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Winter, can i hack your Gear in order to give a big fu to the ppl at the top? I need entrance to the satilite^^
It's still a work in progress :)

Nation name: The Kingdom of Kitsunia
Population: 9.000.000 (5 million native Kitsune's and 4 million slaves of various races)
Race: Desert Kitsune's, magical anthropomorphic desert foxes.
Religion: The kitsune's worship the spirits of their ancestors. They asks them for strength, guidance and help during the mortal life.
Government form: Kingdom
Capital: Fanakia

The kingdom of Kitsunia is ruled by King Ibn Al Kitsa. His family has been the sole providers of monarchs for the past 800 years. They base their right to rule by the claim that they are descendants of Kitsune and Kitsa, the first two Kitsune's who ever roamed the world. None the less, some voices say that the claim is false. Also the current king is notoriously uninterested in state affairs and prefers to throw decadent parties and indulge himself in the pleasures of life.

The king is supported by the council of advisors, also known as the council of lords. All the advisors come from the important aristocratic families. It's an unwritten law that every position of the council of lords must be filled by a different noble family. Nearly all of the government tasks are performed by the Council of lords.

Hand of the king:
Lord of the treasure:
Lord commander:
Lord of the ships:
Lord of whisperers:
The lord of law:
The lady of Kitsune:

Aristocrats all govern a part of the country in the name of the king. Borders of their dominions can sometimes be unclear, especially for the lords of the nomadic tribes. This sometimes leads to internal tensions.

Kitsune's are generally very spiritual people. They worship their ancestors with great pride. Those who've played a major role for their people became legendary spirits who's myths continues to be significant hundreds of years after when the events supposed to have taken place. Meditation is the main form to communicate with the spirits but Kitsune's often pay tributes to them on small shrines.

The clergy is mostly made up out of females. All important religious positions are female only. This has to do with the origin story known as the legend of Kitsune and Kitsa, the first two Kitsunes. Kitsune is concidered the mother of all Kitsune's and she's the person their entire race is named after.

History and mythology go hand in hand in Kitsunian society. Especially when it comes to the origin story of their people. Kitsunian mythology states that 1000 years ago a human mage who roamed the desert felt lonely and used his magical abilities to make a companion out of a female desert fox (fennec). Out of the magical experiment by the mage came a creature that was a hybrid between human and desert fox. The fox would go by the name "Kitsune". After the successful experiment the mage decided to repeat it on a male fox and created "Kitsa". As the group traveled through the desert lands it didn't take long before interest between the three became more than just friendship. The mage started develop romantic feelings towards Kitsune but found them unanswered. When he found the love of his life in the arms of Kitsa the mage became filled with jealousy. On a dark night the mage could no longer contain his jealousy and rage and killed Kitsa in his sleep. When Kitsune found out who killed her lover, she had no other option then to condemn the human and avenge the fox she loved and who's child she was bearing.

Hundred year later nomadic tribes of Kitsune started to advance on the human cities and settlements along the river that crossed the desert. Initially the Kitsune's looted the cities and sold the humans into slavery and then moved on to the next. Later on the Kitsunes started to take over the settlements and started to claim the cities for themselves. From the depts of the desert the tribes pushed on towards the coast, following the great river and enslaving or eradicating all humans on their path. Assimilating lifestyles, customs and culture of the humans in their own. At first the different tribes worked independently until one man managed to unite them under his rule and the kingdom of Kitsunia was formed.

Population and culture
The kingdom of Kitsunia is inhabited by native Kitsunians and a large number of slaves. The fast majority of slaves are humans but other races can be found too.

Kitsunians live in a hierarchical society that is divided along clan lines. Clans are a group of families headed by a family of noble birth. Also there is a distinct difference between those who live in the cities and those who still cling to the old nomadic ways.

The urbanized Kitsunians value wealth, status and generally pursue a life of luxury and extravaganza. Many of the inhabitants of the cities are land owners or traders. Most of the work is done by slaves and even less fortunate families generally own a slave or two. Humans are by far the most common of slaves because the enslavement of humans is justified by the religious teachings of the Kitsune's. Not to mention that they build their kingdom on what was once human lands. The urbanized ones generally honor their ancestors by throwing feasts in their names or expensive offerings in one of the many shrines that can be found throughout the cities.

The nomadic desert tribes on the other hand value a more simple and conservative life. They kling onto to old ways of living as nomads. They move with their clans from one oasis of the desert tp the next. The nomads generally value courage and battlefield prowess as the early nomads of old had to fight the humans. They often raid human settlements along the border to capture slaves. Slaves are then sold in the cities. Also the tribes engage in caravan trading and cattle herding. Status among the nomadic tribes is determined by the quality of the horses and camels they ride on.

Geography and important locations
Kitsunia is a desert kingdom. THe vast majority of the land consists of the endless sand dunes that stretch as far as the eyes can see. The land is cut in half by the river of life. A giant river that creates a very fertile enviroment around it shores. Most of the cities and settlements are located on the rivershores of the river of life. The grounds around the river is extremely fertile due to the yearly flooding of the river.

Economy and trade
ll post my nationsheet today i think. Might still be a work in progress
Oliver noticed how his HUD showed that a new radiofrequency became active. "Clever girl. She only found things out mere minutes after tapping into the system" talked the tiger to himself. He could not help but to smile a bit. Whoever was piloting the sex legged GEAR was at least a worthy challenger that even tried to counter hack Oliver's GEAR. Now things would become really interesting. The tiger quickly diverted the communicationlink to an already running sandbox on his PADD. From here he planned to supply the enemy with false location information. Unfortunately for the young tiger, his CO just ordered to storm the base. Without time to set things up properly, his false info feed would never be convincing so that option was ruled out. Oliver quickly typed a message and send it to the enemy GEAR that would appear. "I'd really love to play and talk some more but I got some base storming and communication/radar jamming to do. So let's talk some more after the exercise. After all, a wise general once said keep your friends close but your enemies closer ;)"

Oliver quickly engaged all his jamming equipment as he entered the base as last of colonel Blade's group. The tiger made sure to jam all radio frequencies the enemy had been using so far. Also he started jamming enemy radars, rendering the enemy systems nearly useless. A chaotic scene was unfolding before the tigers eyes. Enemy infantry running around in order to reach their defensive positions as they were taken by surprise of the rapid assault. SAM installations went down as the Roughriders sniped them from the distance while their two main teams where fighting in the base. Oliver's attention was drawn to his radar screen as new enemy dots appeared. He quickly zoomed in on the location with his drone and could see multiple GEARs including a Blitzer variant. Oliver quickly opened his radio. "Looks like our welcoming party is here with one hell of a weird looking GEAR."

Oliver put his Saxknot into fireing position and aimed at the most forward advancing GEAR. Just like most of the enemy GEARs it was an improvised civilian GEAR armed with a rocket launcher and an assault rifle. It wasn't for long before the GEAR entered into effective range of Oliver's 20 mm assault rilfe. The tiger squeezed the trigger and fired the first burst of 3 shots. Dust and sand kicked up as in front of the enemy as his bullets missed their target. Quickly Oliver switched to automatic fire and pulled the trigger once more. Fire erupted from the muzzle of the gun as he sprayed the enemy with automatic fire. More dust was kicked up before the enemy GEAR finely turned red on the sensory screen, indicating that it has been destroyed. It wasn't before long that the other enemies started to return fire on his Saxknot. Quickly Oliver took cover behind a destroyed APC.
I've had a really busy day today. I'll start working on my next post tomorrow.
I'm working om my nationsheet as I speak. I'm going for a race of foxy ladies and gentlemens who live in a desert kingdom and love to have humans as slaves^^
Silver Carrot said
Ooh!...I have absolutely no idea where to start. Bear with me, this is my first nation RP.

It's not that difficult. First, you'll need to think of a name for your nation, what kind of people live in it (race and stuff) and what government it has.
Something like this:

Nation name: The kingdom of Silver Carrot
Race: The kingdom is inhabited by 8.000.000 anthropomorphic Silver Carrots.
Government: It's a kingdom, King Silver rules his subjects by birthright from his orange carrot throne.
Religion: Carrotfari, The Silver Carrots worship the walking Carrot Monster who's more orange then you

Basicly, I always start of in general lines. Get like the basics done and then flesh out the details. I might write down that the worship a certain god and later write out the mythology.

Same I do for population. Basicly I choose a race and fill in it's culture later.
Oliver heard his CO's voice coming over the radio. Colonel blade sure sounded slightly worried about the two female pilots the tiger had spotted with his drone. According to the colonel both pilots where pretty skilled with excellent GEARs. The assault on the main base would surely not turn out as a turkey shoot. The roughriders would need to use every trick they had in their book in order to overcome the odds. Oliver took another look at the drone feed that was still showing both pilots. The young tiger was looking forward to the engagement. It was a good opportunity to show off to the ladies. Oliver spoke into the team's com "I have no problems going all hardcore on them and give their butts a proper spanking as long as there are no questions ask afterwards. This should be fun" joked the tiger as he maneuvered his GEAR into formation with colonel Blade and the others.

Oliver watched how Shona and Adrian took positions in order to snipe down the enemy. The tiger's lacked the destructive force the others brought to the field but Oliver had other specialties. His GEAR is equipped for electronic warfare and SIGINT. His role within the Roughriders is to gather information and deny the enemy their communication. Oliver started to ready his GEAR for what it was made of. With a few button presses the Saxknot antenna's started to scan the radio frequencies looking for the communication signals between the enemy forces. It wasn't before long that Oliver picked up the radio transmissions that where encrypted by the standard high-level encryption used by the LDF. Also signals from the other non-military GEARs soon filled the airwaves.

The only enemy GEARs that could possibly be using military grade encryption for their wireless communication where those of the Snow Leopard and Fox girl. Under real combat circumstances it would be impossible to crack such encryption in the timeframe of a single exercise if it wasn't for the LDF taking the easy route. For exercises the LDF had supplied a limited number of encryption keys that are used over and over again. It wasn't too difficult to build a table that would cover the fast majority of key's used for training purposes for Oliver during his one year of basic training. After all, the tiger had saved every key he had used or cracked on his PADD. Using such date could be considered against the spirit of the exercise and might get the tiger into trouble. Since they higher ups had a surprise for them it would only be fair to surprise them back. With a tab on the PADD the screen lighted up and loaded a program that would test all know keys to the intercepted data packets. Oliver could feel his heart beat in his chest as he watched how his PADD synchronized the data with the build-in code cracking computer of his GEAR. Within a minute it was all done. This exercise was also setup with one of the know keys. Oliver's computers quickly started to reconstruct the intercepted data and had soon had some clear words ready. The voice of a female seemed to issue some orders "While they're focusing on me I want you and your forces to flank left and surprise them. When they realise their mistake and start attacking you, I will re-engage and have my forces fire a second salvo at them. Try not to engage them in too closely, it'll be 'danger close' when we fire our second salvo. But if it works, the Roughriders will be attacked from two directions which will lead to a suppression followed by a victory"

Oliver could not tell who was issuing the orders but assumed it was one of the two girls. The tiger quickly relayed the intercepted transmission to his CO. It was obvious that they were planning some form of trap. The tiger quickly opened up the radio link to the Colonel and spoke. "I've intercepted a part of a transmission from the enemy and decrypted it. You'd better listen to it. By the sound of it the enemy is planning some trap or something. I can either continue to listen to their conversations or start messing their shit up real good. It won't be too difficult to interrupt their communications and blind their radar temporarily." Oliver had hardly finished his sentence when he heard the shots Shona and Adrian fired. This will start to get messy real soon.
Cartwright said
Thanks! It is.. *ahem* "Mr.Cartwright" now. Heheheh.

I think kiddo suits you fine :P
Cartwright said
Guess who turns 18 tomorrow?

Not me, I did that a long long time ago :P

Happy birthday
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