"You know that, uh, people died a lot even before Capes, yeah? You can't get complacent because of... all that."
Name: Edwin Charles
Alias: Schrödinger
Nicknames: Ed. What, they can't all be creative or witty.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Even before his Trigger Event, Edwin's always had a bit of... death anxiety. Thanatophobia. A series of close calls as a young child imprinted on his mind, etching memories that, while he can't necessarily recall, shaped the kid he is today. He's always jumpy, nervous, difficult to keep still. Think less 'tweeker needing a fix', more 'feeling eyes on his back'. He has a lot of frantic energy coursing through him in any situation save for the absolute safest, giving him a very narrow focus, a one-track mind that he does his very best not to derail. Now multiply that by about 9 post-Trigger Event, and that's a lot of his deal nowadays.
Upsides? Well, there's very few; Edwin's anxieties make him pretty rough around the edges, leaving him terse and bratty and generally bad with people. His singlemindedness makes him very effective at doing what needs doing, pragmatic in his approach, seeing as he's always on the edge of Fight or Flight. Due to a need to be heard (stemming from the idea that his anxieties have to be taken seriously) he can also be quite direct with people - blunt, honest, and not taking any bullshit... not to say that he's always able to get the words out. It's also sparked a surprising creative streak in him. If Edwin wasn't a Cape, he could make a nice living as an artist.
Appearance: Edwin is tall. Very tall. Not, like, being-tall-is-his-power tall, but tall for a normal person. A clean 6'7" in height, in fact. He's not very picky with his wardrobe, though there is a consistent theme of baggy clothing, layers, long sleeves and long pants - things that make him bulkier, that he could "turtle" inside of, in a manner of speaking. He also always wears glasses, since he's so near-sighted as to be practically blind and refuses contact lenses.
As a Cape, he gets a little flashier. A deep gray cowl and a match open-front skirt, mimicking the Grim Reaper's iconic cloak, overtop some standard protective gear - thick vest, pads on the joints, steel-toe boots, etc. His wireframe glasses are replaced with a pair of prescription safety goggles wrapped around his head. The most striking element is a bright red jacket combat jacket worn over it all, the pockets and holsters holding various self-defense gear (collapsing batons, hand taser, maybe a pepper spray or two), made to turn him into a tempting target. It wasn't his idea.
Biography: For the most part Edwin's life had been pretty normal. His mother left his father early in his life, so he doesn't really know much about her. His dad raised him as well as he could by himself, but a few times he grew neglectful, leading to a very young Edwin to end up in dangerous situations more than once. Physically he came out of them okay, but the collective near-death experiences traumatized the poor kid - the memories were repressed, barely even registering in his mind, but the feelings stuck with him for the rest of his life.
This wasn't his Trigger Event, though. Beyond those awful moments Edwin existed as anyone would, though the budding signs of his thanatophobia cropped up around kindergarten, when the very thought of sharpening pencils, reaching for books on high shelves, or sitting under a faulty light made him almost too fearful to pay attention. Things were... tough for him from then on. Every step forward in overcoming the fear was accompanied by him aging and growing more aware of everything that could be what does him in. Edwin became marked as 'the weird kid' in his schools, too anxious to hold friendships for long, and for a while he was ostracized. Come Freshman Year of Highschool, however, he met someone who understood him. Not fully, but enough. They became highschool sweethearts, and the relationship had a very positive effect on him. Nearing senior year, Edwin had most of the fears under control.
Then he got his powers.
When the school year was to start, Edwin was in the hospital - nothing major, just a broken leg and a mile-long stare. By the time he healed up, he was being investigated for manslaughter. When that charge cleared, another one cropped up. And another. And one more. The last year of his school life became an unfortunate series of terrible tragedies that left him under harsh scrutiny, as the nature of his powers were juuust esoteric enough to not be understood by civilians or noticed by Capes. After a while of having these powers (and after a handful of house arrests), Edwin grew... as close to comfortable as he could be with it all. He trained a little on his own, cultivating a very slight modicum of control, as well as picking up more mundane self-defense techniques, and spent most of his free time writing, drawing, painting, just making things from the confines of his home. Right before he turned 18, someone finally connected the dots, and he was picked up by the PRT. For his own sake, and for the people around him.
Edwin was almost too old to join the new Wards division, but between his tumultuous mental state and low grasp on his powers, it was deemed necessary.
(Designation: Mover 5 / 1, Trump ?, Thinker 2)
Edwin has an eclectic set of powers that, despite being unrefined and unable to be controlled directly, make him a very disruptive element.
• Protective Spatial Displacement: Edwin's most notable power is the ability to avoid harm by swapping places with another person. Of course, that's just the easy way to say it. A completely passive power, it triggers at the precise moment when some form of injury would otherwise come to him, switching his position with that of the closest person to him that is clear of whatever danger there is (ie, if someone were to shoot him point-blank he'd swap with them, but if he was caught in a burning building with another person, the swap would be with someone outside, safe from the fire). The swap isn't just of placement, but also their position in space (ie, if someone shoots him while his hands are raised, the swap would have Edwin holding the gun and their hands being raised the same way). The power only triggers if significant harm will come to Edwin - it wouldn't save him from being flicked with a rubberband, but will save him from anything between a solid punch to complete body annihilation.
There are three main flaws with this power: the first, obviously, being that Edwin has no say in who he ends up swapping with, it's always the nearest, safest human being. The second is that it does not trigger entirely consecutively. A full three seconds is needed before it will trigger again - not a long time, but enough for someone to get the drop on him. The third is that it only works on things that he's aware of happening. Things that fall outside of his awareness (even something like hearing a gun click or tasting a bit of poison) won't trigger it.
• Minor Teleportation: After a concentrated effort put into training, Edwin has managed to grow a very, very slight handling on this power, allowing him to manually teleport a short distance (roughly less than five feet from his starting location). There is still a 'cooldown' of three seconds before he can do it again, but interestingly this isn't tied to the main power, meaning he can teleport and, in the same moment, be displaced from harm.
• Power Eclipsing: The full ramifications of this facet have yet to be explored, but one final quirk of Edwin's Spatial Displacement is the capability of overriding a Cape's own powers. For the brief window of time when Edwin is truly vulnerable - the three seconds after a swap - Edwin essentially usurps control of the powers of the person he swapped with, as if they're still 'catching up' to their owner's new position in space. However, this only happens if the reason for the swap was due to a usage of powers to begin with. If a Cape were to get at him with mundane means, then this element won't occur.
• Heightened Senses & Instinct: Alongside all that poofing and goofing, Edwin also gained supernaturally enhanced sense - taste, touch, smell, and hearing, but not sight. As well, a kind've 'sixth sense' has been enhanced, most likely the primal instinct that alerts people to danger (in layman's term, a Spidey-Sense). This combines to give Edwin a greater awareness of things around him, possible threats, and an extra heap load of anxiety. But, that one isn't part of the package.
Skills: Having already feared death, dying, and injury for most of his life, Edwin has learned a good amount of ways in keeping himself safe, from the use of common self-defense weapons to a hodgepodge of martial arts, namely for disarming and disorienting people. He also has a very artistic side to him, a skill he's cultivated regardless of what's been happening in his life. Painting, design, writing, he's dabbled in it all.
Other: Iiiii would like to flyyyyyyy
I decided to go a direction of, a sorta 'guy at the front who does not want to be there' angle, which I think could be interesting. Not sure if the "Trump" aspect is viable, but! Suppose that's for you to decide :p
Poor kid. Between him and Jane, we got two members who look like they're gonna flip their shit any second xD. Jokes aside, I think he looks good, and while he's a bit older than they were going for in the Initiative, well; it's a new thing, they can bend it around a bit, and his situation certainly calls for some action, seeing as he's liable to get others hurt if left to his own devices. Beyond that, the Power's just neat, including the small, strange Trump application; should be interesting! Get him into Characters. :D