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Just to be a bit clear about the hostiles. There are two groups of them at the moment. One under survailance of the recon team/Oliver's drone near the bridge and another group that is under survailance of the chopper. The main force is going to engage the "chopper force" and the recon team the "bridge force, right?
I'll write a new post tomorrow. Didn't have time today :(

I'll proberbly take Shona to investigate what lies beyond the hills^^
Demanding from a loved one to stay alive because you don't want to live through pain of loss, regardless of how much a person is suffering is what I consider selfish. In the end, we humans should be free to end our own lifes if we feel like doing it. I only hope that there will come a time when we can do it in a humane way. People should not have to jump in front of trains, from tall buildings, hang themselfs or cut their wrist when we have the technology to do it in a way that is less traumatizing and does not involve people that have nothing to do with it. I am in favor of professional suicide clinics/hospitals :)
Slypheed said
Do we have a crazy guy who is an "expert" in explosives?

No, all our characters are completely sane and mature ;)
I want to shoot at something and miss ^^
Oliver heard all the complaining voices coming over his radio and could not help to smile a bit. It was hardly 15 minutes into the training mission and the Tiger had received the first scolding of the day. It wasn't Oliver's intention to let the others know that he was messing around a bit with the drone camera. He simply forgot that he was already sharing the video feed. None the less it was a good way to find out how far the tiger could go before colonel Blade would interfere. Judging from the old fox's scolding, the colonel doesn't tolerate much while being out in the field. Also Raisa's reaction was kind of fierce. "Sick voyeur?" Oliver considered himself more of a male adult with a healthy interest in the other sex. For a moment he considered giving her a reaction but he decided not to so. The tiger was pretty sure that for the rest of the training, he would be under the colonel's magnifying glass. It was better to avoid a second scolding in the coming 15 minutes. Oliver unlocked the drone camera from the girl's rear and set out orders to let it scout ahead. With a press on the button the young tiger activated the radio and spoke. "Sorry, for the inconvenience. I kind of forgot that I was already sharing the feed" This was about as much of an apology Oliver would generally make over his actions.

As the tiger looked on the monitor that was showing the drone camera feed he noticed that his radio scanner was picking up some signals on frequencies that are generally not used by the LDF. With a few button presses the GEAR's internal computer started to analyze the content. A few moments later the messaged popped up that the signals are most likely encrypted voice communication that is using a more commonly available radio encryption algorithm then what the LDF uses. Depending on the timeframe of the operation, Oliver judged that it might be worth to try to decrypt the signals but for now he decided to focus on finding out the source. For determining the source of the transmissions the Tiger decided to calibrate his direction antenna for the right frequency range so that he could find out the general direction the transmissions where coming from. Once the direction was determined Oliver would let his drone fly a scouting route to see if anything interesting would show up on screen. "This is Stone, I am picking up encrypted radio transmissions. Most likely it is voice communication from the bad guys. Apparently they are broadcasting from somewhere south-west of my position. I am sending my drone to investigate"

As the drone changed it course Oliver watched his monitor. He could see the deserted landscapes pass by beneath the drone as it flew in south-west direction. In the distance he could see a gently flowing riverbed positioned to the south-west and as he turned his camera more southwards a collection of low foothills where spotted in the distance. As the drone closed in on the riverbed Oliver spotted 3 moving objects near a bridge. As he zoomed in on the spot it became clear that 3 GEARs where guarding the river crossing. Much to Oliver's surprise it turned out to be modified civilian GEARs. He could see the makeshift armor plating that had been build on the machines. Also the armament features where clear. All 3 where carrying standard GEAR assault rifles and also one missile tube could be easily spotted on the right shoulder of the machines. Most likely they were armed with anti-armor rockets. Something a GEAR pilot preferred not to be hit with. Oliver opened up his communications to both the recon team and colonel Blade. "Enemy spotted, 3 GEARs, roughly 8 kilometers to the south-west of my position. Shall we engage them?"
I am going to write a post later today. Just wondering if I can let my character spot an enemy patrol or something along those lines :)
I am really motivated and my timeschedule will allow me to be more active again. Currently waiting for aristo and minder to post again. I hope they get posts up soon :)
Oliver listened to the orders that came over the radio. He had only gotten a glimpse of Myrina during his sort time on the Parvan's Claw. The tiger had no clue yet what kind of girl he was dealing with. He found it interesting to see how she would handle being in charge of the recon unit. Would she be bossy or a more laid back and easy going kind of leader? During his training he got regularly into fights and arguments with the commanders as the tiger was not the kind of person that would conform to addressing his superiors in a proper way and maintaining a level of professionalism over the radio. But first it was time to move into formation.

As ordered the recon unit started to move in staggered line formation. Oliver started to move his GEAR to the far right of the formation. With relative ease he made the machine climb out of the riverbed and started to zig zag through the mostly open terrain. Only some trees and an occasional small hill would retract the GEAR from the sight. As Oliver checked his radars and other sensors there was nothing to be seen except the position of the friendly units, with the recon GEAR's nicely marked in blue and the others in green. When he determined that everything was clear Oliver pressed the speak button of his radio and started to speak. "Sir, yes si.. o wait. I guess some of the drilling during training did came through" Joked Oliver as he started to execute the order.

With a few tabs on his PADD he loaded up the drone control APP. The drone is carried and launched from the back of the robot and is armed with a long range zoom camera that can make regular and infrared images. It can fly on remote controls or autonomous fly a pre-determined route. With a few presses tabs on the screen the tiger programmed a route to scout the first 10 kilometers ahead while operating the camera manually. Next task up was sharing the imagery with both his own team and colonel Blade. With a few more button presses Oliver setup another communication channel for sharing the camera feed real-time and contacted the recon team. "This is Oliver, the drone is launched and will scout ahead for 10 km. You can watch the live camera stream through channel 44. If you see anything interesting that you want to take a closer look at let me know so that I can zoom in or let the drone fly a bit closer. I'll also setup a direct link with the colonel."

Just as the young tiger has setup the link with the colonel he noticed how the drone flew over a small village. With a closer look he could see a not the shabby looking long haired female cat walking in the street with a shopping bag. With a tab on the screen the camera rotated and zoomed in on the cat. Her tight fitting hot pants and gently swinging tail didn't leave much room for imagination. Unfortunately for the young tiger, he forgot that he was already sharing the video stream with both the recon team and his CO.
As Oliver waited for Shona's response he had introduced himself properly to the female corsac fox next to him. His initial flirt with the girl did seem to have catched her off guard and drove off a bit. None the less after introducing himself she did shake his hand and turned her attention towards the briefing. Raisa did not seem to be the kind of girl who'd be interested in anything else except her job. As the tiger was thinking about how to get her to lighten up a bit his PADD blinked that there was a new message.

It was a response of the bat girl. She had read his question and messeged the tiger right back. Oliver was happy that Shona was interested in teaming up with him on this project. The tiger always liked interacting with people on many different fronts. He was already looking forward to working with Shona and was curious to what programs the bat was referring too. Oliver had some ideas about how to build it and what to share and stuff but input from someone else would always make things better and makes working much more fun. For now however Oliver had to focus on the rest of the briefing.

As colonel Blade finished up his briefing Oliver walked towards the GEAR deck. As he entered the tiger laid his eyes upon the Trius Heavy Industry S-Series Saxknot. The truth was that Oliver had mostly piloted training GEARS and only had a few hours of experience in this model. As he stood in front of the majestic machine he was slightly intimidated. This time it was still a simulation but the next time shit might be for real. He'd better make sure to get his act together. His teammates will rely on him doing his job properly in the field after all. For a moment he stared at GEAR and smiled in excitement. It was time to push his limits.

Just before the tiger was about to enter his vehicle he turned towards the technician who was finishing the last calibrations on Saxknot. "Yo Alexi, did you do that requested change?"Said the tiger with a grinn. A large, grumphy looking bear looked up from his work and nodded. "I not sure why you wanted to have gear with unrestricted computer access but none of my business. Just keep your end of deal, boy". Oliver smiled and raised his thumb as he climbed into his GEAR. "Don't worry bro, the vodka will be yours after this training exercise".

Oliver closed his cockpit and plugged in his PADD. This was going to be the point where he would violate some of the LDF regulations. With one press on the button the L/OS of the GEAR started to boot but halted with the question "Select boot device". With a few voice commands the GEAR's computer started to load software from his PADD. Alexi had made sure for him that certain security features where removed allowing Oliver to run custom software on his GEAR which is a direct violation of LDF regulations. As Oliver's own version of L/OS loaded he started to calibrate the controls of his GEAR. He had run this version on several training models during his GEAR pilot course but never on the new S-Series. As several checks where completed Oliver maneuvered his GEAR towards the launch point. The first few steps where a little awkward and unbalanced and made him look a bit like a rookie doing his first run in a GEAR. But after a few steps the software adapted and the Saxknot started to move more fluently.
As the controls have come online, Oliver booted up the other systems. Weaponsystems...check, communication...check, Electronic warfare/codecracking module...check. All systems up and running. Oliver opened up the comlink and spoke "This is private Oliver Stone, ready for action"

As the tiger moved his GEAR out of the hangar deck the orders of the colonel came through the radio. " Warlock, take Bell, Stone and Kelsea as your scouting team" Immidiatly Oliver switched his main commlink for communication with his teammates. "Hey guys, Oliver here. Looks like the fun is starting soon" Said Oliver wich a cheerfull voice through the commlink.
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