Two months was both plenty of time, and not time enough. For the first month, they focused on her weapons mainly. Training with the daggers and throwing knives, which she took to like a fish to water. They fit her style very well, just as they both had hoped. The training was very intense, however. The first week, Jinny fell asleep after they had finished for the day, in the middle of the training floor, and had to be carried to bed. But she rose to the challenge after that. Soon, she was treating the blades as extensions of herself. And yet, there was still so much more to learn.
She also began to train with guns. So far, that was a little troublesome, as most guns, even small pistols, had enough kick to throw off her aim. Even an accurate shot could be thrown off by outside force. Still, she kept at it, trying any gun Slade would allow in her hands. Her aim was good, but she was still just a bit to small to be anywhere near where she could be.
Her powers were a different story. Jinny had always been quite good with them, but Slade wanted her better. After some trial and error, they both determined that she was giving out too much power. Her mother had been precise, like a laser. Jinny was more like a beam cannon. It was something that had proved it could hurt her once before, and she had to learn to dial her power back to something more focused. It was difficult, but she was getting the hang of it.
Now, with only 2 weeks before the school year began, they were going on a little trip. Jinny had been promised a hunt, and she was going to get one.
“Be vewy, vewy quiet. I’m hunting wabbits.” Jinny quirked, as she looked out into the expanse of the forest from their little campfire.