"'Where'd I get this?' Jeez, well that's a bit direct, don't you think? You should really- wait, don't take it!"
Wilbur Levin
(People better not shit on this, took like 10 tries before I got a name through. Gaslight, Machiavelli, Bullshit-Bard - I come up with gold, and PR sticks me with this!)
'Justin Case', 'Doogie Howser', 'Jackie Daytona', 'MacReady', and several other aliases are on file. Mr. Levin is prone to adopting these false personas when interacting with others, especially if he is attempting to go undetected.
Prefers being called 'Will' during casual interactions.
Mr. Levin is a charismatic, personable, and manipulative individual who regularly changes how he acts around staff and his fellow Wards. He seems to gravitate towards people, seeking companionship and interaction in almost any circumstance he finds himself in. His favorite pastime appears to be watching movies, which is how he spends most of his time at Wards HQ.
To most people, Mr. Levin seems to display a warm and friendly demeanor, allowing him to close distances very quickly. As he builds a rapport and understands them more, he refines his persona, becoming much more reserved and less dynamic - several Ward psychologists believe this is because he doesn't need to 'act out' in front of peers to get attention. Mr. Levin has been observed on numerous occasions going far beyond what was expected of him in order to help acquaintances, either legally or legally. However, while being quite amicable to those that fulfill his need fo-▂▃▅▃▅▃▃, he is quick to use innocent bystanders to further his own goals (See: The Coffee Incident).
Mr. Levin often invites staff and coworkers to interact outside of work hours, especially those whom he is already close with. Some members of staff believe this is due to his ▂▃▅----▃▃▅▅▃▃, but it could also be a genuine attempt to form new interpersonal relationships. It is HIGHLY recommended that high-level staff and PRT members deny any and all attempts to fraternize that Mr. Levin offers to them, as it can lead to an easy breach of Master/Stranger protocols.
Despite claims to the contrary, Mr. Levin appears to display several complexes that are characteristic of young triggers. He appears jealous of other capes, especially Movers - the discrimination he's faced as a Master has shaped his view on capes quite extensively. It is unknown how much of this is genuine, and how much is an attempt to make others lower their guard around him.
Mr. Levin is a pathological liar, and all reports he makes should be backed up by either another Ward, or a direct superior. Despite his claims to regret his past actions, his behavior is why-
(The rest of this section has been deleted.)
Mr. Levin is a teenage male, caucasian, 5'7 and 140 lbs. He has green eyes, and lacks any notable scars, tattoos, or other markings.
Mr. Levin has an extensive wardrobe, covering a wide variety of genres and various 'fits'. He will change outfits depending on what people he plans to interact with, an attempt on his part to blend in and be more approachable. Typically, he will default to formal attire, and will 'dress down' by removing his coat and/or dress shirt.
As Faeble, Mr. Levin's attire is quite generic - a simple suit and tie combo, with a black motorcycle helmet to preserve his identity. Attempts in the past to make This suit is not especially different from his usual attire, though Levin will wear a bulletproof vest underneath it if he is expecting to receive fire. Attempts to make his costume more thematic with his alias have not been well-received by Mr. Levin (See: Glitterbomb Incident).
Mr. Levin has lived his entire life in Redline, Maine, and was born to a family of three - Robert Levin (Father), Barbara Levin (Mother), and Cole Levin (Brother). There is little information on the record of Levin's early life - he received average marks most of his academic career, and had little involvement in sports or extracurricular activities. When questioned, Cole claimed that Levin had spent most of his youth playing with friends or helping his brother study.
Around 12 years old, Levin's father was killed in a robbery that occurred in his store. It is around this time that more information on Levin appears - detentions for encouraging fights and stealing, shoplifting, and three suspensions over the course of his middle school career. Due to a life insurance payment, the family was able to support these outbursts, as well as pay for Cole to take his bar exam.
At age 15, Levin's mother Barabara got into a car accident and was rendered comatose. Due to this incident, Cole was designated as Mr. Levin's guardian, and Mr. Levin continues to visit his mother on a weekly basis at ▅▃▂ Medical Center.
Shortly after this incident is the earliest record of Levin's interactions with ▅▅▃▅▂
Mr. Levin seems to have an incredibly deep-seated desire to be liked, as well as what ward psychologists describe as 'acute imposter syndrome and ▅▅▃▅▃▅▂▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▃▃▅▅▅▅▃▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▃▃▅▅▅▅▃▅▅...aggression...▅▅▅▃▅▅▅▃▅▂▂▂
▃▅▂▅▅▅...fled the cr...▅▅▅▅▃▃▅
(A large portion of this section, including various interviews and statements, is either deleted or has been rendered completely nonsensical.)
▅▂▃...which caused a great deal of stress for Mr. Levin. Thankfully, his brother managed to reach a plea bargain with the prosecution - in exchange for no jail time and a minimal mark on his records, Mr. Levin would join the recently forming Wards team to complete his community service hours.
When further biographical information was requested from Mr. Levin to fill his file, he was purposefully vague and deflective. As a result, only information with physical evidence is included in this file, with little contribution from Mr. Levin himself.
(DESIGNATION: Master/Stranger 4, Thinker 0)
(NOTES: Standard Master/Stranger protocols should be exercised at all times. Passwords among high-level staff must be changed on a biweekly basis.)
Mr. Levin uses his voice as a medium for his power, causing those who hear it to be affected by the Master component. When speaking, everything that Levin says will be taken at face value by the listener, regardless of its absurdity or preexisting evidence to the contrary. Tests have shown that Mr. Levin could convince staff volunteers and paid subjects of nearly anything - including, but not limited to, 'Owing me 20 dollars' (See Test 013 .mov), 'Leaving your oven running' (See Test 020 .mov), and most notably, 'The sky is brown, and Archangel is attacking.' See Test 029 .mov
Or, you could just say I'm really good at lying.
While Mr. Levin can persuade someone of nearly anything, there are a few topics that lie outside of his ability. When talking with Dr. Anderson (See Test 007 .mov), Levin claimed that 'We have been married for three years!'. Dr. Anderson's eyes glazed over briefly before she immediately denied having ever met Mr. Levin in her life. This, along, with several other (Tests 012, 022, and 023) examples of similar claims, indicates that Mr. Levin is incapable of convincing individuals of things that are deeply engrained in their memories. Examples include important relationships, a job they've held for 20 years, and anything that they know cannot change without notice.
Yeah, if I could convince someone of stuff that big, I'd pull an Annie and become some rich person's kid, not play superhero.
Mr. Levin's power doesn't have a known duration but breaks instantly upon evidence that contradicts the 'lie' being given to the target. Subjects seem to have an awareness that they've been Master'd after the effect is broken, and most have described it as a 'slimy feeling in (their) gut'. Repeated 'breaks' in short succession result in growing discomfort in the target, eventually becoming disorientating, or even causing intense migraines, paranoia, and nosebleeds. Mr. Levin seems to suffer the same effects when his power ends, which is presumably the reason he is able to identify if someone under his effect has broken free. He has lasted significantly longer than most subjects when it comes to displaying these symptoms, however - Mr. Levin claims he still experiences them, but has grown accustomed to the feeling and is 'expecting' it.
It's like a normal guy getting punched compared to a boxer getting punched - I still feel it, I just handle it better.
...Never been punched before though, so the analogy might be a bit off.
Mr. Levin's power extends as far as his speaking range carries it, with electronic devices like Megaphones or Telephones either drowning out his 'natural' voice or simply not being 'soaked' with his power. Additionally, Mr. Levin has stated that there is difficulty in turning off his powers - according to him, they are his 'default', and suppressing them requires active focus.
It is theorized by certain staff members that Mr. Levin possesses a secondary Thinker ability, which allows him to 'read' people around him and identify how to act to, quote 'Make people like him more.' It is unknown if this is truly a Parahuman ability or simply a skill that Mr. Levin is exceptionally proficient in - as a result, he has been given a tentative 'Thinker 0' rating until further research can be done.
(COUNTERMEASURES: In the event Faeble goes rogue, his Master and Stranger rating will both be raised to 6 due to his knowledge of Master/Stranger Protocols and the function of Ward staff and heroes. Protocols must be strictly enforced, and passwords will be immediately changed. Any incoming personnel, guests, and staff must present proper identification to a security officer, who will be behind soundproofed glass and communicate with an electronic system.)
Yeah, or bring a gun. What do I look like, Risen?
People Person: As expected of a Master/Stranger, Mr. Levin is exceptionally skilled at manipulating others, even without the direct use of his powers. He has on more than one occasion broken into the Ward computer network and altered documents pertaining to himself without permission (lol), despite there being no evidence he possesses an understanding of programming. In addition to this hacking, he also regularly brings alcohol into Wards HQ, and has been given several warnings against doing so - his ability to acquire or access things he shouldn't be able to (and get away with it) is notable, to say the least.
Planning: Mr. Levin has displayed impressive skill in constructing plans and strategies, usually after his typical persuasion has failed. These can get quite elaborate, as seen by 'The Coffee Incident' (See Laxatives .mov). Despite his short time in the Wards, his ability to accomplish complicated and large-scale operations with minimal manpower and resources makes him very dangerous to leave unsupervised.
Disguise: Mr. Levin is quite skilled with make-up and styling hair, a result of his mother's profession as a Beautician. He makes great use of this with his power, capable of disguising himself with wigs, makeup, and various other implements in order to keep his civilian identity anonymous, while also preventing villains from targeting him as a known Master. His skill in tailoring, while not as notable, is high enough that he chooses to request thread to repair his outfits, rather than order new ones or pay for repairs.
Mr. Levin has a tendency to use sarcasm to disarm situations which, thanks to his power, is often taken quite literally by everyone involved. If you are confused by something Mr. Levin says, please ask him to clarify what he means, and remind him to focus on his speech exercises.
Finally got to this thing - not naming any names, but whoever reads this file next, be sure to tell your coworkers to not write next week's password on a sticky note, ok?
Did my own little edits, I felt like you guys were missing some important information!
What else to add, what else... Oh, my favorite superpower is Super Speed. Gatecrasher can blow me, the coolest Mover in The Guardians will always be Relativity, no question. RIP
Faeble is accepted.
"...Also, Tristan's getting his pay docked. Sticky notes, seriously?"