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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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@Dinh AaronMK Would the area between Treblea, Azuri and the other Merchant republic be close enough for my jungle nation?
Working on my nation. What would be a logical point for a nation that would consists mostly out of rainforests/jungle like terrain?
Are there any limits to races, apart from what was stated in the first post?
Ok. Then I'll start working on a nation :)
Hi, since the previous GM droppen out, I wondered if there is room again :)
Is there room for 1 more?
@The Narrator Do you want me to wait for your next post?
When is the next post comming?
Melancholic tones of the violin filled the room as the man dressed in black slowly moved his fingers across the strings of his replica Stradivarius. He was playing a piece by Johan Sebastian Bach called Air. The beautiful tones made him for a moment forget that he was confined in a prison, deep within the complex of the Order of the Guardian knights of Christ. A place he had entered not out of free will. However this cell has been his home since early 1984. From a human perspective that might be a long time, but the occupant of this room was only human in appearance. Well most of the times at least.

Those with an observant eye would notice that the cell was specially made to keep something confined that is not from the material world. Special symbols on the walls, floor and ceiling betray that this particular room is the home of what most would call a spirit. An entity from beyond the physical realm with the ability to manifest itself in the material world. A Spirit that to most of the people is known as Steven Cooper.

Steven looked up from his violin as the cell door opened. Four heavily armed guards entered the room and started to boss Steven around. “Hands behind your head! The senior Paladin wants to see you.” Before the Fox Immortal could even respond the guards pushed him against the wall and shoved the shining blade of a long knife under his nose. The blade was engraved with his true name. The guard whispered into his ear “Don’t try anything funny, don’t open up your mouth for any smart remarks or it will be the last thing you ever do.”
The trip to the Chapel was rather uneventful. His guards where jumpy as always. Maybe it was because Steven once stated that he’d kill each and everyone in the order if he’d get the chance or because of things he did before he got captured. Whatever it was it didn’t really matter. Just the fact that he was summoned to the senior paladin mend that someone or something would have to die soon. Much to Steven’s surprise something else was going on.

The Fox spirit arrived just in time for the intro speech of the Senior Paladin. Steven expected to hear the voice of Philip Guawe but apparently there was a new face on the block. New Paladin but just the same old redemption crap. However the notice of a gift was more or less a shift in policy compared to Jeremiah’s predecessor. The Fox immortal smiled as a young knight approached him holding some sort of book. Steven could clearly see the fear on the young man’s face as he stood in front of him, ready to hand over the gift. The Fox Immortal spoke gently to the guard as he accepted the gift “Don’t be afraid, I won’t steal your delicious soul anytime soon. Actually, this gift is pretty well chosen. I must commemorate our new senior Paladin on his taste in literature”

Steven turned towards his new master and observed him closely. The truth was that he knew absolutely nothing about this Jeremiah figure. Not one of the knights in the order ever spoke about him. It intrigued to Fox Spirit that out of all knights this man became the next commander of the Judas Unit. Time would tell what kind of man Jeremiah would be. However Steven was not the man to sit idly by the sideline. The least thing he could to is probe the man a bit. With a bit of sarcasm in his voice he spoke to his new master. [ “Congratulations on your…….promotion. I must admit that I find it rather unsettling that senior Paladin Guawe did not find the time to personally inform his loyal servants on his retirement. Maybe one day I could visit him in Spain and show him my respects. We did share a pleasant working relationship for a long time after all.”

Steven waited a moment before he spoke again. “Great expectations by Dickens. It’s a famous book and I thank you for this gift. I am sure we would be able to get a working relationship just as good as I had with senior Guawe”
I just started working on my first post :)
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