@bowtiesrcool86Mei nodded, "I'm glad I was able to help you" She said with a smile.
Once enough flowers had been picked, the elder spoke once more. "Now, we give thanks to the aura and return our own aura to the ground to allow new flowers to grow" The Elder said, standing so the group could see him easily. Cammy stood next to Shinranui and Mei took Liam side "So Liam and Shinranui, if you follow me and Cammy, we will let your aura flow though us and into the flower. Aura and Jen will be able to do it because of their connection to the aura so they don't need help" Mei told them.
With that, the elder would then show them a graceful dance, each movement giving off a blue glow of the aura which the flowers around the elder began to glow in beat with each step. Which Mei and Cammy would copy at first, the flowers giving off slightly different glows, Cammy was the golden pink of affection and love clearly influences by how close she was to her daughter and how much Cammy adore Jen as well, Mei glowed with a an almost energetic yellow, showing someone who was quite active before the group would feel the call, though it was more specific to Liam and Shinranui as they were not connected to the Aura like Jen was, to her it would be like a mother's embrace as it was almost like a voice telling them to show their heart, to follow the movements of the Lucario's around them, to let the flowers grow with there hearts.