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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Alright. I am done. Let me know if you'd like to see anything changed or clarified :)

I'll post my character today. Do you want me to post it first in the OOC so that you can read it through?
I am thinking of making an instructor like character. Someone who's job it is to physically and mentally prepare the strike team for the real world. Would that work out?
Hmm, that is interesting. I could make an anti-hero or something :)

Just wondering if there is room for one more :)
I've had a very busy week :(
Enjoy your stay :)
We should organise a peace conference and try to avoid war at all cost. Conflicts should be settled through words and compromise :P
Alleghany capital, Office of president N'Athaniel Adamns - Three weeks ago Johnny DeWane, leader of the Usonian liberation front had been waiting for almost two weeks for an audience with an Alleghany government official since the Colongo riots. Ever since that eventful day his mission was to get the support of the Federated States of Alleghany for his struggle for Usonian independence. "Thank you for meeting with me president Adamns. I am glad you found the time to meet up with one of your brother Usonians. I assume you are aware of what happened two weeks ago in Colongo and how the Ereatians oppressed peaceful demonstrators with extreme violence. Thousands have perished by Ereatian gun fire. I urge you to take a stand against such oppression against your brothers." President Adamns thought deeply about the subject. It was true that the Ereatian response to the riots was disproportionate and that was deeply concerning. "We of the Alleghany government are deeply struc by the tragic fate of our brothers on the other side of the border. We will do what is in our power to apply diplomatic and economic pressure on the Ereatians but we do not believe that this matter can be settled through Alleghany's involvement in an armed conflict, mister DeWane." Johnny DeWane smilled. This was exactly the answer he expected. "I already anticipated on your reluctantness to move without any good incentive. As we speak the UCF is trying to get support from the Revolutionary Syndicalist International, an organization that will jump on any bandwagon to spread their revolution. You and I both know that a Syndicalist neighbor will destabilize Alleghany's internally as your workers class are presented with an alternative up close. You might risk revolts in Alleghany if you allow the UCF to win in Colongo. We from the Usonian Liberation Front offer an alternative that would be very friendly towards Alleghany and its free market economy. We simply look for liberation from the Ereatians and not the elevation of the workers class." N'Athaniel Adamns looked annoyed at the Usonian in front of him. "You'll have to do better than scare us with syndicalist revolution mister DeWane. I will make you a counter offer. Alleghany will supply the ULF with the means to take control of Usonia. In return, Usonia will join the Federation of Alleghany as one of its member states." The leader of the Usonian Liberation Front reached out and shook the presidents hand. "We have a deal mister president" Over the course of three weeks secret training camps where build in Alleghany near the border with Colongo and ULF fighters started to receive training and weapons from Alleghany. Colongo, bordertown of Ulan near the border with Alleghany - Day of the meeting Ulan is one of the cities at the border with Alleghany and offers an important border crossing between the Federated states of Alleghany and the Ereatian Empire's colony of Colongo. Usually around 15.000 Ereatian soldiers and security forces are station in or near the city of 150.000 souls but today many of the soldiers had been transferred to the capital in order to provide security for the meeting between representatives of the Empire of Ereatia, the Tsardom of Ventium, The Malassakian Republic, The Irodian Empire and maybe even the Westhurst Union. With all eyes focussed on this meeting and the treat of Syndicalist involvement in Colongo, this was the perfect moment for the ULF to launch an armed rebellion. It was early in the morning as a messenger entered the room where all leaders of the ULF had gathered to coordinate the rise of the Usonians. The messenger walked straight up to Johnny DeWane and spoke. "All our forces are in position and are ready to commence operation Dawn of Victory, Johnny." Johnny DeWane nodded. "Good. We'll siege control of Ulan today. Commence operation Dawn of Victory. Death to Ereatia!" Jesper Stormcloud looked at the large lighted clock tower near the city center. When the lights would go out to early it would mean a go and Jespers squad would storm the Ereatian military command and communications center. Normally 1.500 Ereatian soldiers would be stationed inside but intelligence showed that that number has dropped with at least 2/3's today. Considering it was mostly office jobs Jespers unit of 100 men would have no problems taking control of the building. Especially when you take into consideration that 30 men where in fact Alleghany special forces that happened to be on vacation in the region. The clocktowers lights faded and Jesper gave the order. 100 well armed Usonians blew up the gate and stormed the building from three different sides. At the same time all police stations and most of the military checkpoints in the city where stormed. As Jesper entered the building he spotted two Ereatian soldiers. The Usonian's finger squeezed around the trigger and his submachine gun roared as bullets left the barrel. The Ereatians screamed in agony as the lead pierced their bodies before falling down to the ground. As Jesper made his way down the corridor and into the next room any doubt of not being able to secure the building flowed from his mind. It would only be a matter of time before the Usonian flag would fly over Ulon. The first liberated city. Colongo - Field 5 miles out of Colongo city A convoy of military vehicles drove down the road towards the majestic airship in the distance. In between two armored halftracks a luxurious car was carrying Prime Minister Wilde, Minister of the Army General Roger McRagear and the newly appointed governor of Colongo, General Stevenson. All three men were headed towards the meeting there they would discuss the possibility of an alliance with the representatives of Ventium, The Irodian Empire, The Malassakian Republic and hopefully also the Westhurst Union would join the talks. Prime minister Wilde hoped he could convince these nations to overcome their fundamental differences and work together against a common threat known as the Revolutionary Syndicalist International. The Ereatian Empire had already good relations with the Malassakian Republic and also a formal alliance with the Tsardom of Ventium. The prime minister had good hopes that he could expand the alliance even further. As the convoy came to a halt the three men left the car. "Look at that airship. It is even more massive then I thought" Commented Roger McRaear as he closely observed the Ventian airship known as Overwatch. "Maybe we should order some of those for our military prime minister Wilde" Continued the minster of the army who could not hide his adoration of the giant airship. As the Ereatian delegation approached Tsar Voltus Ventus an Ereatian officer rushed towards General Steverson, the new governor of Colongo. "General governor, Sir" Started the young officer as he angtiously saluted. "There has been news of heavy fighting in the city of Ulan at the border with Alleghany, sir. We don't have much information as we've lost contact with most military and police checkpoints and facilities. At the moment we're unsure of what the situation is or who these rebels are. The number of casualties is unclear but it could be in the hundreds. What are your orders, sir?" Both prime minister Wilde and his minister of the army looked surprised at the news but the governor remained deadly calm. General Stevenson was a seasoned veteran of the Ereatian army and was carefully selected for this post. Ereatia needed a man who could act with caution and determination at the same time and General Stevenson seemed to be just that man. "Lieutenant, relay the following orders to the 3th armored division and 32th mechanized division. They must advance towards the outskirts of Ulan immediately and surround the city. Seal it off from the rest of Colongo. Recon units must enter the city in order to investigate the situation. Also make sure to get into contact with the rebel leaders so that we can start negotiations. Civilian casualties must be avoided at all cost. For now" After issuing the commands govenor Stevenson turned towards Both the prime minister and the Tsar of Ventium. "I have to excuse myself as it seems that a situation has arose that urgently needs my attention. It is a shame I will not be able to attend the meeting and get personally introduced to the Tsar. My apologies. Lieutenant, please keep the prime minister informed of the situation" Governor General Stevenson turned around and boarded one of the jeeps. Prime minister Wilde approached the Tsar and reached out his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your Excellency. I would like to personally thank you for your hospitality and your support in these difficult times."
@Talis, Accepted :)
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