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@Milkman I just need a little clarification on your post (my eyes are seeing double, lol. Been reading research papers since yesterday). Dao just flung the White Lotus guy against the wall between the empty space of Fumiko and Nilak and they didn't get hit, right?

So, the position would be like:
(before white lotus got beaten)
[Nilak] [Space/Wall] [Fumiko]
(after white lotus guy got flung)
[Nilak] [White Lotus] [Fumiko]

And for Nilak-Fumiko interaction, should I just assume that Fumiko got boosted up the wall? @McHaggis I don't really know the protocol for this :v and I'm slightly rekted rn.

[Nilak][white lotus][Fumiko]

Big rock

Possible actions:
Positive jin: use bending to destroy the rock
Negative jin: roll D20 for reflex save :P
Neutral jin: Do nothing and get crushed. Maybe king Bumi's advice ain't that good ;)


Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring
Interacting with: Nilak @McHaggis, Fumiko @Elle Santiago

Dao smirked “That will work. I'll just break every bone in his body except his jaw” The young Dai Li agent loved to fight, especially when a crowd was around. If it wasn't for his noble background he might have pursued a career as a professional bending athlete. However the lack of rules in the real world pumped up his adrenaline even higher. There was nothing more exciting then putting your own life on the line. To walk that razor thin path between life and death was addicting. More addicting then the cheers of a crowd in the bending arena. Dao knew that the crowd today would not cheer. They would be silent and obedient. Trying not to make any trouble and become a target for the Dai Li as well. After-all, the Dai Li are the most feared organization in Ba Sing Se.

Jian just nodded. He knew there was little he could do about his young companion. All barely adult men have this urge to prove themselves, to show the world that they got the stuff. Dai Li agents where no different. Dao however might be a bit more extreme on the wanting to prove himself scale then others. The senior agent continued to watch the fight from the sidelines. If there was a need to intervene he would do it. On who's be-halve it would be was unclear at this point.

Dao was eager to crush his opponent. The young agent could not let the lucky hit slip. Be he had more on his mind then just getting payback on this dissident. The reason he could get his lucky shot in after-all was because those stupid peasants distracted him in the fist place. It was their fault that he looked like a fool in front of a crowd. That was something he could not let them get away with. With a quick glance of his eyes he noticed that that the nerd girl and watertribe peasant where cornered with their backs against the wall. They where definitely eager to get away from this fight but had nowhere to run.

Dao quickly hatched a plan. He would get his revenge on all three with just one shot. That would definitely be a display of his greatness. All he needed was the right opportunity. The young agent needed to set his opponent up for the right move. Dao watched his opponent as he blocked and dodged the rocks that where hurled at him. Sometimes with little effort and sometimes with a bit more. For the uneducated this fight might look pretty even but the truth was that the young Dai Li agent had little trouble dealing with the attacks that where thrown against him. All Dao had to do was wait for the right moment to strike.

There it was! The dissident had positioned himself between Dao and both peasants at the wall. As he was about to make his move, Dao quickly launched his first rock glove at his opponents left wrist. With a loud bang, the tattooed earth-bender slammed into the wall between both peasants with his left wrist locked on the wall. With a quick move the young Dai Li agent send his second rock glove flying. It quickly made contact with the dissidents right wrist, tying the young man even tighter to the wall. Within a split second, Dao bended the earth around his opponents feet, rendering the man completely unable to to move.

People in the crowd already started to consider this was the end of the fight, however for Dao it was just the beginning of his revenge. The young agent widened his stance and lowered his arms. As he slowly lifted his arms little streams of sweat started to run down his face. Slowly Dao raised a very large boulder from the ground. With a powerful kick, the young agent send the projectile towards the three persons locked at the wall.
I'll have my next post up either tonight or tomorrow :)
I'll be waiting for the others to post before I'll post again :)

Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring

With a fluent motion of his arms. Dao quickly raised a rock wall in order to block the incoming rocks. As the first rock crashed into his barrier, a quick motion caught the attention of the Young Dai Li agent. A girl suddenly crashed the party and stumbled into the battlegrounds. Doa noticed her short black hair and decent clothes. Judging from the scrolls she was carrying she was most likely on her way to the university of Ba Sing Se. Even if she managed to avoid the crossfire of rocks, with the lockdown she would not reach her destination any time soon.

As Dao was about to shift his attention again to the fight, a man barged in and grabbed the girl. It was the water tribe guy he noticed before. The Dai Li agent sighed. Stupid peasants. Get the hell out of my sight. Before.... Before Dao could finish his sentence, the tattooed dissident had noticed that Dao was not focused at him and launched a second rock. The Dai Li agent noticed the incoming projectile to late and before he could respond the boulder smashed into his face, sending Dao flying a few feet backwards.

With a smug face the earth bending dissident laughed. “See. The Dai Li are just incompetent clowns, only good for looking though. But with a single rock you can make them eat dirt. That is what the avatar will do to the current regime when he comes. He will tear down the walls and remove the Earth-king. We will all be free and wealthy!”

Dao could feel a little stream of blood coming down his face. He took the rock head on and was totally unprepared for it. The fact that his opponent managed to catch him off-guard pissed the young agent off. As he got back up to his feet he looked in anger into the direction of that university student girl and stupid Water Tribe peasant. It was their fault that he lost focus. It was their fault that his perfect first day got ruined. Getting his face bruised was not how Dao imagined his first day!

Dao noticed that Jian looked from the edge of his eyes into his direction but before the senior agent could say anything Dao shut him down. “Don't step in. I'll handle this. I am going to crush this rockhead until nothing is left of him!”

The older agent closed his eyes and did some steps behind. “Don't overdo it. We need to interrogate him later”
I'll start working tonight on my next post :)

Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring

Today was an unusual day to start your first day at the office. Especially when your office is called the Dai Li. The cities administration had decided to close the gates from the lower-ring to the middle-ring, stopping all the movement between both sections of the largest metropolis in the world. Needless to say that the event of a lock down was a small inconvenience for the people of the lower-ring. Public discontent was bound to happen and the Dai Li where at the scene to monitor the crowds behavior. After-all, when part of a large group, peasants will often show their true colors.

For Dao this was a special day. Starting your job with a lock-down of the lower-ring is something very rare among the Dai Li. But with something big happening even Ba Sing Se's cultural authority needed every man they could muster, no matter how green they are. For this day the young earth-bender was teamed up with Jian, a senior Dai Li agent with 20 years of experience in the field. Without doubt the most noticeable quality of Jian was his long black pony tail that started to turn gray. From a dark allyway both agents observed the crowd in silence as the peasants grew more discontent by the announcement made by the guardsman. It wasn't for long until Dao broke the silence.

” Hey Jian, you should really dye that hair of yours. Once you get it all black again it will make you look 10 years younger. Joked the rookie agent as he tried to hide his nervousness. After-all this was his first day and he wanted to make a good impression. Not only on Jian, his direct senior agent but also on the illustrious Samir, the head of the Dai Li. A man you definitely want to keep on your good side no matter what.

Jian, sighed “ I know you're nervous. Every agent is nervous on their first day, there are no exceptions to that. But remember why we're here, stay focused on the job and cut the chitchat and jokes. We're here because we received intelligence that an anti-government cell wants to instigate a riot. The lock-down is there to give them an opportunity, once we spot suspicious behavior in the crowd, we arrest them. So keep your eyes peeled and your mouth shut. Let me know the moment you spot anything suspicious”

Dao shifted his attention once again towards the crowd. He knew it was not the time to joke around. The Dai Li are professionals, the guardians who protect the ancient culture and order of the Earth kingdoms capital against all kind of groups who try to undermine the Earth Kings administration and authority. The young agent hated such groups. The only reason Ba Sing Se became the greatest city in the world was it rigid social order. Once the order collapses, the economy of the city will come to a grinding halt. Chaos and anarchy would reign supreme and the city would implode. Something Dao would never let happen on his watch.

The young Dai Li agent scanned the crowd once more. Every person he observed looking for any detail that might seem off. Peasant after peasant where scanned from top till toe until his eyes fell on particularly well build fellow. His blue tinted clothing and exotic skin-color revield his water tribe background. Dao judged this lanky man to be some years older as himself. A man in his prime, a perfect age for a warrior. Yet this watertribe man looked like he feels rather out of place. Dao notified his companion.

”Jian, what do you think about that watertribe peasant? He seems out of place.”
Before Jian could even respond a young man close to the person from the watertribe tribe started to shout “Down with the Earthking! The avatar will return and liberate us from the oppression!” Some of the people in the crowd where struck with awe while others made sure to keep their distance from the disobedient man. As Dao watched the scene unfold he instantly knew this was the time to move in. The two Dai Li agents bursted out of the shadows and into the crowd. Most of the peasants quickly jumped aside the moment they noticed the Dai Li approaching, they all hoped the agents would not come for them. The unlucky ones who where not quick enough where simply pushed aside by Dao as he rushed through the crow. Peasants would stumble over each other as the two Dai Li agents approached their target.

Much to Dao's surprise the young man did not flee the scene. He was just standing there as the crowd dispersed and an open space was formed around the three men. Dao smirked. ”You're supposed to run to make it a little interesting for me. You're making it way to easy”

Slowly the man turned around. For the first time the young Dai Li agent could take a good look at the dissident. He was a typical lower-ring citizen. His clothing was cheap but his muscled build betrayed that he exercised a lot. Maybe at some bending academy or martial arts school but he had defenitly received training somewhere The most remarkable feature of the man was the tattoo of a white lotus on his left upper-arm. For a moment he looked at the Dai Li agents and just smiled. “Too easy? I just hoped some green clowns would show up” before stamping with his right feet on the ground to lift some rock. With a single punch the boulders where send flying towards Dao.

Working on a post as we speak :)
@McHaggisI was thinking about that as well. I'm not sure how long Nilak has been in Ba Sing Se but maybe they could have met briefly if Amaya would also treat people in the upper ring. I also have some idea's on how Dao could end up interacting with some of the other characters. He could receive orders to go undercover in the Ba Sing Se university to find out where the loyalty of a certain descendant of a firenation citizen lies ;)

@McHaggisMaybe you can add Lake Laogai to the places of interest. After all that is where the Dai Li HQ is located. And I would love to drop the line "The earth king has invited you to lake Laogai" ^^

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