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Want to be friends with the oposition to my rrightwinged ultra capitalist government?
I've finished my nationsheet and put it in the nations library.

Nations name:
The empire of Ereatia

Eratia has always been a rather backward country at the edge of the earth for hundreds of years. Officially the nation was a kingdom but country was greatly divided among the nobility who ruled their own realms as kings. There was not much unity as the nobles fought each other for 250 years in a row. As the position of most nobles grew weaker the peasantry of the realms became more discontented with their position and the ever increasing taxes and demand for soldiers. It was lord Gewain Constantine who realized the potential of the masses and started a revolution to overthrow the nobility and unify the country under a new governmental system. It took him another 15 years of war and clever diplomacy to unify all the islands under one central rule of the Emperor supported a government and parliament in a new democratic system.

Under the new government equal rights to all citizens where granted and the country started to develop in a rapid pace. Industrialization kicked off 50 years ago and new production methods where quickly integrated into society and trade flourished. As the wealth of the country increased the demands for resources sky rocketed. As not all trading partners proved to be trustworthy the government decided that certain key resources should be secured at all costs. Army expenditures grew and overseas territories where added to the empire.

Victories over minor nations stunned the general public and bolstered the popularity of the armed forces to greater heights. Keen military commanders soon capitalized on this popularity to gain spots in the government as they dreamed of an empire stretching even further.


Form of government:
Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy. The empire is on paper a democratic state with the emperor as head of the state. The government consists of two houses, the house of commons and the house of lords. Based upon the voting for the house of commons a government is formed by the political parties.

House of commons:
Once every 4 years all the citizens of the empire are allowed to cast their vote on one of the various political parties. The voting sessions determines how the 450 seats of the house of commons are divided. The winner of the elections (biggest party) will then get the task of forming a government based upon having a majority of seats in the house of commons. All laws and degrees that the government decides must pass the house of commons with a majority vote before being presented to the house of lords.

House of Lords:
The house of lords is the second house of the empire. This house consists of 151 seats who are all granted to the various important noble families. Every seat is inherited to the family by birthright. Officially the nobles are not affiliated with the political parties but many have political preferences and are sometimes actively supporting parties by donating money. The house of lords task is to determine if laws and degrees do not violate the constitution.

Current leaders
Head of state: Emperor Henry Theodore Constantine
Prime minister: Steven Wilde
Minister of the army: General Roger McRagear
Minister of foreign affairs: Admiral Walter Seaventon
Minister of economic affairs: Oswin Orwen
Minister of technological development: General Collin Wilson

The current government formed by militaristic right winged parties. The military has a very big influence in the government and military leaders have been placed at key government spots. The government advocates a strong free market economy, further military buildup and securing vital resources on foreign grounds.
In the current system there is no form of social security and the distribution of wealth is very unequal. At times this leads to violent demonstrations and internal instability.

Notable figures
Richard Lowes: Head of the Democratic Labor Party and opposition leader. Richard strongly advocates against the current government and follows a socialist ideology. He's strongly in favor of decreasing the military expendature, stop further colonization and work towards a system where colonies are granted more freedom and all the inhabitants of the empire share equal rights.

Johnny DeWane: Leader of the Usonia Liberation Front. A group of native inhabitants of the Colongo colony that strives for independance. This group often organises strikes and protests against the oppresion and their means to achieving independance becomming more violent every week. Johnny is currently wanted for a bomb attack on an Imperial police station that killed 7 people.

General Richard Maenor: Govenor of Colongo and chief of the combined military force.

Colonel Kensington Richards Ambassador of the Empire and military attaché in The Malassakian Republic

Diplomatic Relations[\b]
Allied to The Malassakian Republic

[b]Total poulation

85,000,000 Native's
20,000,000 colonials who have fewer rights or are downright oppressed. They do not count for the military population as their loyalty to the empire is questionable.

Nations location & Geography

1. Isles of Ereatia. The main isles are the native territories of the Ereatian Empire. Here the unity was formed and the empires influence expanded. The main isles hold the fast majority of the population. Around 75 million life on the main isles. The area consists of 3 main island and countless smaller ones. It is here where the big industrial base of the country is located.

Geography of the isles. The main Isles consists of mostly flat grasslands and minor hills. Rivers run across it making it very suitable lands for farming. Much of the land is cultivated and used for food production to feed the population or for export. Many large cities exist on the main lands of which 10 exceed the 1 million in population. The population is heavily urbanized.

2. Earan Islands. A small group of islands that have been colonized 90 years ago. The Earan Islands are not densly populated. It mostly consists of rough forests wildlife but the fishing grounds around it are extremely vertile.
3. Cape Constantine. Cape Constantine is a tropical paradise. Inlands it has large tropical forests and its beaches are pure white with clear blue oceans around it. The Cape has many large cities around its coastlines. This paradise is inhabited by around 5 million colonials and many of the Empire's citizens visit the colony during their holidays to relax at one of the luxurious resorts and surf the blue waves. Out of all places in the Empire, Cape Constantine is a famous tourist spot.
4. Bastion Island. Bastion Island is shrouded in mistery. After its colonization the Ereatian military relocated its entire population to other colonial holdings in a massive deportation program. After that the military established a large base on the island. Many believe it holds a large research facility dedicated to inventing some kind of super weapon. It's needless to say that the seas surrounding the island are heavily patroled and any vessel entering its maritime boundry is immediatly intercepted and boarded.
5. Colongo. Colongo is the largest colony of the Ereatian Empire. The fast majority of its population consists of the 6 million native Usonians who live there. Prior to the colonization that area was known as the kingdom of Usonia. It’s people are closely related in both ethnic and cultural ways to the people of the Federated states of Alleghany. The native population currently have limited citizenship of the empire. This makes their political influence non-existent and entitles them to higher taxes and stricter laws compared to full citizens much to their discontent. It’s this brewing unhappiness about the new rule that leads to more frequent strikes, protests and riots in the largest colony of the empire. Some tongue’s even whisper of armed rebellion if they can get their hands on the funds and weapons.
Colongo was occupied 15 years ago under the command of general Edward Colongo. The Ereatians quickly renamed the country to the brilliant general who crushed their defenses in a rapid campaign of 10 days. Since its occupation the colony has grown to be one of the most important possessions of the empire due to its natural resources. Colongo alone is responsible for 35% of the country’s oil needs. Due to the economic significance of the colony it currently holds the largest overseas military presence of the empire. 150,000 troops with supporting artillery, vehicles and tanks are stationed in the colony. Also the high command has stationed a significant air force detachment in the colony.

Geography of Colongo. Colongo has a much warmer climate then the main Isles. It has mainly lowlands with some desert areas and flat grasslands. Near the border of Alleghany the terrain is formed by minor hills and forests. Much of the population also lives in cities and towns.

6. Corin Island.Corin Island is a tropical island which consists mostly of rainforest like environments. On the coastline many cities can be found that holds its population. Due to its strategic position Corin Island has always been a trading hub for trade between the north and south ocean. Many nations favored control over the island and it's control has been shifted between great powers on many occasions. Due to its strategic significance Corin Island hold one of the largest naval bases of the Eraetian Empire.

7. Yokonan colonies. The Yokonan colonies are one of the largest colonial possessions of the empire. The lands are extremely fertile and the colony is famous for its many plantations that produces tobacco, spices and exotic fruits. The colony has a healthy agricultural economy where Eraetian citizens are the land owning class and the native inhabitants serve as workers. The colonial law states that native citizens are not allowed to own land, businesses or other production forms. They merely serve as cheap labor for the land owning class.

The empire has a strong economy that is heavily based on industrial manufacturing and international trade. There is also a strong agricultural industry of food production, spice and tobacco plantations and fishing. All companies are privately owned.
Imports: Raw materials such as Iron ore, oil, coal, rubber, Ragnite
Exports: Ships, airplanes, cars, weapons, electronics, food, canned fish, tobacco, spices.

After the unification the government adapted a plan called the great leap forwards. In this plan the Empire strives to become the leading nation in technology and engineering. The nation and culture rapidly changed from a backwards feudal society at the end of the world to a heavily industrialized superpower. New innovations and idea's are quickly adopted and the government heavily invests in technological development. Many secret research projects are underway at the many facilities that have been constructed on Bastion Island.

Military overview
The military is an important structure of the Empire's society and strongly woven into civilian life. The total military population of 1,980,000 men. Roughly 2,33 % of the entire population is employed by the military. The military is divided into four branches. The Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, Imperial Air force and Imperial Marines.

Imperial Army:
The Imperial Army are the land forces of the empire. They employ 1 million soldiers.

Vehicles and weapon systems
Medium tank 2,000
Heavy Tank 1,000
APC 5,000
Infantry support and reconasance vehicles 7,000
Artillery 5,000
Self propelled Artillery 500
AA artillery 6,000

The Imperial Navy
The Imperial Navy is the second largest branch of the military and employs 500,000 men. This also includes the Imperial Navy Air service who fly off the carriers.
Fleet carriers 14
Battleships 8
Battle cruisers 13
Light cruisers 60
Destroyers 195
Frigates 75
Submarines 74
Transport/Amphibious support 120

The Imperial Air force
The Imperial air force is the independent air branch of the military. It employs 200,000 soldiers.

Fighters 4,000
Close air support 1,500
Medium bombers 1,000
Strategic bombers 500
Transports 500

Imperial Marine Corps
The Imperial marine corps employs 280,000 soldiers. They specialize in amphibious landings but rely on the navy for transportation.

I read that mess, can we start already!?
I do see it. But its hard to find :)
My nationsheet is pretty much done. I am still planning on describing the different territories in more detail.
Still here :)
So Boerd said
Hey Milkman, want to be allies? Also, hey eemmtt, want to be rivals?

That sounds fine. Lets be allies and rule the seas :)
Peace Keeper said
And your point is?Just for information my ship number is 10 battleships.It's stated in my NS, as is everything.

Halve of the player nations are able to field much larger navies if they want to :D
I don't really see the issue. I think So Broed and I are the only ones who have actually stated ship numbers but I don't consider our armies nowhere near exessive. I've run through all the nation sheets who where finished far enough to determine the military size based on population and % chosen to put things into perspective. Guess who's on top of the list :)

Largest militaries of the world
1. Peacekeeper - 10,413,600
2. Eemmtt - 10,075,000 (4 million of that in the navy)
3. Littlefield - 8,115,000 (2,8 million in navy)
4. Caliban22 - 7,000,000
5. Skeptic - 6,286,900
6. Hysteria - 5,100,200
7. Sadko - 2,000,000
8. Milkman - 1,980,000 (500,000 in navy)
9. So Broed - 985,000 (500,000 in navy)
10, Shadolord - 10,000
I am almost done with my nation sheet. Only need to add a race and geography. Ill also will flesh out the different territories a bit more :)
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