Name: Himura Taiki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Regular Appearance:

Transformed Appearance:

Personality: Taiki really looks up to his sister, and tries his best to emulate her; her strength and brashness that others frown upon, he finds as great qualities of his dear sister. He even tries to act intimidating and tough, just like she is. However...For all his tough-guy posturing, Taiki is inherently compassionate and kind, practically to a fault. He's a natural helper, much as he spites that about himself. For as much as many would consider it his strongest trait, he thinks of it as a weakness, when all he wants is to be stronger for the person he loves...
Still, don't let kindness be mistaken with weakness. For all his softness, he's incredibly brave and always prepared to face something headfirst, no matter the consequences. It may be true he isn't as strong as his sister, and he may never be, but he'll be damned if he can't at least try!
History: Taiki and his sister Seika had what most would call a good childhood. Their family lived in one of the quieter spots of Agawa, and that fit the family just fine; they lived an honest, peaceful life, content and happy with one another, always smiling through rain or shine. There was always a bit of...Strangeness that seemed to surround the twins, but for some reason, whenever their mother was around, all those troubles never seemed to last long.
This happy story for the two of them ended abruptly, when they were around ten years of age. The both of them were patiently waiting for their parents to come pick them up from school...But that was not the case. It was only later that they discovered their parents had died in a freak car accident, much to their horror and fear.
Stranger still, it was then they discovered that apparently, they had extended family; something neither mom nor dad spoke of before. So since that tragic day, the pair were raised by their uncle, one Niko Himaru. At first, in spite of their horrible loss, things regained some semblance of normalcy for a time, though the twins couldn't help but notice how busy their uncle was, especially at night, doing things he never fully explained...
It was around their 14th birthday that things were explained to them...And that they were unceremoniously roped into the situation as well. As it turned out, uncle Niko had connections with the Yakuza, the infamous Japanese mafia. And even worse...It turned out that prior to his quiet life, their father had been a member as well. Bound by both necessity and force, Seika and Taiki were pushed into being fledgling members of the criminal organization.
This continued on for a few years, with them learning the ropes, occasionally smuggling goods or running shakedowns (though in Taiki's case, calling them 'shakedowns' is a stretch; he simply didn't have the heart for that sort of thing, and usually ended up giving money to the people he was supposed to be extorting), but always planning to leave this life behind, knowing it wasn't what their parents would've wanted. They found their chance at their 18th birthday, officially marking them as adults; they were quick to leave behind their uncle's home, and desperate for a place to lay low, they ended up begging the owner of a local antique store to let them stay for a short time, confident it would be the last place their people would look for them. They were correct, of course, but it led them down an even stranger path...
Over time in the store, inexplicably, the twins could tell that the shop owner had fallen dangerously ill from out of nowhere. Unfortunately, they both also had a good idea of who was at fault; themselves. Ever since they've had to live with their uncle, the minor misfortune that followed them in childhood seemed to grow and fester, to the point that even among the Yakuza they were dubbed The Misfortune Twins. The two wanted to help, but had no idea how, nor could they leave, for fear of their own safety...It was in this desperate duality that their Tsukumogami found them.
Taiki only knows his sister's story from her point of view, since apparently hers met her at night privately, too shy to introduce itself even among another potential Hunter. His, however, was a bit more...Direct. While helping around the store (since the owner was growing too weak to properly work), the young man practically found himself attacked by an article of clothing, as if it were trying to eat him. It made for....Interesting introductions. But after the initial excitement his Tsukumogami had from finally finding a proper Hunter, it introduced itself more formally, and explained the situation to Taiki. It definitely confused him, and he would've almost certainly had written it off if it weren't for his sister explaining a similar (if slightly less panic-inducing) meeting with one of these spirit objects. Thus, the two had become Hunters, and they were already being thrust into a situation, as only now were they truly aware of the situation...
The old man was being cursed to death.
Without much time to spare, the two performed their first proper (if you can call what happened in there proper...) exorcism, banishing the Onryo that had latched itself onto the old shopkeep. Overjoyed with his recovery, and inexplicably getting the sense that this troublesome duo he'd taken in had some part in it, he's agreed to watch over them and let them stay in the attic of the shop for as long as they need, much to the twins' relief.
...Now they just need to actually figure out the ins and outs of this 'Hunter' business.
Name: Kishin
Item: Indigo Kimono

Personality: Kishin is stoic and serious, always speaking in a strict, yet surprisingly dramatic, nature. It also prides itself on its noble nature, though once it is fully donned, even with the incredible patience this spirit possesses, it cannot hold back the tide of violent, nigh animalistic tendencies that spill forth...
Other: While by their very nature Tsukumogami are old, Kishin is old by that standard, having seen many of its holders, both Hunter and no, come and go.
Name: Himura Taiki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Regular Appearance:

Transformed Appearance:

- Guardian Silk - Even while not being directly worn, Taiki's Koya-damashii is especially durable, able to effectively be used as a shield against all manner of attacks, and is especially poignant when guarding against painful curses; it is quite used to that treatment itself...
- Spiritual Aid - Though Taiki's Koya-damashii cannot manifest its full form while being used by him, it can still form its two heavyset, scaled arms, making for a extra set of very powerful hands, made all the more potent with its last, greatest ability for now, at least...
- The Weight Of Power - When Taiki fully wears his Koya-damashii, he finds his powers escalated sevenfold; stronger, faster, and even tougher than before! Even the defensive qualities of his Koya-damashii are enhanced, as are the arms it can manifest. However, this doesn't come without a cost...Just as in the past, the clothing that makes up his Tsukumogami was beaten endlessly to give it its coloration, he too must come to bear unspeakable pain and agony during this time, physically destroying his body and draining his life while he dons the heavy mantle of one with true strength....
Personality: Taiki really looks up to his sister, and tries his best to emulate her; her strength and brashness that others frown upon, he finds as great qualities of his dear sister. He even tries to act intimidating and tough, just like she is. However...For all his tough-guy posturing, Taiki is inherently compassionate and kind, practically to a fault. He's a natural helper, much as he spites that about himself. For as much as many would consider it his strongest trait, he thinks of it as a weakness, when all he wants is to be stronger for the person he loves...
Still, don't let kindness be mistaken with weakness. For all his softness, he's incredibly brave and always prepared to face something headfirst, no matter the consequences. It may be true he isn't as strong as his sister, and he may never be, but he'll be damned if he can't at least try!
History: Taiki and his sister Seika had what most would call a good childhood. Their family lived in one of the quieter spots of Agawa, and that fit the family just fine; they lived an honest, peaceful life, content and happy with one another, always smiling through rain or shine. There was always a bit of...Strangeness that seemed to surround the twins, but for some reason, whenever their mother was around, all those troubles never seemed to last long.
This happy story for the two of them ended abruptly, when they were around ten years of age. The both of them were patiently waiting for their parents to come pick them up from school...But that was not the case. It was only later that they discovered their parents had died in a freak car accident, much to their horror and fear.
Stranger still, it was then they discovered that apparently, they had extended family; something neither mom nor dad spoke of before. So since that tragic day, the pair were raised by their uncle, one Niko Himaru. At first, in spite of their horrible loss, things regained some semblance of normalcy for a time, though the twins couldn't help but notice how busy their uncle was, especially at night, doing things he never fully explained...
It was around their 14th birthday that things were explained to them...And that they were unceremoniously roped into the situation as well. As it turned out, uncle Niko had connections with the Yakuza, the infamous Japanese mafia. And even worse...It turned out that prior to his quiet life, their father had been a member as well. Bound by both necessity and force, Seika and Taiki were pushed into being fledgling members of the criminal organization.
This continued on for a few years, with them learning the ropes, occasionally smuggling goods or running shakedowns (though in Taiki's case, calling them 'shakedowns' is a stretch; he simply didn't have the heart for that sort of thing, and usually ended up giving money to the people he was supposed to be extorting), but always planning to leave this life behind, knowing it wasn't what their parents would've wanted. They found their chance at their 18th birthday, officially marking them as adults; they were quick to leave behind their uncle's home, and desperate for a place to lay low, they ended up begging the owner of a local antique store to let them stay for a short time, confident it would be the last place their people would look for them. They were correct, of course, but it led them down an even stranger path...
Over time in the store, inexplicably, the twins could tell that the shop owner had fallen dangerously ill from out of nowhere. Unfortunately, they both also had a good idea of who was at fault; themselves. Ever since they've had to live with their uncle, the minor misfortune that followed them in childhood seemed to grow and fester, to the point that even among the Yakuza they were dubbed The Misfortune Twins. The two wanted to help, but had no idea how, nor could they leave, for fear of their own safety...It was in this desperate duality that their Tsukumogami found them.
Taiki only knows his sister's story from her point of view, since apparently hers met her at night privately, too shy to introduce itself even among another potential Hunter. His, however, was a bit more...Direct. While helping around the store (since the owner was growing too weak to properly work), the young man practically found himself attacked by an article of clothing, as if it were trying to eat him. It made for....Interesting introductions. But after the initial excitement his Tsukumogami had from finally finding a proper Hunter, it introduced itself more formally, and explained the situation to Taiki. It definitely confused him, and he would've almost certainly had written it off if it weren't for his sister explaining a similar (if slightly less panic-inducing) meeting with one of these spirit objects. Thus, the two had become Hunters, and they were already being thrust into a situation, as only now were they truly aware of the situation...
The old man was being cursed to death.
Without much time to spare, the two performed their first proper (if you can call what happened in there proper...) exorcism, banishing the Onryo that had latched itself onto the old shopkeep. Overjoyed with his recovery, and inexplicably getting the sense that this troublesome duo he'd taken in had some part in it, he's agreed to watch over them and let them stay in the attic of the shop for as long as they need, much to the twins' relief.
...Now they just need to actually figure out the ins and outs of this 'Hunter' business.
- His twin sister.
- Helping others (though he won't admit it).
- Proving his strength (whether it be metaphorical or physical).
- ....Sappy romance stuff. B-but you didn't hear it here, y'hear?!
- The Yakuza (and bullies in general...Though he doesn't think this way of his uncle, in spite of everything).
- Being seen as weak/soft.
- Sour food.
- Violence (very ironic, for...Many reasons, not least of which being how he wants to be seen as strong, yet hates having to fight).
- His Tsukumogami (though he tries not to show it).
- His sister being hurt...Or worse.
- Facing the past.
- Both Taiki and Seika's birthdays are on June 21st.
- Taiki's favorite food is beef bowl ramen.
- His favorite dessert is dango skewers.
- Taiki is the taller of the twins, standing at 5'10.
- For his everyday life, he usually carries Kishin around by either folding him up and putting him away in a bag, or when he's in a hurry, tying him around his waist (which the Tsukumogami despises endlessly).
Name: Kishin
Item: Indigo Kimono

Personality: Kishin is stoic and serious, always speaking in a strict, yet surprisingly dramatic, nature. It also prides itself on its noble nature, though once it is fully donned, even with the incredible patience this spirit possesses, it cannot hold back the tide of violent, nigh animalistic tendencies that spill forth...
Other: While by their very nature Tsukumogami are old, Kishin is old by that standard, having seen many of its holders, both Hunter and no, come and go.