the Piers on Long Island to Manhattan’s Central Park, people had flocked to New York to experience a little bit of what The Big Apple had to offer. The end of the eighties was only a year and a half away, and the times were certainly changing. In many respects, it was a good time to take pause and enjoy what time it all had left, though the denizens of New York City had no idea what would strike their streets only several minutes later.

Until then, strangers to New York City might have continued to enjoy the fireworks or the more lowkey things to keep them company in the city.
I know we've basically stalled out a bit, but I just want to say--

Happy 10 Years on RPG to the UDC crew. What a wild time it's been.

Location: Graves Residence; Front Yard
Timeframe Early Morning

Interaction(s): Holly @Kuro
Previously: Post #1

The sound of her phone coming to life was one Lee didn’t expect this early in the morning, but she wasn’t surprised, either. The only thing that was surprising is the network was still functional (and so were their phones).

She pulled her phone from her pocket, unlocking it, before reading through ‘Mulberry Street’ the group chat for, well, the Class of ‘23.

Years ago, it used to be just Harper, Lee, and Holly. Back before it became every senior. Including the ones she frankly couldn’t stand. Wasn’t her idea to make a social network, but she didn’t fight the need for it. Considering the current situation with the pending apocalypse, probably was a good idea to have it while the cellphone networks continued to exist. Eventually they wouldn’t have that, so, green grass and white picket fences--or however the expression went.

“Jesus Holly. This is why–” She sighed, muttering to herself while she read the message.

Her best friend apparently had no food. She started typing.

Yes, make with the posties, please.

I'm workin' on it, homie.
challenge accepted

Asu already beat you to it.
If you do it in my RP and I find out, that's a whoopin'.

Location: Graves Residence; Front Yard
Timeframe Early Morning

Interaction(s): None
Previously: N/A

This wasn’t exactly what Hailee Graves expected.

In normal circumstances, she’d be in class, finishing up her senior year until June finally eclipsed Huddeen. Instead of being bored in her first class of the morning, however, she was stuck at home thinking. Her mother had gone out with her brother, to run some supplies to some families further away from the town center then they were. Because that’s what they were now. Survivors.

“Don’t go into town alone.” She muttered, throwing a baseball in the air as she sat on a bench outside, “Don’t get grabbed. No shit, Mom.”

She rolled her eyes as her hand swiped the ball out of the air.

She could be left alone at home, but she couldn’t go anywhere–especially not into town–by herself. A restriction her good old, totally always present, always reliable mother couldn’t really enforce but one Lee didn’t exactly have the moxie to challenge either. The warnings sounded eerily like the ones when she and a bunch of other kids went to the city for a concert. A small indie rock show. Though, this time the creepers were creepers. In stories like this, not that she read those kinds of stories, the mechanics and mythology of the monsters didn’t always make sense and sometimes they weren’t explained in the first place. At the end of the day, if she had to deal with a creep, she had a good softball bat at her feet if need be.

Creeps. Yeah, that was a name that could work. Felt less absurd than “zombie” or whatever. That’s what she’d call them.

“See one. Aim for the head.” She thought out loud as she threw the baseball up in the air again. “If they even come around.”

At least she wouldn’t have to deal with her mom teaching 12th Grade English & Literature again. Having your mom as one of your teachers sucked. Though, having her as a survivor might’ve been worse. Whatever. Not like she could do anything about it.

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