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Odegai watched how Rollo walked away as Shamgar Paragon had just corrected his captain. It was clear that the Khitani lord and the Ak Sheh would not get allong very well even though both men had probably more in common then they both realized. Their pride and arrogance had them clash over details that others would find of little significance. Luckily the dawnbringer managed to clear the situation before things would explode. With the weapon matter settled and the Kreshvi backing away lord Khyriin did not find a reason the respond to Rollo's little word of advice. He did not feel the need to stirr up the conflict once more. The summit would see their own fair share of clashing so he preferred to keep this evening as friendly as possible.

Lord Odegai turned toward Shamgar Paragon. He bowed lightly as sign of respect. "I apologize for the commotion we caused. I hope you do not see my refusal as an act of disrespect. Our warrior culture and traditions are very strict and unforgiving. We Khitani gratefully accept your offer." As the lord finished his sentence he lifted his sword and presented it to the servants of the Dawnbringer. "We Khitani come in peace. Make sure you apply the bands as tightly as possible." The servant made haste and tied Odegai's sword to its scabbard. The Khitani warriors followed their Khan and presented their swords to Shamgar's servants without further delay or objections.

The Khan turned towards Shamgar Paragon again. The Dawnbringer was right, Odegai had only visited the capital once since the previous Khan, his father had passed away 7 years ago. "You're right. I've only been once in the capital. Six turns of the wheel ago it was. It was on invitation of king Taramyth Paragon. He wanted to congratulate me in person for becoming the next Khan." Odegai paused for a bit as he did not want to engage in a long conversation about the past king. His house and the Khitani have served the crown faithfully for the past 200 years. House Khyriin and the Khitani had pledged their loyalty to house Paragon and the Phoenix crown. Over those 200 years the Khitani had rode into battle every time the Paragon kings had asked for their service. Lord Khyriin wondered if he could serve the crown just as faithfully knowing that the real man in charge would not bear the name of Paragon.

The horse lord sighed as he secretly wished that there was an adult, competent Paragon to take the throne. One that would understand the troubles, worries and needs of the many different cultures of the empire. Odegai could not help to wonder why all the royal guard where Kreshvi. Of course they where formidable fighters but the fact that the entire honor guard was made up out of members of one house could be interpreted as how Shamgar Paragon thinks about the other houses and about mankind in general. It was a troubling thought to realize that the crown preferred to surround themselves with Kreshvi who look down on humans in general and have no respect for them. Not to mention that the Paragons overlooked all other houses which was a sign of a clear lack of faith in the lords and their sons. "The wheel has made many turns and things have changed in the capital since my last visit. There seems to be less of ..... diversity among the royal guards. I hope the summit will be fruitful and we'll have strong and just leadership that can face the challenges of the coming future."

Before the Dawnbringer could respond to the horse lords concerns a new lord made his grand entrance. It was lord Alistair of house Suttbray. Alistair let himself get introduced by a giant as his perfection. It takes a lot of arrogance and a giant lack of self-knowledge to consider yourself perfect. Even though Odegai hardly knew the man he already disliked him. With people like Lord Suttbray and Ak-sheh Rollo va Herik Kreshimira the summit would be a long and painful process. As the entrance of lord Suttbray had drawn the Khan's attention it was then that he spotted King Osmodeus Marrow. It reminded the horse lord that he still needed to talk to the king of Alabast to finilize the preperations for the wedding of prince Oswyn Marrow and Rika Khyriin, daughter of the Khan. Odegai hoped he could soon talk to the king of Alabast about the matter and the upcomming summit
I see. I was a bit confused by it ^^
Why the hell are players controlling other players characters?
Even before Shamgar could respond to Odegai Khyriin's refusal to hand over his weapons the royal guard captain stepped into the matter. He began with with making the ridicules and insulting suggestion that the Khitani where plotting something. When the man let a single word slip from his tongue Odegai immediately realized with what kind of man he was dealing. When all the guards removed their helmets it did not came as a surprise anymore to see their pale gray skin. Kreshvi where forming the royal guard. This was either some kind of stupid joke or a sinister plot from this outlandish race of mutated beastlings. As the Kreshvi guard immediately pointed their spears towards the Khitani party he knew his warriors would immediately grab their swords as well. Both the Kreshvi and the Khitani where known for their fighting prowess and their love for battle. A dangerous situation that could turn violent very quickly and could well mean the beginning of the end for the entire kingdom as they knew it. Odegai quickly raised his hand and gave his men a sign to stand down.

For a moment the Khitani warriors where weary of releasing their hands from their sword hilts but as the royal guard stood down they also relaxed their stance. Few of the other lords seemed to have realized that the conflict over the weapons could have escalated very quickly. Not to mention, the situation was far from over. The Khitani still refused to hand over their weapons.

Odegai was not the man to be easily intimidated. The fact that the royal guard where all Kreshvi did not startle the horse lord as he is a very competent warrior himself. Many consider Odegai Khyriin among the best fighters humanity has to offer. For him, battling a Kreshvi seems like a nice challenge, even though the odds would not be in his favor due to the Kreshvi's more powerful physical power. But any experienced fighter knows that there is more needed to win a fight then just raw power.

Odegai stepped one step closer to the Kreshvi captain as a way to show that he was not intimidated by the fact that he was Kreshvi and looked the pale greyish figure in his eyes. On a firm tone the horse lord spoke "If Kreshvi scum is pretending to be royal guards then there is all the more reason to keep my own security in my own hands. I suggest the other lords do the same. Afterall, these non humans are as trustworthy as the average beastling" The Khan paused for a second before he continued to speak again. "The Khitani will not hand over their weapons to the Kreshvi." The insults and the second refusal would probably intensify the conflict a bit as now both lords have thrown insults at each other.

That last line the lord of the Endless plains spoke was definitely the most interesting as it was more targeted at Shamgar Paragon then at the Kreshvi captain. It offered a clear diplomatic end to the impasse created by the proud warriors of the plains as Lord Khyriin changed the issue from handing over their weapons to handing them over the Kreshvi.
A small party of horsemen rode through the streets of Skyhaven as the banner of house Khyriin flew above them. The peasants of the city walked out to see the entrance of the great noble houses as some of them would make a great spectacle out of their entry into the city. Showing off their riches and valor to the common folk of the Royal Lands. Odegai Khyriin did not feel the need to show off. Respect is something you earn through your real deeds, preferably on the battlefield and not through phony magic tricks and fancy parades with knights in shining armor. As he looked around he could see some disappointment on the faces of the peasants. No matter how majestic the Khitani horses are, seeing only 14 of them was a bit disappointing.

When lord Khyriin was traveling he would always make sure his party was not larger than necessary. He felt no need to have an extensive guard with him when traveling to the lands of his fellow lords. The man felt that he was perfectly capable of defending himself and his ability as a warrior is renowned far beyond the borders of The Endless Plains. There were times that he would even travel alone. But for this journey Odegai had decided to take along a small Khitani guard to make sure his other traveling companion would be save.

Prior to this journey Odegai's daughter Rika had begged her father to take her with him. She had never visited the majestic city of Skyhaven before and this might be her only chance as she was soon to be wed with Prince Oswyn Marrow of Alabast. As she drove her horse around the streets of Skyhaven the young girl could hardly believe what she saw. The endless rows of stone buildings, the colorful dresses of the commonfolk and the many banners waving in the wind. Compared to Skyhaven, Khitan was just small and dirty town. In some backward land far away.

It didn't take long before Odegai and his companions reached the royal palace. With a quick gesture of his hand he ordered 4 of his men to take care of the horses and make sure they were properly fed and under guard of 2 Khinati warriors. Horses are the most priced processions of the Khitani and to have a horse stolen is more disgraceful then to lose your wife in Khitani culture. No matter how much royal guards the house Paragon would station at the stables, Odegai made sure that there were always two of his men watching over their horses.

Odegai Khyriin entered the Phoenix palace flanked by his daughter Rika would stared in amazement at the rich decoration, expensive furniture and other luxuries the majestic palace of the Paragon's had to offer. Rika was closely followed by her female servant and the 7 remaining warriors. For most of the warriors it was also the first time in Skyhaven but unlike the young girl, they kept their composure and remained silent and ever serious looking as they followed their Khan into the great hall where the houses would meet. All their weaponry was still strapped to their armor as they all overheard Shamgar aks the other lords to hand over their weapons. For a moment they looked at each other and towards their Khan. For the Khitani warriors their weapons are part of who they are. To give them away is like to give away a part of who they are and an ultimate sign of submission. Proud people as the Khitani are, they would only show their submission to their Khan and the bearer of the crown of fire.

Odegai Khyriin walked up to Shamgar Paragon and bowed his head slightly as a sign of greeting and respect. However his face was serious as Shamgar has put the man in a difficult position. To surrender his weapons in front of his man was not an option. Odegai of house Khyriin has sworn his loyalty to the Phoenix throne and the crown of fire, not to Shamgar Paragon. He looked the first dawnbringer in the eyes and firmly spoke "I refuse to hand over my weapons., nor will my men hand over their weapons. I will gratefully take your offer of hospitality. Please have my daughter escorted to her room as I await the arrival of the other lords"
I'm still looking for a couple of marriages and other relations with the other houses :)
I'm planning to get back in action :)
Can you give me a pop and military number?

How are we going to control family members that have been married off to the house of a different player? Are they in control of the player of the house of their husbands? Or do they remain in control of the player they originally belonged to as far as roleplaying with them goes?
How can a population of 4.3 million have 108.000 soldiers and a population of 1.8 million only 9.000? Something seems off in that part :)

Also, an army of 100.000 men for a single realm seems rather large to me. When you look at european military history of the middle ages armies in the field typically ranged from 3.000 to 10,000 soldiers. Especially when the armor of knights became better, western armies became smaller. Untrained levies with pitchforks drawn from the peasant population simply had no value anymore on the battlefield.

I'm looking for two strategic marriages:

1. Djegan Khyriin, elder brother to my faction leader and Ambassador to the faction in Skyhaven. He's aged 45 and has 4 children.
2. Fiora Khyriin, sister of my faction leader. Aged 41. I'm looking for a husband for her :)
House Name: Khyriin

Head of House: Odegai Khyriin, Lord of the Endless plains, Khan of the Khitani tribes

House Specialty: House Khyriin adapted many aspects of the Khitani culture and customs. The house made sure that the Khitai heritage and their lifestyle remains preserved. This made sure that House Khyriin has access to the best horses and riders of the realm.
The Khitani tribes provide excellent horsearchers and lancers. These warriors are famous for their skills, fighting mentality and tactics but also infamous for their brutality as the Khitani warrior code is unforgiving. Khitani cavalry are much wanted mercenaries in any army across the realm.
Being a culture centered around horsebackriding it is only natural that the Khitani are master horse breeders. An ancient art that was already practiced during the time of the war of the Wyrms.

House Ancestral Weapon: Skypiercer, the legendary bow

Important members:

Nation/Realms Name: The Endless Plains


House Motto: Ride with the fury of the wind

Region/color on map: Dark Red

Race name: Human

Racial appearance: The Khitani are a distinctive ethnic minority. They are slightly below avarege in hight with a more slender build. Their skincolor has a slight touch of red. The people have mostly dark pupils and black hair. Their clothing is mostly made of animal furs and wool.

Racial traits: The Khitani are the nomadic people that live on the Endless plains. These people are best known for their superb horsemanship. All Khitani learn to ride horses from a young age and use those skills to heard cattle and hunt from horseback.

Khitan is the only permanent settlement found by the Khitani tribes. The settlement was found in ancient times and has grown out of a need to have a place where the different tribal leaders coul meet in order to discuss their affairs. Over the years the tribes continued to gather at this place and some families settled down. The riverbed provides some fertility to the lands around. When the Endless Plains where added to the realm of the Phoenix Queen the lords of the Endless Plains settled in the political centre of their domain. Initially the domain was given to house Nolan. It where the lords of this house that builded Castle Nolan on the outskirts of the city. When house Khyriin aquired the domain they renamed the castle to castle Khitani and use it as their main residence.
Under influence of the external lords Khitan became a multi cultural city. Not only does it houses descendants of the Khitani nomads but also people from the eastern forrests lands and the streamvally migrated to this city.
Khitan has avarage stone walls and towers surrounding the city for protection. There is a permanent city guard for keeping order and protecting the city in the case of a siege.

Capital Population: 70.000

Other Major Settlements: Crossroad Keep (26.000 population), Riverport (64.000 population), Rivertown (170.000 population), Rivers End (90.000 population)

Population: Around 3.4 million, Roughly 2.5 million Khitani still follow their nomadic lifestyle. Roughly 0.9 million people live in the cities and villages located allong the riverbanks. These people often do not belong to the ethnic group of the Khitani's.

Culture: (The Customs, Arts, Fashion, and beliefs unique to these people.)

Type of Government: The Endless plains where given to house Khyriin as their fief for their services during the second Khitani uprising by the Phoenix crown. Elevating the house into the high nobility and making them direct vassals of house Paragon. Right to rule the domain and title Lord of the Endless Plains is inherited by birthright.
In real life this title only means that the house rules the land but not the Khitani tribes. The autonomous Khitani follow their greatest warrior who claims the title of Khan through a duel to the death. Currently Odegai Khyriin holds both the title of Lord of the Endless Plains and Khan of the Khitani.
House Khyriin is aided in their rule by the lower nobility (bannermen) who in their turn where granted fiefs by the lord of the Endless Plains and the Khitani tribal council.

Influence and relations:

Khitani nobles: The Khitani nobles are heavily armed and armored cavalry men drawn from the higher and wealhier classes of the Khitani society. these men can afford expensive equipment and weaponry. Most nobles wear scale or or chainmail armor and carry a round shield. Their preferred weapons are the composite recurve shortbow, the Khitani cavalry sword and the lance. The Khitani nobles serve as the shock troops and are well known for their destructive charge.

Number of Khitani nobles that can be mobilized: 5.000

Khitani light cavalry: The light cavalry are drawn from the lower and poorer classes of the Khitani society, These men usually cannot affort expensive metal armor. Most light cavalrymen either wear leather armor or no armor at at all. They serve as highly mobile cavaly archers but can also engage in hand to hand combat using their swords. All light cavalrymen are equipped with composite recurveshortbows and the Khitani cavalry sword. Some others also carry axes or maces.

Number of Khitani light cavalry that can be mobilized: 10.000

Elyden knights. The Elyden knights are the lower nobles that have pleaged alligiance to house Khyriin. These are the nobility that have recieved their title from the Phoenix throne. They are generally not from Khitani decend. These estate owning nobles provide their own equipment and horses. They are generally more drawn to Skyhaven style armor and weaponry. The Elyden knights follow the code of chivalry wich differs greatly from the Khitani warrior code.

Number of knights: 250

Men at arms.The soldiers in service of the various lower nobility. They get paid, trained and equipped by their lords. Their equipment is mostly of lesser quality then that of the knights. The men at arms are mostly equipped with swords, shields, spears and bows. They serve as the city guard and protect the keeps of their lords.

Number of men at arms employed by the nobility: 1750

Relations with the other houses:

Landscape:(what does your land look like?)



Strengths: The Khitani nomadic livestyle produces the best cavalry in the realm. Their warriors are highly mobile and can cover great distances in a very short time due to having 4 to 7 horses per fighter. This makes them a highly capable fighting force in the open fields of the Endless Plains

Weaknesses: Being a nomadic people that perfected steppe warfare also comes with a huge downside. The all cavalry army of the Khitani is ill suited to fight in terrain that is hard to access on horseback such as dense forrests, small mountain passes and treacherous swamps and marshes. Another downside that comes from the nomadic lifestyle is the lack of contact with fortified cities and castles. Then never had much of a need to develop siege equipment and tactics.

Exports: Horses, mercenaries, animal hides and leather products
Imports: Metals, ore, weapons and armor, wood, stone and finished products
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