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Woof! This took awhile, and it isn't what I originally had in mind, but here ya go! This is also a collaborative character with the one Kaya will eventually be posting, his twin sister Seika Himaru. Hopefully they'll both be acceptable :)
Ooh, this sounds like fun! And admittedly, I already went through the tsukumogami from your link and picked ones that interested me the most, so....Guess I'm in on this. xD Right now, I'm between a Bakefurugeta (a tsukumogami that inhabits wooden clogs, which is kinda lame, but also makes me like it in a sense. Probably a really simplistic ability, like making their legs really strong for kicks and jumps and the like), or a Furu-Utsubo (which inhabits the quiver of a slain archer, usually ones who died tragically; obvious bow-related powers are obvious lol).

...Though I also have the Boroboroton, a tsukumogami that possesses a futon. Because I'd be lying if that wouldn't be hilarious to work around, though coming up with a power is another thing entirely for that...

Oh! Also, anime, yes. I haven't seen much lately, so I guess the most recent would be Shadowverse Flame, a card game anime.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:14 PM.

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Huh. Newcomers? Now? Couldn't have chosen a worse time, frankly...But the more the merrier, especially now. One of them he was quite happy to see, Eleanore. Sure, just like the rest, she had...Complications, but her Power was quite impressive. No surprise really, given the circumstances of it, but still...The other two weren't anything to sneeze at either, but they couldn't float and tank high-yield explosives without a scratch on them.

Fukuda found his attention snatched away by one of the kids approaching him already, barely seconds after he had spoken. Great. And it was Wilbur. Great....He sat there, his expression unchanging and unflinching as he absorbed the information Gray Man presented, all the way up to his eventual plea; one he saw coming from him, of course. By the end of it, the only break he made was a sigh, one of the many he had made since the beginning of this mess.

"Listen here, Gray. You may not explode things with your mind or throw someone across a city street, but that just means you've got something much scarier." He caught the young man's eyes, locking them into a near glare-off, as he continued quietly, trying to preserve at least a bit of the boy's self-respect in the situation. "You get in someone's head. You make people play by different rules. That's a weapon that can be more dangerous than any gun, or knife, or whatever the hell else, if you use it right. And you can." The Director spoke with...Strange confidence in what he spoke of, confidence that no doubt Will would find unwarranted. "Not every problem's solved by smacking the shit out of them, or trapping them with weird gravity swords, or what have you. This team needs someone who can problem-solve not just with their head, but with their Power. That's you."

With that, Atsushi leaned back in his chair, a smug look growing on his face after such oddly inspiring talk. "...So the long and short is that you're going, and you'll have to suck it up. Your alternative isn't much better anyhow....Besides, put a bit of faith in the others here. If you can work with them and figure things out together, I think you all won't have nearly as many problems as I'm sure you're thinking of."

With that, his attention turned to the rest of these gremlins, specifically Scraprig, who bombarded him with a bunch of pointless questions again. Leaning back in, a spark of irritation could be caught in his eyes as he spoke up once more. "Like I said before, and as Gress just mentioned, you won't be going in without some experienced back-up. A few members of the Guardians are going to be there as well, so....Just try not to stress out so much pre-mission, alright? As for the rest...Lightning round."

Taking in a breath, the Director spat out a spattering of answers that would hopefully satiate the paranoid Tinker long enough to actually get her out the door...Or at least long enough for her to decide to head downstairs to the 'Proving Grounds' that his Vice-Director quickly renamed.

"The museum, yes, no, we don't know who - or what - will be there, and yes, PRT forces will be accompanying and providing damage control and assistance where possible."

Not waiting for a response, he whipped back around, returning to his main focus; paperwork. Eugh....Just a couple more pages to be prepped, and then he can get around to more useful things.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:14 PM.

Location(s): Redline Guardians Mobile Fortress

They both made good points, of course, and both made a fair observation; there was no guarantee that the danger would be greater for either scenario, given the team was running blind either way. Still...For as much confidence Presidio could place in the rest of the team, Risen wasn't quite sold, either. Naturally, the two of them made obvious choices for going with The Wards, having what he would consider primarily defensive and utility-based abilities, which would serve well in safeguarding the untrained talent that would be those children. But, of course, that left the rest of the team mostly unprotected....

There was Jason himself, of course; he didn't worry about his own safety. Some may say he never does...Or maybe never did. Regardless, he was the least of his concerns. But the rest? Fenris was tough, sure, but she could be pierced by bullets, and the sizes where she'd be too big or tough for normal assaults to be a risk were out of the question due to how it can affect her psyche. Blaster's a competent young man, and not entirely unprotected with his self-designed suit, but it could still leave plenty to desire if he was put under serious duress. And TC? Well, that was hard to simply guess; you can never pin a single thing on him with a Power like his, but generally, physical confrontation would end poorly for him.

There was supposed to be that newcomer, Avalon...But Risen hadn't heard from her since he hauled her sorry ass back to talk with the Director. That had been a miserable experience. Back on track though, the facts were straight; his team, if pushed hard enough, could prove all too vulnerable without these two around. That was risky...He was fast, sure, and could stop just about anything coming his way, but there was no guarantee he could defend all of them while trying to actually put down the threat at hand.

...Well, still, he knew it was best for The Wards. Regardless of general defenses, their absolute lack of training and experience left them more vulnerable than anyone on this team bar none. They needed protection.

"I agree, you two are best suited for the job. From the little I know about a few of them, it won't be the easiest to work together with them, but I'll put my faith in the both of you." A small smile came from Risen; a rarity to be certain. It dropped shortly afterwards though, as he now turned his attention back to Blaster and the monitors. "See if you can contact Trump Card again. If he doesn't pick up...I'll look for him myself." The look in Risen's eyes spoke a thousand words...Likely none of which TC would want to hear. With a brief nod, Blaster started up the comms once more, for....What was it now, the tenth time today? Sheesh.

Downtown Redline, filled with the scum of the city, as well as the disenfranchised. Usually, the two aligned more than anyone would like to admit...But, of course, we aren't here to scour the shady snow-filled alleys or view into the sad windows of the poor few making a honest living. No, there's a different locale in mind....

From the outside, you'd be forgiven for thinking The Devil's Eye was just any ordinary dive bar - with, admittedly, a pretty fancy name. However, behind the curtained windows and worn-down door, it was a hive of villainy. Quite literally. The Devil's Eye had always been a spot of interest for criminal enterprises in the city, even before Parahumans were on the map. Really, the only thing that'd changed over the years is that instead of mobsters and thugs, you had mobsters and thugs with superpowers. It made for a nondescript location for the ne'er-do-wells of the city to meet and talk (thankfully with some quite threatening enforcers to ensure the peace of the small infrastructure), away from the prying eyes of citizens or the PRT. Which....Made it quite odd that a well-known hero would choose to spend his time here.

Enter Trump Card. He kept his heroic attire simplistic, but snazzy nonetheless, with a stylish white domino mask, an equally pristine yet loosely-kept white dress suit that ever-so-slightly exposed his chest, black dress pants that were cuffed off (presumably to avoid the potential embarrassment of tripping on them), silky smooth violet gloves, and last but not least, his polished-to-a-shine velvet dress shoes. Truly, he looked more like he was dressed for some gala than for hero work. Still, it certainly gave him a presence....Presence enough to avoid unnecessary scuffles even in an establishment such as this.

He straightened out one of his golden locks, as Richter was laughing it up with two others, undoubtedly Capes; specifically, Rough & Tumble, an infamous(ly embarrassing) pair of 'villains' who were, more often than not, laughingstocks. That of course didn't stop them from getting lucky breaks every now and then, causing their fair share of trouble in the city. Rough was a lanky guy, which mirrored humorously with his more rotund companion. In comparison, TC was a bit more average in terms of build...Though he certainly had them beat in the looks department.

"Ah, you two're a right riot! Ever considered getting on the telly?" Richter was being absolutely sarcastic, but it wasn't like that occurred to either of these two. "Pfft! Nah, pal. We got the skills to pay the bills; we just gotta make some real players realize that first, ya dig?" The scrawny 'brains' (hard quotation) of the operation spoke up with his rat-like voice, getting a nod (was it a nod? Hard to tell with him, frankly) from Tumble. For his part, Trump Card merely offered an assuring nod.

"I can feel ya. It isn't easy hitting it big, is it? Ah, well..." His casual, playful demeanor changed sharply to a more serious edge, though somehow not coming across outright threatening. "You two know how this plays, yea? After the last stun you lot played, Pops PRT isn't gonna let it set. And, well...You know how it is." A few other patrons spared a glance towards this conversation now; perhaps slight concern on this hero's sights being turned towards them? Or perhaps confused on what exactly these two bumbling buffoons did to receive such direct attention? It was hard to say, but eventually, they all turnt away.

"H-Hey, man...We're pals though, aren't we? Maybe just let us slide this once?" A wily, but equally scared grin now graced the face of Rough, plying for any kind of mercy. TC just sighed. "This'd be, like, the third time, ya blighters. But hey, don't take it too personal; just business! 'Sides, if you come in of your own accord, it'll be a lighter sentence. Ain't like you two murdered someone. Whazzit ya did again? Stole some dumb necklaces from a jewelry store? For God's sake boys, you can at least try and think bigger..."

Rough groaned. Not like anyone in the Eye would stand up for the two of them, and as tough as he though he was....He knew better than to really piss off Richter. That's what had founded this strange friendship anyhow. Tumble just had to open his big fucking mouth though..."...This about us scuffing you up the last time?" The flash of irritation was unmissable even behind the mask, and his voice showed it too. "Course it is, ya twit! Unlike you two, I have some reputation to uphold. Gettin' run over by a living wrecking ball isn't part of that image..." Rough just gave his partner a sharp jab with his elbow, though it barely elicited a response from the nigh-spherical man. "Well, if we gotta walk, we will, but uh....One more drink, for the road?"

His attitude shifted back, all smiles and sunshine once more. "Aw, why not? You blokes're my pals, one way or the other, jails bars or no. 'Sides, not like I got much better to do tonight. Oy, bartender! 'Nother round for my table!" It was of course, at this time, he could hear that incessant buzzing in his ears again; another goddamn call. Could they seriously not trust him for thirty minutes? This time, the one groaning was him. "Aight, don't wanna hear a word from either o' you while I'm on call, you hear?" A sharp glance is shared between himself and the two C-List villain, who nod vigorously in response. Reluctantly, he picks up the call...Which, unbeknownst to him, is reaching the entirety of the Guardians. He's just lucky The Devil's Eye is pretty quiet, all things considered.

"To what do I own the pleasure, O Glorious Leader?" Those present could visibly see Risen's eyes narrow, however subtle it was. "We're getting called in for a mission." A long silence followed, with the only confirmation that he was still on the line being the screen itself saying so, until he spoke up once again. ".....And?" "From the top of the chain. The Director."

"...Aw, fuck. Fine, I'll get back, alright?"

"It'll be within the hour. If you aren't back in twenty minutes, I'll pick you up myself."

....Well, the Glorious Leader sure knew how to put a damper on things. A 'tsk' escaped from TC, unable to conceal his irritation. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there, ya cunt. No need for a bloody curfew." With that, in spite of definitely hearing Risen ready to reply to that remark, he hung up and turned his attention back to the two twits before him.

"Sorry lads, duty calls. Still don't mean you're off the hook though; if you aren't in a slammer by the time this sitch is up, y'know what I'll hafta do, yea?" The pair of them nod all-too-knowingly, to which Trump Card gives a grin, playfully patting them both on the shoulder. "Grand! Well then, I'll be off; you two oughta enjoy the night before that deadline." With that, without having to raise a finger, Trump Card had snared up two eventual villains for the PRT's cells. Simple enough; ought to get that bastard Fukuda off his back for a moment, at the very least.

With that, begrudgingly trotting his way out to the sleet-slick road, he called an Uber. Like hell he was walking in this weather.
Hello, I was just curious if there would be room for one more person? If so I had an idea for a Supergirl or Homelander like character but alot weaker, or perhaps someone who can embed metal into their body to make a grotesque suit of armour? Perhaps they could have some sort of magnetism as well?

Mm...Truth be told, probably not. We've already got quite a few people; more than I'd already bargained for. I've just been forgetting to update the status here lol. Sorry to break that news though. If someone ends up leaving though, we could see about getting ya in here.
Here's what I got.

You're good, get in 'ere!

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:12 PM.

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Fashionista watched, beaming with pride in both The Wards and her own work, as they strode back out clad in their new Cape-garb. They all just looked so good in it! Even Carmen, who she could tell (somewhat unsurprisingly; the cost of sticking strictly to what the middle-schooler had laid out for her) wasn't fully appreciating hers. They could talk though; there was always room for improvement in anything, costumes included.

Hearing all the kids heaping praise onto her, Rachel gave a joking roll of her eyes. "Alright, alright; enough buttering me up for now. You all look great! And since someone decided to give them a test run..." She casts a side glance to Caiden, more teasing than anything else. "...I'll tell you upright, so you don't get ahead of yourselves. Yes, the costumes are pretty darn tough, courtesy of me, but you're far from invincible. They can all turn a knife away or absorb most of the shock from a blunt object. Maybe even stop some low-caliber bullets....But don't test that." At that last sentence, she gains a serious edge to her tone, looking across the group to ensure it's understood.

"I'm afraid that they won't stop some of the things you may come up against, so remember to be careful. I trust you all to be smart and stay out of excess danger. Are we clear?" You could practically feel the Mom energy in her closing words, sternly passing her gaze upon the children. She didn't want to suddenly seem mean or strict, but it was important that they understood at least this much.

Satisfied, she turned her attention to the last arrival; the ironclad Jane, of course, with a powersuit that, admittedly, Rachel was quite proud to have a hand in....However small it was. She couldn't stop the smile that crept over her even if she wanted to, watching their combined efforts bear the fruit of locomotion. Though...She didn't expect what happened next, that being Beverly's abrupt collapse.

Blinking away her stunned condition, the Vice Director gave Wilbur the hand he needed...Though even with his help, it was a struggle. Fashionista knew Bev's kit would complicate matters if it came to extraction with her extra baggage, but it wasn't just that. Heaving the girl up, she could feel the unbelievable tension in her muscles, almost as stiff as boards. No amount of simple stress would cause this. Had she not slept well the past night? Or...Was it something more?

Letting the concern slip to the side for the time being, Workshop was back on her feet, her dazed eyes flittering open as she found her footing once more. "Oh! Easy now, Bev. You had a bit of a spill....You feeling alright?" The teen managed to give a nod, slowly straightening herself up once more. With a sigh of relief, Rachel slowly relinquished her grasp of her, allowing her to stand on her own.

With everyone settled once more, Fashionista looked upon the group with a small smile. "Okay! There's one other major area I need to show to our prospective Tinkers, so in the meantime, I think someone owes you all an explanation..." Beckoning The Wards once more, she rounds her way out of the Changing Room to confront the Director once more.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:12 PM.

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

'Fuck. Me.'

Those two words went through the Director's head as he hung up with the Guardians. Without time to spare, he was already jumping to the next big hurdle...Paperwork. Virtual paperwork, that is. Written copies could be handled by some desk jockeys, but since he was the one privy to the oh-so-gracious foresight from the Think Tank, he could at least prep some of the necessities for what was to come. Damage assessments for both the museum and mayor's abode (as, no doubt, damage would be dealt somehow....), reparations for said damages, and more. The miserable monotony that is impermeably attached to his work. Still, the earlier it was handled, the more time he'd have to handle these brats and, if he was lucky, teach them something useful before they're shoved out into a burning hellscape.

He found his work interrupted by a voice; female, but not the one he'd anticipated. Whirling around in his seat and casually sliding the datapad away, he found himself face-to-face with...Memento. Huh. The barest notion of surprise, the slightest arch of a brow, was present seeing this. 'Just about the last one of them I'd expect to come to me with something.' He thought to himself, as curious as he was annoyed; which is to say, to both, not very much.

Yeah, her question left something to be desired. With a sigh, he looked Morie in the eyes, locking onto them. "Morgan. You're a smart kid, so I don't think you need me to answer that question." He left her question of 'danger' at that, but chose to elaborate some more on her request of a clone. "As for a copy...Simple enough. We'll have Rachel stop by with your costume and get you suited up before you head out. But for the time being, you should..."

He found himself cut off, as Fukuda stared past Morie to see the gaze of Rachel, with the entourage of Cape-clad (thank God not literally, for the most part; capes are a huge pain in the ass) children following behind. A small groan escaped from him, only audible to Morie. "...Yeah, yeah, I'll handle it." The Director said, casually waving off Rachel as she couldn't help but roll her eyes. The Vice Director gave a soft smile to Morie before turning her attention to the Tinkers in the room, Rachel and Beverly. "Since that's the case...When Fukuda's done giving the laydown, follow me; I'll show off the...Um...." Thinking on it for a bit, she abruptly decided on a new name for the room in question, divorcing it from the name of one of their members. "....The Proving Grounds. Yep."

For most, the exchange near the end would've felt awkward, but Rachel made even that feel natural and charming, waving off the gaggle of teens before heading her way through a new doorway, with a staircase that seemed to head further down....This, of course, only left Director Fukuda behind to explain to them exactly what they were getting into. Great.

"I'll be frank. With some heads-up I've received, we've become aware of an attack on both the Museum of Parahuman History further downtown, as well as another location I'll be leaving undisclosed. Most of The Guardians are preparing to handle the other incident, with a few who'll be tagging along for your endeavor as well. Truth be told, we don't know who - or what - will be the source of the attack. With any luck, something you all can manage...."

He looked between them all, gazes of fear, anticipation, anxiety, and even confidence; a peculiar mix of emotions. But he still wasn't done, of course. "....Now, I won't sugarcoat this. Most villains, even in Redline, are above killing heroes; they know the kind of retribution it'd call down on them. You kids are no exception....But don't let your guard down. They'll still beat you to a pulp if you get in the way. Some more than others. You'll need to watch each other's backs out there, and play things smart. You've got..." Fukuda casually checks his wristwatch, looking at the time. "...A bit more than half an hour. Make it count; explain the ins and outs of your tricks to each other, figure out what each of you are -and most importantly, aren't- capable of, and think up workarounds. And as for you two?" His gaze turned to Jane and Bev, the smallest smirk playing on his face.

"You two've got last-minute work to do."

With that, feeling satisfied in his explanation, the Director went right back to work; paperwork wouldn't handle itself. If they needed to ask him something, he'd answer, but hopefully by now they'd pick up what he was putting down. Sooner or later tonight...It'd all be on them. They have to bring their A-Game, whatever that may qualify as.
Felicity - Ariana Slone 👀

Also accepted, before I forget. Welcome aboard!


If I need to fix anything, just say the word! At the very least I think I have the formatting right if nothing else. Hopefully the app does not disappoint though. :P

Accepted! Get her into Characters :3
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