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Location(s): Control Center, Paradox Engine.

Mentions: Bruno Bucciarati @Lewascan2, Terra @Dead Cruiser, Danny @Crimson Flame, Tai @Martian, and Giovanni @TruthHurts22

"Mm...True enough, Daniel. Yes, I surmise this title means astonishingly little to any of us; merely a formality, so as to know what I mean when I refer to it, yes?" Brainstorm prattled off, answering Danny's claim as to why such a name held importance; well, it was the first answer they had received, and it should not be taken lightly! However, he was taken slightly off-track by the Half-Ghost's claim of being...Well, Half-Ghost.

"Most intriguing...So you mean to say, in your world, ectoplasmic entities are not mere bogeymen tales, but real, pseudo-living creatures? Well, I must insist you continue!..." After a brief pause, the Cerebrocrustacean realized the situation once more. "...Er, later, I mean." He now turned his attention to the Viltrumite in the room, who had yet again begun bombarding him with questions.

"But of course, dear Terra! The Paradox Engine is a space station....Of sorts. Perhaps calling it a 'station' is more accurate vocabulary. To put it as simply as one of my intellect can manage...It would appear that the Engine resides in an area separated from both space and time; a true scientific enigma! Perhaps the source of their choice of name!" However, as he was preparing to keep moving on, Ben took notice of her trying to access the controls.

"Ahem! I highly recommend you leave these complicated systems to me! I am afraid their modus operandi is far too much for a...." The Cerebrocrustacean couldn't even finish his sentence before it happened. Just as had happened to him, a flood of information rammed itself headfirst into her cerebrum. The only difference being her brain wasn't the size of an engine block. It practically became nothing but horrifically painful white noise to her mind almost immediately, forcing her to step away before suffering any permanent injury. "...Less sophisticated lifeform. No offense." While it was hard to tell with the facial structure of this form, Brainstorm could be made out slightly smirking.

"As for a power source? Why, my mentally scrambled companion, you're standing next to it!" Pointing a pincer towards the column-like structure that took up the majority of the center of the room, surrounded by the main controls, Ben nodded along. "Yes, that is the power source of the Paradox Engine. Although....Even I am unaware exactly what it is, or how it runs. The most I can surmise is that my Conductoid form, Feedback, had managed to jumpstart the system, hence" He made a wide motion towards, well...Everything in the room. "Why everything is online. Granted, there is something strange...Judging from the initial lack of power, and of course, this locale being seemingly devoid of any residents, it implies it has been abandoned for some time. And yet....Everything seems to be in perfectly working condition. There isn't even dust." To emphasize the point, he scratched his pincer against the floor, drawing up nothing but brief, small sparks from the interaction.

"As for what the Paradox Engine is for..." Mentally flexing his electrokinetic ability, the map seemed to warp itself, highlighting a particular section that, with Brainstorm's translation patch, simply read 'Testing Grounds'. It was the peak of the station; the very top floor. "One can make the educated guess that this floor will have our answers. However, I believe we have more pressing matters, given Bucciarati's condition." Yet again, the map fluctuated once more, this time focusing on two different floors; Floor 6 and Floor 2, labeled as 'Luncheon Room' and 'Medical Bay' respectively. "If he is to make a proper recovery, then in my professional opinion...He is in desperate need of nutrition, which I safely presume would be present in the Luncheon Room, and it would behoove us to be safe rather than sorry, and attempt a 'check-up' of sorts...The best we can manage, at least. I safely presume none of you possess medical training?"

Staring around a room of blank stares, Brainstorm sighed. "...To be expected. I can handle that myself. While I, Brainstorm, possess a truly unmatched Intelligence Quotient, it may not translate perfectly onto the medical field...Especially given my appendages. But I possess another entity with the knowhow, if you'll excuse my rudimentary lingo, that can perform this task. Though for the time being..."

The crustacean creature scuttled forth, allowing Bruno to prop himself with his sturdy shell. "While I am a thinker, and not a fighter, I am more than capable of aiding you to the transporter. You will find my chitinous exterior suitably stable for your support!" Before he scuttled off, however, his electrokinesis snatched up the spare map and dropped it into Danny's hands. "Take care with it; it was surprisingly tricky to figure out how to manage that, and the system seems unable to construct more at the given time." On that note, as Ben left, he was keeping the original with him as it neatly folded back in the rectangular shape. Though, before he could leave, yet more newcomers emerged. How to handle this....

"...Whoever doesn't intend to leave and obtain some form of sustenance from the Luncheon Room, plan to accompany me and Bucciarati to the Medical Bay, or investigate the so-called 'Testing Grounds', can give the exhaustive explanation behind this predicament." With that, Ben scuttled away with Bruno in tow, careful to accommodate his pace. When the two reached the platform near the back-end of the room, Brainstorm turned to him with a slight look of concern. "A word to the wise, Bucciarati. This is not quite an elevator or lift, per se...If you feel that you still possess food in your stomach, I request you hold onto it. This may get uncomfortable for a beginner in the lightspeed travelling arts..." Clicking a small elevator-like button, the chamber of the transporter closed, and in a blinding light, they were gone...

Only for them to appear once more less than a second afterwards, in what seemed like a new location; bright white tiling and walls, with the universal sign for medical care plastered to one; a red cross. Just looking at the area gave a sense of sterility as most hospices were known for. Multiple small rooms filled corridors, with most being patient rooms, though a few that looked to have filed away a number of amenities and equipment. Welcome to the Medical Bay.
Yes, i love the Lost Light comics, how can you tell?

Favourite Super Power is pure and simple flight. I think it's what we all dream of more than anything else.

Seriously sorry for not getting to you sooner! Things've been going pretty fast, as you can see lol. From long to short, these two are accepted! Even if accepting two new good guys is definitely gonna throw things off again lol. And speaking of good guys.....


Doomguy, huh? Definitely an interesting take...But hey, if you think you can make him a fun character to RP around, then I say go for it! Just don't expect to 'rip and tear' too often, y'know? xD And last but not least....Or maybe least? Hard to say.


Soup. Yeah he's accepted

Reactions: Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22, Poison Ivy @Crimson Flame, Horus @Dead Cruiser, Bonesaw @Lewascan2, Cyrus @Randomness.

The machine seemed to stare absently at the spot where Poison Ivy had just stood, briefly losing her in the haze and flames beginning to plume around...But it didn't take long. It had only missed her by a few feet, after she hastily tucked and rolled out of the blaze of the flamethrowers. With her words falling on deaf ears (so to speak), it began to turn towards her once more, the crackle of heat growing, and as a new inferno began to blossom...

It found itself stonewalled. Or should I say woodwalled?

While the oak wasn't exactly impervious, it held its ground against the onslaught of fire, as the crackle of burnt wood could be heard and smelt across the plains. Noting the ineffectiveness of that method, it was already changing one of its arms back to normal; likely to topple the giant oak with brute strength. However, it wasn't given the chance; yet again, the Techadon found itself bound tight, this time by overgrown, mighty branches. This wouldn't last forever, though, as the spray of flame underneath the wood bindings could be heard growing, and with each flex of its nanomechanical muscles, the oak entrapment budged and creaked with effort. It would only be a matter of time before it freed itself....

But for now, it was a vulnerable target.

More pressing matters made themselves known shortly, however, as at last, a new light was breaching the blue-sky horizon; nearly double the size of the initial crashlanded invader, this looked to be a far more troublesome arrival. For Driscoll's small part, it was all he could do to brace himself before the new entity thundered onto the sea of green. The shockwave alone was enough to knock even the mightiest of the villains to the wayside; even Horus could find his footing loosened by the result, and the Forever King barely caught himself from falling and crushing poor Bonesaw.

Quite literally double the size of the prior constructs, even standing head and shoulders above Horus, was the last and greatest of these Techadons. In comparison to the dark blue and harsh-steel colorations of the ones prior, this one possessed more light blue shades and stark white metal as it passed its gaze over the meatbags of this realm. And, to everyone's surprise, this one spoke.

"Initiating crowd control procedures." Without hesitation, it rose a single hand skyward, launching what appeared to be a giant sphere of blueish energy...Which promptly began to rain laserfire across the plains, like an artillery bombing of hellish proportions. Dirt and grass was turned to ash as the assault continued, with the new Wardrone passively watching this turn of events.

Driscoll was quick on his feet, and it likely saved both his and Riley's life; in haste he yanked her from his back, and acting as a wall between the young girl and the widespread attack, he raised an arm up, forming an energy tower shield. Even still, it was barely enough. Each blast that connected nearly caused his energy creation to dissipate, and pushed the pair further and further into the ground.

At this rate....It looked like the tides had turned yet again, and not in their favor.

Reaction: Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22, Poison Ivy @Crimson Flame

The Techadon's full-force strike was avoided by mere seconds, its fist crunching into the solid earth as it made a fist-sized hole into the ground. This didn't come without a cost, as Shadow Moth had to abandon his blade, still wedged thoroughly in the forearm of the Wardrone. As Gabriel spoke to the machine, it, of course, did not respond; though its gaze focused on the strange new weapon he revealed, plucking a shimmering feather as he pressed it to what remained of the cane. Its attention now shot over to the peculiar entity that was conjured. Just as it prepared an assault on the unexpected interference, its focus was stolen once more by the masked Miraculous user as they began a full-frontal assault.

Of course, the blows didn't manage much. For every dent of the cane, and cut of the fan, repairs were made practically moments after the damage was caused, each strike too minor to last even a second. But it kept him off-balance, and as far as its own retaliation attempts were going, they were going miserably. This man had a flow about him in combat that a simple machine like a Techadon could not keep up with; not with its lumbering, uninspired movements. Still, this exchange of blows did not go entirely in Shadow Moth's favor; near the end, as the construct finally neared 'Static Cling', it managed a glancing blow, a harsh smack of its hand that would likely send the man careening off, though no doubt with his footwork he could catch himself before the hard fall...Though he would certainly be feeling the strike.

Still, the plan was successful. The unwitting Wardrone couldn't turn around in time, as adhesive, stretchy tendrils latched onto its legs and arms, and the bizarre jellyfish-esque monster strapped itself to the back of the machine. At first, there was a tense moment of resistance, as the Techadon thrashed out with its full might against the Sentimonster. However, slowly, the fight began to leave its limbs, and although its head turned towards the throttled Shadow Moth accusingly, 'Static Cling' forced it to stride towards the master, and painstakingly made it bow with the violent creak of resisting metal. The Amok had been successful...For now.

Meanwhile, another Techadon looked towards the burnt remain of a sleek, vine-covered throne where its laser put a clean hole through it, and the rest was steadily withering away from the damage. It caught sight of Ivy as she began shouting towards it, but as it rose its hand once more for a repeat performance, it found the appendage...Quite unresponsive.

Turning its head, the Wardrone watched as a surge of vines and roots began to overtake it, starting with the arm, bound tightly and pulled near-taut to the side, barely able to flex a finger, as more of the verdant onslaught grew forth. By the time it was over, the machine was held aloft, entrapped nearly head-to-toe in plant life. As these tendrils began to put the squeeze on this tin soldier however, they found much resistance; between the raw strength of the Techadon and the durability of its armor, it withstood the crushing force being placed upon it...And then, it took action.

It was barely noticeable until it was almost too late, but a reddish glow could be seen emanating from under the tangle of vines, and without warning, the Techadon had sawed itself in half, effectively freeing itself at the cost of its lower body....If it were anything other than a Techadon, that is. The upper half had already reformed proper legs, and to Ivy's horror, its arms formed something very recognizable; flamethrowers, or at least something close to it. Without warning, it began its scorched earth policy as it approached Pamela, burning past the once-luscious grass plains to bring its wrath upon the environmental villainess.

For its part, the other end of that Techadon was all but complete once more, and with its arms free, had no problem forcing its way out of the earthly grasp, landing solidly on ground once more. This one, however, took note of all the ongoing scenarios, and saw two combatants who were biding their time; Driscoll and Bonesaw. Beginning a charge, this metal hulk thudded past the ongoing conflicts, towards the Forever King and his seemingly defenseless companion.

Reaction: Cyrus @Randomness.

Sadly, getting both Techadons was a pipe dream; due to their sheer size, and the concentrated nature of the Flamethrower, it only managed to strike the one closer to Cyrus, the one that had attempted to strike him before a well-timed Protect had secured him. Still, it didn't mean this wasn't successful. Far from it.

As the top-end of the Wardrone was engulfed in intense flames, it tried to push back with the one arm it could raise in time, and indeed the Galactic Boss could see the figure slowly pushing through the inferno. However, the closer it got to the source of heat, the worse it became. While there wasn't external damage growing beyond soft burn marks, the internal effects did not go unnoticed by the machine. The metal menace lacked anything of a cooling system, and was getting cooked from the inside, its thick outer armor only serving to make this effect worse. It was all this Techadon could do, in its final moments of activity, to wrench off one of its arms, chucking it off to the wayside; one could see steam and a slight ooze of molten metals coming from the removed limb, but even still, it was reforming into a new one. Slower than the rest, but it would manage.

This sacrifice would cost the original everything, as scorching heat now sweltered unfettered through its internal circuitry. Once the attack finally ended, the fairly charred metal-clad monstrosity, looking surprisingly unscathed on the outside....Clunked harshly to the ground, the first of the Techadons properly ended, the vital internal workings cooked beyond repairs.

The other one, the spared progeny of the cooked scrap-heap on the ground, had barely managed to reform to about half its mass; the legs and left arm were fully intact, as were its head, but most of its chest and the entirety of its second arm were naught but dense forests of huge metal wires and coils, incomprehensible messes of machinery. Still, it rose to its newfound feet and stared toward Cyrus and his hound. They had chosen a new method of assault.

Its one proper arm began to shift, and where its lower arm had been now had some sort of cannon design; four barrels, each one oversized enough to make most weary of the payload it would be delivering. It aimed, and after a brief period of whirring, as the whole lower arm began to rotate at high speeds, a hailstorm of laser blasts began to pelt the area near Cyrus. Each blast on their own were not powerful, but the Techadon had done the calculations; an attack like this was far more likely to succeed against the canine's defense tactic.

Reaction: Horus @Dead Cruiser.

As the full might of the Warmaster barreled into this Techadon, Horus could find himself surprised; while it was true their reaction speeds, as well as speed in general, were fairly poor, their strength held up in spades. The shoulder bash served to stagger the machine, where it would send most targets sprawled across the land. Still, it was all he would need as he brought the vicious, lightning-lapped Talon into the steel machination.

However, things didn't go quite so smoothly. The Techadon had recouperated from the frontal charge enough to maneuver itself. Not much, but enough. A dense arm caught the brunt of the force, pushing the weapon off course just enough; inches away from what would be its head. Still, crackling with energy, it tore past the notable defenses of the drone, rending its arm and cleaving down the length of its chest, leaving a half-ruined mech lying in the grass. The fact that each time one of these so-called 'Techadons' had their core processing, their heads, threatened and reacted with the upmost of their strength, speed, and durability, would not be lost on a man like Horus. They were purposefully guarding it.

The small fragments of its arm that had been struck off and lie on the ground seemed unable to reform themselves, though the exact reason behind it was questionable at best. However, the lower and upper halves of what had, moments ago, been a whole Wardrone, began to form into seperate selves; two of these vile, ad nauseum repeating weapons-bots were now the adversaries of Horus...

When they reformed, they stood and stared for a moment, and the Favored Son would recognize that they seemed to be observing...And soon, they adapted. He witnessed as right in front of his eyes, the armor of these Techadons began to bulk out, becoming eerily familiar to his own, and with opposite arms raised, another recognizable sight began to take shape; nanomachines swarmed around an arm of each of these machines, forming a weapon not so dissimilar to the Talon of Horus itself. As their new tools began to fixate properly and crackle with power, the newly formed duo rushed toward the Wolf of Luna, each looking to flank into him and tear with their shocking adaptation of technology.

Reaction: Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22, Poison Ivy @Crimson Flame, Horus @Dead Cruiser, Cyrus @Randomness

The lumbering automaton was powerfully built, and fairly durable, but quick it was not. By the time it had looked up to see the pirouetting Shadow Moth go overhead, its arm already fell hard to the ground beneath it. It whipped around to face the assailant...Just in time to drop to the floor, both legs falling limp on the earth. However, it finally seemed to regain its standing in the battle; at the last moment, it interposed its remaining arm between its head and the razor-sharp blade meant to sever the connection, as it barely wedged halfway through the heavy-duty armoring on the Techadon this time around.

More concerningly, something became clear to all of them that this move was a dreadful mistake. The whirring noise of hastily-reconstructed machinery pointed itself to the newly found stumps on the robot, already forming fully-functional legs, alongside a new arm, in mere seconds....Not to mention that the dismembered parts made prior had also begun to construct full Techadon bodies of their own, as it became clear the 'obvious weak points' had been nothing more than bait to create more Wardrones.

With one having quickly become four, the Techadons began to push their advantage. One turned towards the towering figure of Horus, and as its shoulders began to morph, a set of missile launchers emerged, and it did not hesitate to launch both full salvos of explosives towards him. Two more looked towards some of the onlookers; Poison Ivy and Cyrus. With a single glance exchanging all the information the two machines needed, they both raised their palms outward and fired familiar bright blue beams of dangerous energy towards the two of them.

Lastly, this Techadon now had Shadow Moth in a precarious position; unable to retreat just yet, due to the staff's blade end being firmly trapped in the forearm of the drone, it rose up to its full height once more, and raising its free arm, brought it down upon the Miraculous user, fully intending to cave him into the ground.

Location: Paradox Engine, Simulated Universe #1 (Open Fields, Current Simulation:...?)

Mentions: Bonesaw @Lewascan2, Cyrus @Randomness, Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22, Poison Ivy @Crimson Flame, Horus @Dead Cruiser, Ganondorf @ActRaiserTheReturned

Driscoll found, to his silent shock, that he had to cast his gaze towards the skies to see the latest arrival face-to-face. A true tower of a man, clad in bulkish, unwieldly-looking armor as he placed the head of his giant mace to the verdant ground beneath. A show of peace....If not also a quiet threat.

However, the Forever King found himself even more taken aback as he spoke a piece of Latin. Unexpected. 'Hail the Emperor, mm? Intriguing...' He mused to himself mentally as the beast of a man continued, claiming himself to be a Warmaster of the Imperium of Mankind. Yet again, more empty words, though the context behind them brought a small smile to Driscoll's face. Perhaps this individual's ideals were not so far off from the Forever Knights themselves...

The conversation was continued as the dapperly-dressed man spoke up once more, addressing Driscoll. He spoke of his concerns, and a lack of trust, before he began to mutter to himself once more. A man more used to solitude, if the King was to hazard a guess. Once would have been nothing, but twice is a pattern...Still, the man, who he could now refer to by a name, rounded back to the conversation and spoke of finding civilization.

"Mm...On that we agree, Shadow Moth. Trust is a harshly-earned commodity in any world. As for my openness, well..." Through the mere tone of his voice following this, you could feel the smug smile behind his helmet. "A true ruler has nothing to hide." Another show of authority from the Forever King, parading what some might see as vulnerability as mere grandstanding. Still, he nodded dutifully to the last remark of his new secretive acquaintance. "That sounds wise. Granted, this land seems devoid of much else than the grass beneath our feet. Something of this feels...Unnatural."

The gaunt-looking fellow finally spoke up, seeming to signal his attack dog off. Good. His talk of Team Galactic left Driscoll continually more perplexed. If there was another group even half as large as the Forever Knights, Driscoll would have known of them. And yet...Nothing. Between that and the Imperium of Mankind, another strange pattern began to reveal itself. Nothing between these individuals seemed to match the other. Stranger and stranger still....

"Well met, Cyrus. It is true; I have never heard tell of such an organization. Most peculiar..." Beneath the visor, however, Cyrus' claim of something he would not understand irked him, though perhaps irrationally so. Was this man suggesting something of his intellect? Or was it another case of that strange pattern, such as the both of them being unfamiliar with the other's team? In the end, he decided not to press it; this was not the situation to make enemies. Not yet. "...I will take your word on that. You possess quite lofty goals, I must say. My respect." He gave a curt nod to him, in truth finding them to be as he said. Not entirely dissimilar to Driscoll's intentions, though he suspects for much different reasons. Perhaps a middle ground could be met...

It was then that, finally, the Forever King's attention was taken back to the odd child who regarded the group, most particularly Shadow Moth, and spoke of what might have brought her here before briefly turning her attention to Driscoll himself with a smile and a wave. Something about her eyes, though...He had seen many a battle against innumerous beasts, extraterrestrials and otherwise monstrosities, and her eyes....Held a certain predatory quality to them. Disconcerting, to be certain...

His mind was taken away from this when the young one's gaze was taken away to some other individuals; both ginger, though vastly different beyond that regard. She spoke to the swarthy-looking one with the blade, reprimanding him for...Swearing? Truth be told, Driscoll couldn't repress a small, but honest, laugh. How amusing. "Yes. Can't you see we have a young lady in our midst? It would serve you well to remember your manners." At first, it seemed like Driscoll was merely humoring the little girl, but this too was a sneaky plot to leadership, effectively telling this newcomer that he ought to know his place, without outwardly doing so.

The moment snapped back to Bonesaw once she had finished greeting the new arrival, Horus, and spoke once more to Shadow Moth, though her words did not bring laughter to the aged knight this time. Something of how she spoke so casually of something called a 'berserk mode' played into what he had seen of her gaze before. Yes, this child was more than meets the eye. Interesting...If not concerning.

Then she finally got around to her introduction; little Riley Grace Davis, otherwise known as...Bonesaw of the Slaughterhouse Nine? Questions bubbled to the foremost part of the Forever King's mind, but something told him he likely wouldn't appreciate any answer he could receive. But, at the least, he could appreciate her manners.

"You are quite the polite girl, young Riley. Your parents ought to be proud. Certainly better manners than an unruly teenager I know..." His last sentence held a vicious edge to it, clearly bitter just thinking about whoever he may be referring to. "Well then, beyond those two, Driscoll gave a brief wave of his hand to the two redheads, practically dismissing them already. "we are now more knowledgeable than we were prior, and that is worth something. I...Am loathe to admit it, due to the scarce prospects of such an idea, but it seems sir Shadow Moth's idea would be for the best."

Simulation Proceeding: Test variant 1T, Techadon Invasion. Calculating odds of universe survival....01.38%. Disconnected from the clamoring of those wicked few, something was brought back online after so many years of inactivity. Or had it only been seconds? In the Paradox Engine, such concepts as time meant precious little, even less so to the intelligence tasked with running the myriad simulations across the Testing Grounds.

....Unlikely scenario detected. Multiple Class-A Villains present in universe. Recalculating Simulation. Universe survival now stands at....

Driscoll barely had the time to recognize what was approaching in spite of the clear skies. Out of seemingly nowhere, he bore witness to two objects hurtling down towards the surface of the plains at incredible speeds, gathering heat and force by the second. Instinct took over; not that of the Knights, but of the Plumbers. "GET DOWN!" Hastily, the King unceremoniously scooped up young Riley and dove, barely getting the both of them away in time as the crash sent them, as well as most of the others, sailing briefly across the grassy lands. As soon as he recovered, he took quick account of her condition, and seeing her fine, gently placed her back on solid ground. She may be more than meets the eye, and not in a pleasant sense, but in Driscoll's eyes, she was still a human child; something worth protecting...Beyond the fact that he had the sense he'd soon need as many allies as possible.

As the other object still took time to catch up, out of the smoldering crater of the first crash, from smoke and flames, something rose...

A titan of metal, standing nearly eye-to-eye with the Forever King, the heartstopping arrival seemed to gaze at all the individuals surrounding it, taking them in...And without warning, it reached its hand towards Driscoll as a blast of searingly bright blue energy launched towards him. He only just found the time to defend himself, forming something akin to a kite shield made of energy, though it still managed to push him back a few feet as he scoffed. Only the young one was close enough to hear him speak up next. "This just keeps becoming more complicated...Techadons."

Looks good here Martian! You can throw Tai and Agumon up in Characters and see about posting when you can. :)
@Dead Cruiser

I can't claim to know very much of 40K, though what I do know of it concerns me here...Not to mention that your powers section there was incredibly vague, basically just saying he's strong, tough, smart, charismatic, and has some kinda super-tesla-gun claw and a bigass maul. If you could get a little more in-depth here, it'd be appreciated.

Once my concerns here are met, I'll be accepting him, most likely. But keeping a close eye...
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