"I still have doubts why I persist in this twisted shell. I just know the moon wills me to be so, and so will I for perpetuity."
M A R C S P E C T O R ♦ V I G I L A N T E ♦ N E W Y O R K C I T Y
O R I G I N S:
The story of Marc Spector is a simple one.
Idiot kid endeavors to become something more than himself and joins the greatest institution for world peace, or so he was told. In the military arm of the United States he becomes a weapon for his country but loses his soul along the way and it ends up with him being shot in the back in the middle of the desert by someone he thought he trusted. An ancient entity that resembles the moon god of Khonsu resurrects him and molds his mind into a weapon of vengeance and a prophet of order. It splinters his brain into five million pieces. He survives the desert, but when he comes home to New York City things are not quite the same.
With his new responsibilities and a brain that is tooling between madness and virtue he does the only thing he has ever know how to do: fight for those who cannot.
Idiot kid endeavors to become something more than himself and joins the greatest institution for world peace, or so he was told. In the military arm of the United States he becomes a weapon for his country but loses his soul along the way and it ends up with him being shot in the back in the middle of the desert by someone he thought he trusted. An ancient entity that resembles the moon god of Khonsu resurrects him and molds his mind into a weapon of vengeance and a prophet of order. It splinters his brain into five million pieces. He survives the desert, but when he comes home to New York City things are not quite the same.
With his new responsibilities and a brain that is tooling between madness and virtue he does the only thing he has ever know how to do: fight for those who cannot.
S A M P L E P O S T:
New York City.
It is a cancer, an irreversible rot of corruption, decay, and hopelessness. It’s also a beacon of hope, industry, and progress. It is like the crescent moon, both bright and swallowed in the coldness of the dusk. It is my home. It is my domain.
“You’ve been drinking too much again.”
Marlene’s voice is stern. Annoyed. She signed up for crazy, but not for stupid.
I can’t help but think she’s right, but for me it all helps. Khonshu has damned me with bleak, indiscerptible visions that point toward what must be done. Downing a few bottles of vodka is peace of mind.
“Can’t be helped. Makes the visions clearer.”
“Better or easier?”
A quick conciliation. Alcohol doesn’t make the visions easier to understand, it makes them easier to cope with. My brain is already twisted and broken, there’s nothing the alcohol will do that’s worse than cosmic magic or processing the tongue of a being that’s beyond human comprehension and wills.
“I will try.”
“Go easier with it.”
She sighs before clasping the two bottles in front of her and tossing them in the bin next to her. “Marc… you’ve got to keep a clear head or you’ll make a mistake and–”
“Khonshu might not bail me out again. I know.”
It is a cancer, an irreversible rot of corruption, decay, and hopelessness. It’s also a beacon of hope, industry, and progress. It is like the crescent moon, both bright and swallowed in the coldness of the dusk. It is my home. It is my domain.
“You’ve been drinking too much again.”
Marlene’s voice is stern. Annoyed. She signed up for crazy, but not for stupid.
I can’t help but think she’s right, but for me it all helps. Khonshu has damned me with bleak, indiscerptible visions that point toward what must be done. Downing a few bottles of vodka is peace of mind.
“Can’t be helped. Makes the visions clearer.”
“Better or easier?”
A quick conciliation. Alcohol doesn’t make the visions easier to understand, it makes them easier to cope with. My brain is already twisted and broken, there’s nothing the alcohol will do that’s worse than cosmic magic or processing the tongue of a being that’s beyond human comprehension and wills.
“I will try.”
“Go easier with it.”
She sighs before clasping the two bottles in front of her and tossing them in the bin next to her. “Marc… you’ve got to keep a clear head or you’ll make a mistake and–”
“Khonshu might not bail me out again. I know.”
P O S T C A T A L O G:
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