Avatar of Mistress Dizzy


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Spying on. But I could play it the other way if necessary.

That is a good point.

Kijani- one of the best information brokers in the business. Takes knowledge is power to an extreme.

Luna - young mechanical savant with a chip on their shoulder.

Dizzy - soft spoken journalist rumored to be a former spy within the Eggmsn empire.

Having trouble choosing a character so I'll take a vote.

Which of these looks more interesting?
Got a post in between classes. My baby is not having a good day right now.

Also I know the others were not making fun of her. But Kassy does not. I promise she will get less annoying and somber.
Location: Lounge and then Training Gym
Interactions: Casper and Coal

Congratulations, Kass, you’re an idiot.

Kassandra wanted to sink through the floor. Her stomach twisted. Just one little stupid comment and now they all thought she was a fool. All she had meant was that she’d respond if someone addressed her, even if they couldn’t quite remember her name. She wasn’t sure why she bothered to come down, and just wanted to leave. Immediately if at all possible. Alisa and Casper were both teasing her. Even the new guy Victor thought she was a weirdo, certainly.

But then Coal asked a question and she couldn’t quite leave. “Circus? Um. It’s fine, I guess. Things are going to be a lot more exciting around here, that’s for sure.” She tried to force a smile, but probably looked even more stupid doing that. “I just hope we can all get along.”

Fine words from someone fully expecting to be the outsider. This was home all over again…

Then Zachary burst in, fuming to Victor about some perceived or real slight. In a theatrical - that is to say – usual – display of showy magic, he made lunch for everyone with a few backward words and what seemed like a great deal of energy. She wasn’t sure of the point of that besides just to show off. Then again, it was Zachary, so that probably was the entire point.

“I’m. Um. Not hungry.” Kassandra lied.

And then she left.

Her whole body felt tense as she padded barefoot through the corridors. Her eyes were on the ground. Before she could really think about it, she was outside the training gym.

Here was something she could actually do. She entered, going to the set of lockers near the door. Here she kept some simple clothes, ones that were easy to move in. She changed in the bathroom, then grabbed her preferred weapon from the many stationed on the wall. It was a thick wooden staff, weighted on one end to match the precise measurements of her golden octopus staff.

She approached the dummy, exhaling slow through her nose. After a moment’s pause, she twisted the staff and struck hard, the vibration coursing through the dummy. She followed that with a knee to the midsection, and brought the back end of the staff up for a head blow. Kassandra was not particularly fast, but she did hit like a whale through a school of plankton. She was never going to be a slender, pretty Atlantean, but at the very least she knew how to put her thick build to use.

Why do you bother, Kassandra? You’re always going to be the one outside. Just watch. They’ll all make friends, and you’re going to be watching from the windows as usual. Just like home. Why are you even here? Aunt Kristy was right. You’re nothing.

Each blow came heavier, the dummy taking the silent punishment as she tried to burn off her embarrassment. The sounds of her solo battle could be heard outside the door, as Kassandra did the one thing she felt she was any good at.
I should be able to get something up tomorrow.
My body is ready.
Location: Lounge
Interaction: @canaryrose
Everyone else in the Lounge

“Do you think there’ll be another girl that’s coming today? I hope so. I’m getting really sick of all these guys. They’re either edgy or really showy, and I don’t appreciate either. You’re excited, right? You don’t look excited.”

Kassy tried to keep up after Alisa grabbed her hand. It was just a bit difficult, as Alisa was excited and going quickly. “I don’t know if I’m excited yet. It may just be more boys. I’m hoping for another girl or two, just to even things out.” The phrase ‘I’m not good with people’ stuck to her tongue.

“I’m not really edgy or showy. I’m just sort of… here.” She didn’t know how else to say it. While she was just fine on a battlefield, where she could actually be of use, being social was different. She felt like a lost jellyfish, drifting on a wild current. Too many rules, too many personalities to keep up with. She wondered, time and time again, just why her king had chosen her for this role. Maybe he should have chosen someone else. Someone with more… more… something. Something that Kassandra just didn’t have.

She heard talking up ahead, and realized that the TV was on. She stalled slightly. “Let’s get this over with.” She entered the recreation room. There were several boys there, and her heart dropped a little. More boys that she didn’t know. Could the day get worse? Well, probably, so she shouldn’t say that. They seemed to be watching one of Zachary’s videos. One of many. She didn’t get the appeal of performing like that. She would never bother, though. Who would want to watch her?

Though, if she had to be completely honest, there was a small, secret place in her heart that wanted that kind of confidence.

“Um. H-hey. I’m… I’m Kassandra. You can call me Kassy if you like. Or Kass. Or hey you. Whatever is fine.” She could barely be heard over the television.
I'm having fun.


Casual Kassy. No shoes because she dislikes them.

Her costume came out kinda weird.
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