Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:07 PM.Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters
that was awkward! Standing idly beside Morie, Beverly passively absorbed the statement Andy made that...She
thinks was meant for the group as a whole? That alone was a bit funny, even if she herself didn't always have exactly outstanding social skills. That, and the fact that it was about the closest he'd gotten to acknowledging her beyond a wave. Had she done something wrong? Or...Oh God, it was the confetti thing, wasn't it? Oh, it had to be....Probably thought she was just some weirdo they happened to snatch up for this thing who could only make dumb party favors instead of anything useful.
Maybe that wasn't far off.
She could feel her mood declining again just at the thought of that, but luckily, her intrusive thoughts were cut through with a new arrival. Another one? Honestly, she was sorta surprised; Bev expected it to be a smaller team than what it was becoming, but the more the merrier! She hoped, at least...
The first thing she recognized was just how
natural he acted. With the others, at least to some extent, Beverly had the sense they were a bit out of their depth just as she was, but not with Caiden. He strode in with confidence, off-handedly referring to the Director in a way that, while she couldn't quite pinpoint
why, felt a tad mocking in tone. But on the bright side, he seemed to completely ignore the horrific confetti incident that had taken place on one side of the table.
She was...Conflicted. On one hand, Bev was in awe of how easily he carried himself even in a situation like this. She
liked to believe she came off smooth and natural like that, but knew internally that she
certainly did not. And he didn't make any fuss about the mess she made, thankfully. She was painfully aware how weird and dumb it had been for the people who were here
for it, much less the newcomers. Still, though, with that casual, calm approach also came a sense of arrogance, or...Maybe cockiness was the right word? Similarly to how she saw Will act, but more...Tangible. Ugh, she was bad at putting stuff like this together. Point is, he was a mixed bag; one she wasn't eager to reach for quite yet. After all...
While she had nearly tugged at Memento to give the explanation that was practically
eating at Bev, the elevator dinged once more....Though the occupant was quick to dart out of sight and out of mind. A girl way younger than most of the folks here, she could tell that much right off the bat. After a brief smile and a wave (Braces? Yikes, she could've related to that a few years back too...), she scurried off to the side, securing herself a position on the comfortable sofa in one of the edges of the lounge.
Workshop was eager to return to the subject at hand that felt like it kept getting deflected by each little thing occurring, but she couldn't help but found herself stopped when Jane spoke up, asking a simple question; why
them?....W-Wasn't it the same for everyone? Looking around a little perplexed, she came to the sudden realization that, perhaps, not everyone was actually in the same boat here....
If she felt ostracized before, the feeling intensified with this discovery.
If the others weren't here for the kind of reasons she was, well...W-Why
were they here? Her mind began filtering through some options, but she immediately ground that to a halt with a harshened brow, physically tossing those thoughts back. It...There had to be a good explanation for everyone. But...She noticed none of the others (beyond Andrew, which honestly, even in her limited interactions with the guy, didn't surprise her) were eager to speak up about their circumstances. Even Jane herself, who had brought it up...
For once, Beverly didn't feel like speaking up.
Y'know, speaking of Andy....Bev could feel her face shift from that forced expression to hold the tide on those vile thoughts to sheer confusion. Did...Did he just compare this whole thing to a gosh-darn Found Family troupe? She couldn't help but stare, baffled. Was....Was he serious? I mean, she appreciated a good movie or maybe some comics or the like from time to time, but they're
just stories. Don't exactly apply 1:1 on real life most times. Her opinion was definitely starting to shift on 'Hope'. Sure, she thought he was maybe a little off before, but I mean, what Parahuman
isn't? Scientifically speaking, at least, heh....But now, he came off as strangely disconnected from things, and eager for approval from anyone, though especially from a few....Including Overclock, 'course. Sheesh.
Didn't help that immediately after Mr. Director spoke up about the leadership thing (speaking of, talk about scary! Bev couldn't imagine telling
anyone what to do, much less a group of Capes!), he went right back around to voting for Overclock. She didn't even recognize the sound as it left her mouth, but she actually
scoffed a bit. Seriously, what was his obsession? Plenty of other hero-types to idolize, instead of the Friendly Neighborhood Trespasser. Hmph...
However, she didn't get to dwell on those bitter feelings for long as he...Also asked about their pay? Didn't he even read the contracts? I mean, sure, Bev had
skimmed, but even she knew how much they were making! And it was no small sum, either...A bit awkward, truth be told, when she'd have to hide all this extra cash behind her mum's back and not do anything too big with her pay. Maybe she'd just funnel it into more stuff to let her Tinker...
Oh! Or there was that new snow-cone place, Dr. Freezy's! That'd be nice....Was it weird she wanted snow cones when it was cold as tits outside? Maybe.
At this point, it caught her completely off-guard when Morgan referred to her again. Right, the Powers! Admittedly, she wasn't expecting what Memento asked for, but she mentally shrugged it off. If she couldn't trust the girl to give her a nick, then they wouldn't make very good teammates, right? And besides, Bev had already decided she was a friend to her; no need to hesitate with something like this.
"Go right ahead!" With a smile, she stuck her forearm out. Truth be told, she barely felt a thing when Morie gave her scratch. Partially because of how little she'd put into it, and also because, admittedly, Beverly got pretty used to bumps and scrapes and the sort in her early days of Tinkering. Even a few scars, luckily out of sight and out of mind. Some of those were downright embarrassing...
She watched intently, not sure what to really expect. In movies and stuff, healing always came with fancy glowing lights and whatnot. This?...Not so much. Granted, the sudden dissolving of her minor mark, only to see it crop up on Memento's arm, elicited a small
"Oh!" from the Tinker gal. Transferal of wounds? Wait, no, that didn't quite add up. Something more...Intrinsic going on, but she doubted it was something Morie recognized, given that she
herself considered it something so simple. This puzzled look on Beverly's face snapped quickly as Memento spoke up again, trying to explain her power more in-depth.
Even as Morie thought she'd prattled on for too long, the enthralled look on Beverly's face spoke otherwise. She had taken it all in, and was equal parts excitedly intrigued by the peculiar complexities of her ability...And concerned by the very nature of it, like self-harm getting taken to some weird extreme. Still, the sparkle of interest in her eyes was genuine, as was the concern that was soon to follow. For now, though...
"Gosh, that's crazy! So, uh, well, I can't say for sure, cuz, well, it ain't my power 'n all, but I think ya do a bit more than jus' take on wounds! If yer deal really deals with biomass manipulation, it prolly just generates an identical wound for simplicity's sake; yer just handin' off raw material for the, uh, healee's body to work with! Ya could prolly control where it takes that material from if ya put your mind to it!" Beverly beamed, unaware just how much
she had prattled on for that, before awkwardly continuing with a new edge of worry in her voice.
"B-but, well...Even if ya got copies, the fact it's still harmin' your body means ya should use it conservative-like. For extreme stuff, y'know? And, heck" She couldn't help but giggle a bit, still in excitement of this thought.
"Maybe ya let Janey take a crack at it first! Ooh, I know I'd dig some metal digs, hehe...Maybe, like, multi-tool fingers or somethin'. Aw, that'd be cool as heck!" For a while, Bev seemed ensnared in this thought yet again, wiggling her digits in front of her in amusement. Gosh, that kinda add-on would be
super convenient! Though, she
did like her normal fingers too....Difficult call.
However, when Overclock spoke up about her ability, from equal parts
perhaps slightly unfair annoyance at him, and a desire to respect Memento's own agency in the matters, she puffed up and spoke after Fukuda, too, had tried to push away from such a topic.
"Well, all I'll say is that I trust her to handle her own. After all, we're gonna be a team, yeah? I think we all could use the benefit of the doubt for each other, y'know?" Unsubtly, she glanced to Overclock for that last bit, just as much referring to Memento here as she was to herself. Honestly...He seemed to have a talent for taking one thing and blowin' it outta proportions!
Luckily, a nudge from the lady in question snapped her from that negative headspace.
"Huh?" Glancing back, she saw her give a nod in the direction of the little braces-gal who had popped up. Oh! Well, that was something she could get behind. And besides, that couch
did look pretty comfy. Trotting away from the main table alongside Memento, they both took a seat in the spacious sofa next to Carmen, though Bev did her sit-down a bit more...Audibly.
"Plop! Oooh, they are as comfy as I thought!"Adjusting her new comfortable seating, she felt it was only right to introduce herself just as Morie had; oh, and speaking of, that name was so
cute! It even had a sort of naming thing with her Cape name; Memento Morie....Oh. Oh! While she didn't
verbally say anything, after that lightbulb moment, a grin placed on her face for a few moments.
Way more clever than Workshop...
Oh, introductions! Whipping around to face Carmen, she gave a bright smile.
"Hiya, name's Beverly! Bev for friends. Which we can be, if ya want." She gave a little wink alongside the comment, trying to pull on her natural charm. She's had a few people call her cute before, though she never really knew how to respond to stuff like that. But hey, if it maybe made her feel more approachable (as she always hoped she was), all the better!
For a moment, the three sat in a small silence as Sean was busy introducing himself. Huh...Weird to think it was only
now she knew his name, after that crazy incident. Well, didn't change her thoughts on the matter, even if he
was acting pretty nice now....Okay, so
MAYBE Bev was being a tad harsh. But so was he! As long as he was gonna keep actin' like that around her, she'd play her side too! However, that train of thought was shattered by an abrupt ring near the end of his introduction. Wait, was it...?
Bev almost reached into her coat to try and find her cell, also in the process only
now realizing she had still been wearing it. She just about set to taking it off when the surprisingly serious nature of the
actual call involving Mr. Fukuda caught her. Something was definitely happening, and she didn't have a good feeling about it. Against her will, her hands had idly found their way back to the Confetti Sphere (name pending) and had begun fiddling with it once more. Strangely enough, she noticed it didn't feel any lighter even after the load it had dropped on her. Odd...
Just as soon as that call ended, he started up another one with....Elton? Oh, Miss Fashionista! Just hearing the name brought a smile; that lady was like Fukuda's polar opposite, which she supposed was fitting, given her position of Vice Director. Apparently he was getting her to come down, though not after what sounded like a bit of a shouting match on the other end. Yikes! Eventually, though, the Director took his seat once more, and gazed across those present.
"Looks like things will be getting interesting today, Wards."Something about the statement caused Beverly's anxious energy about the whole thing to spike. What did
that mean?! Was something serious happening? Were they in trouble somehow? She had picked up on him bringing up the Guardians, how were they involved? Too many variables playing in her head, with nothing concrete enough to work with. She eventually settled to taking a deep, steadying breath.....Just hope for the best.
And prepare for the worst.
She kept tinkering.