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Temple of the Kirin

Dao looked at the man he just defeated. The Jyn was definitely not suited to study under the grandmaster. The whole idea of killing someone in order to gain a spot on the school was utterly repulsive. It went against every teaching of grandmaster Jiang Bing and everything the large Lyn believed in. Killing for such superficial goals during an event where no lives where at stake is simply morally unjust. Such actions was something Dao could not tolerate.

Just as the next participant was about to show his skills some kind of ruckus occurred at the gate. The crowd of wannabe swordsmen went silent as the sound of a gunshot filled the air. For a moment Dao stared towards the gate the sound was coming from. In the blink of an eye he could see a small character dressed in red storming through the entrance and yelling something about wanting to speak to someone important. De large lyn sighed as he walked towards the gates.

Master Wong eyed the person in red. Considering the size and facial tones of the lyn, Dao judged that he could not be much older then eleven years. Was it really true that a kid just shot someone at the gates just to get in? Does getting entrance to the school to speak to someone really warrant such violence? And yet, Dao did not sense any trace of dark chi coming from that kid. If this is the next generation, Tu will definitely change for the worse.

Dao walked straight by the kid and bowed down next to the guard that was shot. He quickly grabbed the wrist to feel is the man still had a pulse. As he felt for the heartbeat of the wounded swordsman the other guard mumbled something about a challenge for a sword duel and grabbing a gun instead. The lyn did not care much for the details. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. That is the faith of those who walk the path of the warrior. Luckily Dao could feel the mans heartbeat. It was still there but the guard needed medical attention immediately. The large lyn quickly turned towards the other guard and commanded “ Quit mumbling about honor and see to it that your pal gets medical attention immediately!”

The guard jumped up. “ Yes master Wong” and ran off to get the help he needed.

Dao turned towards the kid and looked at him. Absorbing every detail and finely the swordmaster realized how small he was. The anthropomorphic tiger towered above him, being nearly twice his size. The little kid was flamboyantly dressed in red robes which looked like they where a size to big for him. Compared to the kid, Dao looked rather shabby. He was often confused for a homeless and impoverished soldier. The truth is that the large lyn simply did not care for such earthly desires. Master Wong devoted his life to the teachings of the Kirin, grandmaster Jiang Bing and finding his brother. Dao could not care less about the extravaganza displayed by the kid in front of him. Master Wong looked deeply into the kids eyes, trying to find out what kind of person he would be. Judging from the way the fiery haired kid was dressed, his noisy entrance and the way he treated the guard at the entrance Dao was sure that he did not come to the temple to train under the grandmaster. It was more likely that the kid got into some kind of trouble and needed a strong man to help him out. The least thing master Wong could do was to hear the kid out. He looked at the lad in red in front of him and spoke firm “Tell me kid, what is so important that you need to shoot someone at the door?”

I am going to watch that anime after i finish my next post :)
Still here. Should have my post within 10 hours.
I am working on my next post. It should be up in a couple of days :)
I hope we will see some more IC posts soon :)
Mostly hills, ricefields and forests. S
The west – Temple of the Kirin

The west is a region of Tu that is renowned for it's swordmasters and weapon smiths. Some would even argue that the fist sword was made in this region. Needless to say is that the people of The West honor their ancient tradions. To become a master swordsman is regarded as one of the highest honors a man can achieve. People who never have visted the west often believe that there are more swordsmanship schools then rice farms in the region. That however is not true. Last week a new ricefarm was opened and it is now a draw. That is how the joke goes. However there are many swordmanshipschools and the most famous is the Temple of the Kirin, headed by grandmaster Jian bing.

The Temple of the Kirin is a huge complex. It is not only a school for swordsmanship but also a place of worship. A place where comon people can go to bring offerings for The white tiger, say a prayer or for spiritual guidance. At the western corner lies the School of Grandmaster Jian Bing. The school itself is a walled complex measuring about 3 acres in size. Within the walls there are several buildings, all located around a large courtyard where most of the training takes place. Some buildings where dormentories while others are training halls. Legend goes that the school of Jian Bing was the first swordmanshipschool in all of Tu.

Most students where send to the school by their masters. Hoping on a chance to study under the grandmaster himself. However getting entry is not that easy, in fact most wannabe aprentices get turrned down before even laying an eye on Grandmaster Bing himself. Initial selection is done by the grandmaster's first apprentice, master Dao Wong.

Dao was standing inside the courtyard. In front of him where dozens of swordsmen, all sitting on their knees waiting patiently for their turn. The large Lyn looked at the men and simply yelled “next”. A pale skinned Jin stood up and walked towards master Wong. As Dao wanted to hand over a boken (wooden practise sword) to the man the guys simply smirked and drew his sword. As the sunlight bounced of from the shiny blade, the man spoke. “I don't need such a child toy! I will simply kill you here and become the grandmaster's apprentice.” Dao nodded and pointed his boken at the man. “as you wish”

The Jin charged at the large Lyn and raised his sword for an attack. As he brougth his sword down to slash the Tiger Dao moved forward with great speed, striking with his wooden sword at the man's thump. The sound of bones crack filled the air as the man grabbed his thump. Yelling in agony “You broke it! You my thump you motherfucker! How am I going to hold a sword now, you basterd!”

Dao looked at the man in front of his feet and smiled. “You will never hold a sword again. Next!”

Why does fighting 100 kungfu masters remind me of this
Nice :D
@Holy Soldier It is better to attack a different school indeed. Kitsune however needs to give Dao a good reason to travel with him to confront the crime syndicate. All @CelticSoldier Needs to do is read the back story of my character for the obvious way to motivate Dao to tag along ;)
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