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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Cool, once OOC is up i'll start working on my character :)
I'm interested in this. Is there still room?
A crime to bend in public or without license. That sounds like a dystopian future that could very much happen in the United Republic of Nations. After the end of the first season of The Legend of Korra, government positions are openend up for non-benders also. It is not unlikable to think that such a nation would slowly move towards a more anti-bender mindset under the pretext of fighting crime and terror :)
I do think a futuristic setting would be really interesting, especially in a way where technology has surpassed bending as a combat form in a military sense. It takes many years of training to master a martial art and 5 minutes to learn someone to shoot an AK-47. In a futuristic world bending would still exist but be more of relic of the past, practised as a sport or a form of martial arts show/entertainment a bit like shaolin monks of today. Bending would be far more uncommon then it was during ATLA and The legend of Korra because it holds less of a meaning and is a tradition that is in great decline. The story could revolve around a group of benders who somehow got involved in something greater and needs to use their art to resolve it and empower the traditions of old.
Let's hope you'll be better soon :)
I can help around a bit if you want :)
I'm interested although it depends a bit on the plot :)

Anyway, first question. What time period are you thinking of using? Something before the 100 year war? During that time or something more similair to the Legend of Korra?
Kaya suddenly woke up to some sort of commotion. As she opened her eyes she could see Tovren, Dakin, Agurios and Brisa run off. For a moment the girl tried to remember at what point of the night she fell asleep but for some reason she could not. Everything that happened seemed a little vague, even for the girl who could remember every detail. As she blinked her eyes she knew she had to make a decision. Follow the boys or Brisa and the Orc. As she walked outside she noticed how the militia captain's son ran off towards the gate and how Brisa moved in direction of the village leader's house. Instantly Kaya decided to follow the only other girl in the group.

As Kaya followed Argurios from a distance she noticed that nothing had changed. The eerie silence and absence of people still hang over the village of Twiddledale. Even the wind held its breath. As the young girl walked around the corner she noticed how the Orc boy approached the young girl. Regardless of his wild appearance and clumsy manners Argurios seemed to have his hearth in the right place. None the less it was a kind of funny sight to see the body shake the girl with his Orcish strength. As her eyes looked around she noticed the corpses on the wall of Aheric's house. The village leader, Dorn and Autry where all pinned to the wall. Hanging there lifeless and cold.

For a moment she stared at the scene. Memories of how she played for Aheric on his last birthday crossed her mind. She could still hear the man's kind voice as he told her that he was honored that such a skilled minstrel would play for him on his birthday. Both Dorn and Autry lived a more secluded life and she did not know them personally very well. None the less, she had spotted both on rare occasions listening to her as she played. As anger and pain filled her hearth Kaya could feel a tear running over her cheek. For the first time she started to get really worried about the fate of her family and Aeden. What happened to them and why are Aheric, Dorn and Autry pinned to the wall.

As more questions filled Kaya's mind she felt her resolve grow. Someone had did this to her village and they were going to pay. Kaya was going to find those responsible for taking her family, her friends and her kin and put them to justice. The girl closed her eyes and pictured the scene in front of her. Three corpses pinned to the wall. What does that tell you. They where meant to be found. A message or a warning but for who? Did the person or people knew that some children would survive or was someone supposed to find them. So much questions went through the young girl's head that she almost forgot that Brisa had lost her mentor. That girl must be in so much pain and grief right now.
Kaya carefully approached Brisa and Argurios and kneeled next to the girl. "Are you alright Brisa?" she asked gently.
I'll have my next post up in the next 3 hours :)
Kaya had hardly time to talk with Brisa about what happened to the village. First Argurios bashed on the door and after that, many more children popped up rapidly after each other. Like someone had drawn a magic sign on the door that attracted them. Kaya recognized all the children that came through the door even though she might have talked to some only once. The first one was Thovren, the militia captain's son. The apprentice bard did not know much about the young man but she had seen him on a few occasions listening to her play from a distance. It was almost like he's a little shy to come closer. None the less the militia boy asked if Kaya was alright. A sign of a true gentlemen. Kaya bowed lightly and smiled. "I am fine. Thank you for your concern, Thovren". Kaya took a quick look at Thovren and noticed that he pretended to be a bit calmer then he truly was.

Kaya had not much time to think about it because the next visitor entered the house. It was the human boy named Dakin. Kaya had heard stories how the boy was always following Dorn, a beast of a man around in the woods. He was looking for the old hag but just like Kaya would not find her. Just another apprentice that seemed to be left behind. Atrus was the next to appear. He did it in a matter that made Kaya almost forget about how Thorven and Agurios entered the house. The scream of pain was so loud and intense that it sended shivers down the spine of the young girl. Whatever that boy was doing, Kaya wanted no part in it.

For a moment Kaya listened to all the chatter around her. All the children were still in the hallway and talking to each other. Some interesting facts where mindlessly slipped by Brisa as the young girl talked about the charms and potions that Autry, Altus and Brisa herself where involved in. Quickly Kaya started to put the pieces of the puzzle together in her mind. Next to all the villagers some persons of special interest disappeared too. Autry the village herbalist who came to the village 20 years ago. There was no doubt in Kaya's mind that she possessed magical abilities. It was the same story with Dorn. He also appeared one day to more or less settle himself in the village and teached his adopted son all about the mysticisms of nature and wildlife. Serath Trannyth, a former mercenary who settled in the village to raise his son. Argurios father served in an orcisch army and Aeden Mirrets came out of nowhere to play songs so beautiful that you could only hear in the throne room of kings. It was not a coincidence that children with a connection to persons with a past in adventuring where the only ones left behind.

Kaya followed the group into Autry's study. Her mind was on the events of the evening, going over every single fact she knew so far. For Kaya, the whole situation was equally exciting as it was terrifying. She was worried about the fate of her parents, Aeden and fellow villagers but realized that a great adventure lies ahead. An adventure that she would not go on alone. Before the girl took her seat in the study she took a small moment to introduce herself. "I am Kaya, Kaya Gheine. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen, or at least heard me play once or twice. " said the girl as she looked around. Even though the situation was dire and the group of people around her mostly strangers, Kaya felt confident and calm being the first one to properly introduce herself and take the lead in the conversation that was to come. "I am glad to see that at least some of us are save. I don't have much of a clue about what happened but I looks like our family, friends and neighbors have vanished into thin air and we're the only ones left. Somehow I don't think it a coincidence that it happens to be the six of us that are gathered here." Kaya paused for a moment to see how everybody would respond to her words.
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