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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Of course, any character is allowed. As long as they aren't a terribad or godtier.

If you post the sheet I'll review it shortly.

Cool. I'll start working on a character :)
Hi, is there room for a first timer in the arena section here?
Thanks. I am looking forward to your next post :)

Sorry for the delay with my post. I had a bit of a crazy week with work :(
Farai – The Area

Cortez made his way to the crowd looking for a good spot to watch the upcoming spectacle. The area was crowded, filled way beyond what was considered the maximum capacity. He had put his bodyguards as fighters in the ring and did not want to miss a second of the action. Not to mention that we was dying of curiosity due to the fact that such games are prohibited back in the Democratic League. There gladiatorial fights are deemed barbaric. As the Archeo-Technologist pushed on towards what he thought was to be a good spot the crowd suddenly cheered in excitement as the Ashen riders entered the battlegrounds. “We must hurry” shouted Cortez towards his companion dressed in pure white silk. “We’re going to miss the first fight”. Luckily Cortez soon found a good spot on one of the stairways.

Master Cortez could not keep his eyes of the fight. Closely he followed every javelin the Ashen Riders threw into what seemed to be an endless stream of Ghuls. Horrified he watched how the Ashen Riders where finally overcome by the sheer force of numbers and ripped through sheds. The brutality of the scene was not nearly as horrifying as the realisation that the fight was setup in a way that the Ashen Riders would lose. They never had a chance of survival to begin with. Cortez started to worry about what he had put his men into. He turned towards his companion and spoke softly. “Lady Gwenevir, do you know why this fight was never meant to be won by the Ashen Riders?”

The lady covered in white looked towards the royal mezzanine and spoke gently. “Politics. It seems that his majesty king Nerej wants to make an impression on his guests. I can only assume that the guests are high ranking Dratha as it is the Dratha who hates the Ashen people the most. The arena is not a place of fair competition, it is a political instrument meant to influence the mood of the subjects and guests of a king.”
Deep inside the catacombs of the arena was the area where the fighters would prepare themselves for their moment of fame. Rows of cages containing dangerous wild animals and Ghuls where stuck against one side of the catacombs while at the other side the equipment for the gladiators was stored. The smell of death, feces and sweat filled this dark and vile place as captain Eghani waited patiently for his turn to enter the arena. He checked if all the straps of his leather cuirass where attached properly and dropped his sand coloured cloak. Even beneath the arena floor, the roars of the crowd where well heard. The loud boohs indicated that the first fight didn’t end well for the crowds favourite.
A man approached the captain and spoke loudly. “It’s your turn. Follow me to the draw gate and don’t die too quickly. The crowd expect some nice action”

Sadrach followed the man in patience towards the tunnel. The sunlight from outside blinded the Guran-Kha for a moment as he approached the gate. As his eyes were starting to accustom to the light he watched how workers dragged away the last corpses. Some were Ghul, others might have been humans at some point. It was clear that the Ghuls won. As the works dragged the last corps inside the horn Fanfare blasted around the arena. The horns quickly died as the herald started to speak.

“Citizens and visitors alike. The first match is over but we have plenty of more instore for your entertainment. The next fight involves a crowd favourite who’s name alone makes other combatants tremble in fear. In honour of king Nerej, noble Souvereign and hosts of these games, Urek the Destroyer will once more show his strength in the area”

The crowd cheered in excitement as the first iron draw gate opened. A truly massive Oqer dressed in heavy metal armor entered arena floor. He raised his large two-handed axe into the air let a might roar slip from his lungs. Stirring up the crowds to even greater heights. The herald quickly silenced the crowd with a hand gesture and continued to speak. “His challenger, hails from the Democratic League. A noble Guran-Kha warrior who has embraced the fighting spirits of his ancestor Feron. The noble Eghani!”

The drawgate opened and Sadrach Eghani entered the battlegrounds for the first time. For a moment he was overwhelmed by the size and noise of the place as thousands of spectators cheered or booed at the top of their lungs. The captain quickly regained his composure and walked towards the center of the arena. He scanned his opponent closely. The Oqer was nearly twice his size and at least twice his weight. With such strength one hit from that heavy axe would cut Sadrach in half. A dangerous fighter but not invincible. Oqers are naturaly slow and clumsy. The heavy armor and axe would slow Urek down even more. Not to mention that ways of attacking with a two handed axe where limited.

Sadrach unseated his sword as the horns signalled the the start of the fight. Both fighters started to close in, grasping their weapons and readying themselves for engagement. The Oqer raised his axe above his head in order to perform a massive swing. But before he could start his swing, Urek felled a blade cut through the flesh in his right armpit. The moment the Oqer started to raise his axe, was the moment he presented an opportunity to his opponent. Sadrach had lunged forward only a split second later and cut the through the flesh, muscles, arteries and tendons of the Oqer’s right arm. Urek stepped forward and brought down his axe. To late he realized that Sadrach had already slipped behind him. The captain wasted not a single moment and placed a well-placed cut in the popliteal of the Oqer’s right leg.

The area went silent as Urek fell down to his knees. For a brief moment it felt like the thousands of people held their breath, wondering how it was possible that a big Oqer could be bested by a small Guran-Kha. Then loud cheers filled their air as the arena exploded. Soon the crowd started to chant “Death, death, death!” at the top of their lungs. Sadrach looked at the royal mezzanine and waited for the king of Farai to give the sign for the final blow.

I am working on my next post. I'll proberbly get it up today or tomorrow :)
I shall executes Bane command as soon as possible :D
The Grand Forum – Feral – Democratic League

Feral, the biggest city of the Democratic League. A chaotic place that is packed with people from different races and creeds. A city that never sleeps under the endless desert sun. Build on the shores of the Great Sea it has always been a place of commerce and business. Once known as the pearl of Blackwater Bay, the Feral of today had lost it glance many years ago. The city had overflown with migrants from all across Azoth that have been drawn to what is known as The Fountain of Eden. An artefact that produces clean water. Crowded, filthy and dark. A city seemingly endless impoverished residential areas that stretched well beyond the city walls. What once was the greatest blessing any civilization could receive, turned out a recipe for disaster.

For the 4th time this month the confederate council would meet. The topic was the same as the last 3 times, the dwindling water supplies within the Democratic League. A challenge that all knew was a catastrophe in the making, born out of a simple truth. There are more people than the Fountain of Eden can support. A simple fact that Consul Raraaziz Anwar, highest leader of the Democratic League knew all too well. Just as the previous 3 meetings, Raraaziz would try to convince the individual city-states to reconsider how the water was being shared between the 8 great city-states.

Raraaziz Anwar looked around the great hall. It was unusually busy as many representatives of the city-states had taken seat at the public tribunes in order to watch the ongoing discussion. In the centre of the great hall where the seats of the council members positioned in a circle formation. The Consul rose from his seat and stepped into the circle. He raised his voice and started to speak. “Greetings, council members, and greetings, senators of the 8 member states. Today we have gathered to address the challenge that is facing our great nation. A challenge so severe that it threatens the existence of our people, our unity and our independence. This challenge is one that we must face united. Only in unity we can prevail!”

Achmed Dhar’qa, prime minister and council member from Fennecia stood up from his seat and looked angerly towards the council. “Your unity means that my city, my people must suffer from the mistakes the Senators of Feral and other city-states made. It was Fennecia that has opposed sharing our water with the rest of the world from day one. It was Fennecia that warned that allowing all these humans on our lands would eventually lead to disaster. There is only one solution for your problem, kick the useless non-citizen humans out of our cities! The senate and people of Fennecia oppose any change to the League’s constitution that will result in less water for our city!”

A loud cheer went through the hall as many of the on watching senators supported the viewpoint of Fennecia. No Guran-Kha wanted to suffer for lowly non-citizens. No politician could sell reduction in water rations to his voters. Consul Anwar knew the situation all too well, yet there was no other option then to change the distribution of water to a system based upon population, rather than giving every state 1/8th of the water supply. The consul once again took the word.

“I understand the concerns of Fennecia, I understand the concerns of Feral. In fact, I understand the concerns of every state, every government and every single individual within the League. From the Guran-Kha, to the non-citizins in the slum. We all want to survive at all cost. The moment we sacrifice others for our own individual survival is the moment we, The Democratic League as state collapse and lose. We must avoid sliding down the path of internal chaos. The moment we lose our unity all of our cities will be easy pickings for Azar!”

Consul Raraaziz hoped that his passionate speech would at least convince some to rethink the water distribution but at the same time he knew that it was unlikely. Not to mention that it was not a definitive solution to the problem. At best it would buy some time to find additional sources of water. Deep within he hoped that the project master Cortez was undertaking, would result in an end of the water crisis. But logic dictates that the most likely outcome would be failure.

The city-state of Farai is an unique place. Its size dwarfs compared to the cities of the Democratic League but at the same time the city seems to be at the centre of the known world. The city is a major trading hub in the desert and attracts traders and travellers of many different creeds. In such a place, a group of 4 strange, weary travellers would not attract much attention. Especially not during the days that the Yushmeg caravan was in town. The Yushmeg caravan was the sole reason that Cortez and his companions undertook.

Cortez is a middle-aged human of rather unimposing statue. His black curly hair was mostly unattended and his clothing not washed since he departed from Dhoran. His simple linen trousers and shirt had worn out during the journey that those who didn’t know better would think that he was some vagabond. Cortez however is a Master Archeo-Technologist who’s ambitions and idea’s where sometimes even too outlandish for the liberal and free thinking Guran-Kha. He had been studying the fountain of Eden for many years, methodically documenting its processes, working and parts. It was Cortez ambition to build a second Fountain.

The master Archeo-Technologist methodically navigated through the Pomegranate Bazaar with his 3 companions in tow. One of the traders in town had given him a tip about a merchant who is specialized in rather unique items. As he made his way through the crowded place, Cortez suddenly approached a rather scruffy looking fellow who was standing rather bored in front of a tent. “Good day sir. I am looking for a merchant that goes by the name Araki. Words have reached me that he deals unique antiquities.”

The scruffy looking man looked at the group. A human who looked like a beggar, two armed Guran-Kha wearing military uniforms of the Democratic League and a figure who’s entire body was covered in clean white robes with only a narrow strip showing her eyes. “hmpf” grunted the man. “If you sorry lot got good coin follow me. Otherwise get the hell out of my sight”

The group followed the man inside the tent. On the opposite site of the entrance sat another man in an elaborate chair. His expensive, colourful silk clothing was an indication of the wealth of this man. The scruffy looking man approached him and whispered something into his ear before posting himself with his arms crossed next to the chair. The elaborately dressed man rose from his chair and made a short bow. “I am Araki, the greatest Archeo-Tech merchant of Azoth. If you got the coin, I deliver what you want. However the price ain’t cheap. Now tell me what you’re looking for so that we can do business” Spoke the man with great enthusiasm.

Cortez smiled and bowed. “My name is Cortez of Dhoran. It is a honor to meet you sir Araki. I am looking for a lot of different Archeo-Tech objects and I hope such a referred merchant as yourself can help me find what I am looking for” The Archeo-Technologist reached into a bag that was hanging from his shoulder and grabbed a scroll. The scroll contained detailed drawings and descriptions of various objects and parts. For Cortez, it was just one of his many shopping lists.

Captain Sadrach Eghani of the 34th ranger company had been tasked with being the Bodyguard of master Cortez. He watched closely how both men search through crates and where piling up items on a table. With a mixture of curiosity and concern he followed the scene. He did not trust this Araki guy nor his scruffy looking companion. They both did not looked like they knew how to handle themselves in the wilderness so the captain doubted that they had dug up those pieces of Archeo-tech themselves. The truth was that the origins of what master Cortez was buying were of little concern. Sadrach’s mission was to bring Cortez and what he bought home safely. A mission that did not look too difficult until a heated argument between Master Cortez and the merchant broke out.

Araki looked annoyed when he heard Cortez offer a price that was way too low for his liking. “No I will not accept a price of 15.000. What do you think that I am? A fool? These pieces combined are worth at least double that amount. I can do 38.000 but won’t go any lower!”
Cortez looked across his shoulder a little worried. He had a problem of the financial kind. His budget was 30k at max and he wanted to look around for more items. For a moment he hoped that any of his companions would have a secret money stash but he was no fool. They did not travel with such amounts of money. “Can you do 30.000?”

“No, 30.000 is not enough. I can make you a final offer of 35.000 League Florins but lower I will not go.” Answered Araki.
Master Cortez now looked even more concerned. “I really cannot go beyond 30.000. it is all the money I have”

The merchant grunted and looked at the items and then looked at the group. “Are those bodyguards of yours anything good? The arena hasn’t seen any Guran-Kha blood spilled in years. If I can make them fight for me a couple of battles that would overcome the difference. Unless they die ofcourse. Like the last of their kind that entered the arena” smirked Araki. Even before Sadrach Eghani or his comrade could protest Cortez called “Deal. They will both fight a game and you will get the earnings”.
I am making solid progress with my opening post. It ends up a bit longer then I expected :D
Cool, I'll start working on a post then. I'll hope to finish it tonight :)
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