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9 yrs ago
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I'm looking forward to it :D
Thanks for the feedback. I'll make changes later today and post an updated version of my CS here :)

Made the small changes suggested in the intcheck

Here's my character. If there are any questions or concerns pleace let me know :)

Astarael42 said
languages are good. I fully expect people who have not taken the ability to speak different racial languages to not understand anything said that is not said in a language they speak. Common will be the starting language. On the other hand speaking...oh...Zhentish or drow or dragon probably won't come up much if at all.

I was thinking of adding elvish, orcish and dwarfish to my languagelist. Maybe not from the start but I think being able to speak a lot of languages would really fit my role well. Especially because I then can overhear conversations that might be more private and not ment for my human ears :)
I'll try to get my CS up tonight :)

Totally forgot to ask but what role will languages play in the campaign? Is it worth of speaking multiple or will D&D languages don't play a role at all?
I'm working on a character right now. It will be a bit of a hybrid between Bard and Rogue. I'm making a kind of diplomat/spy character. Someone who uses her words and music to gather information and manipulate others. A character that can talk her way into the castle, steal the kings crown and have the lackey beheaded for it :)

Now I'm a bit in doubt about the class skills. You've mentioned that we can take 4 skills. Now I've run a bit into the following problem. My main idea is that my character will get things done by interacting with others. Now there is a very long list of class skills that more or less reflect the interaction part of my character to fill up my class skills. Bluff, diplomacy, gather information, sense motive. I was wondering if we could combine that into one skill of "Advanced social skills" as they more or less overlap eachother and involve interacting with other characters. That way I can actually be more then just someone who's really good at talking with others :)

Other skils I was thinking of are disguise, sleight of hand, move silently and I haven't even started talking about bardic music/knowledge, fighting and spells. I was thinking of dropping the spells entirely and giving "magical properties" to the music. Basicly use music to influence other people's emotions and attitudes. Also fightingskills are overrated :)
I was thinking in the line of a rogue/assisin like character but I've not yet really have an idea for a race. I always like to pick more uncommon races :D
I'm kind of interested in this. Can we base characters only on races/classes that are mentioned in the Forgotten Realms lore or can we use other elements of D&D too?
In Hey 11 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Looks like the site is somewhat back. Time to get RPing again :)
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