Avatar of Mivuli
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  • Posts: 358 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Mivuli 10 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current It would appear blue-haired girls are a thing. With me. It's become a recurring trend
9 yrs ago
Halsey is on my mind. Nothing but Halsey. Heelp


Living in the GMT+8 timezone, with important assessments awaiting in 2016! Forgive me if my schedule refuses to cooperate

(Have this gif as an apology ahead of time)

Most Recent Posts

@ViolentViolet Now I'm jealous. I couldn't pluck a ukelele even if my life depended on it.
You might find a PM from me, in that case, when we start. -I'd be hapless otherwise- When would that be, by the way? I can't wait to get these two meeting!
@ViolentViolet Somehow the thought of Isabella lugging a cello around if she wanted to play in a quiet spot of the school is both pitiful and appealing. XD
I'll admit, William's not much of a playing romantic (entirely my fault; I don't know how to play an overly amorous character) and he might be a bit clueless as to what to do.
@ViolentViolet Now that sounds amazing, and like a lovely way to find out about Isabella's musical talent. Sure! (got anymore?) William will probably subsequently try to pick up the ropes of viola-playing, but then inevitably lapse into passively listening to Isabella play her pieces rather than disrupt her flow. Out of curiosity (and for comparitive purposes) how tall is she roughly?


Mia was just about to receive another patron when Delilah suddenly stood on the counter. Startled, Mia stared up at her, wondering what had gotten into the waitress today, when Delilah spoke, her voice ringing in the coffee shop and robbing everyone's attention. "M-my customer, Solenne, has his soul mate here today and is looking for them." And at once, those words arrested Mia, held her captive where she stood.

Her eyes followed Delilah's sweeping gesture, and landed once more on the cloaked gloved man. Her wrist flared, as though the name printed on her skin could recognise its owner. She stared at him, taking in his composed demeanour and anticipatory gaze that was placed resolutely on the chair opposite him. Delilah, catching sight of Mia, grinned playfully down at her, and skipped lightly back to earth. "Why don't you ask the man if he would like a short black?" she said ribbingly, and sauntered behind the counter to elbow Mia out of her spot. "Or better yet, go say hi. I'm taking over the counter now." Delilah tried her best to conceal the distasteful look she cast at the foreboding machines, and Mia - as though propelled by Delilah's nudges - felt her feet leading her forward to the seating area, each step punctuated by a thunderous pulse. Closing the distance was maddening, as though waves were crashing soundly over her head. But they ebbed with each step, so that when Mia found herself by Solenne's table, her ears were not filled with drumbeats; her heart was free of that constriction which had made breaths thin and hard to come by; and her wrist was quiet, offering no complaint.

"I'm Mia Adams," Mia offered, because what else was there to say to someone whom you didn't know? She slipped languidly into a chair, folding her hands on the table before her. A smile in equal parts uncertain and curious unfurled smoothly over her lips as she stared into the face of a stranger she was very inclined to know, and flashed the underside of her wrist at him, where his name was emblazoned. "But, I suppose you know that already, Solenne." She tried his name on for size, rolling it on her tongue, and tucking it away behind her teeth, tasting how it felt in her voice.
@ViolentViolet I'm all up for a plot, but I don't have any ideas to work with right now. You?
Hello? *voice echoes*

What's been happening guys? You've all been pretty quiet.

@Dirty Dan, you alright? You never returned to post.

I'm still here (:
@ViolentViolet Sure thing! Is there anything in particular you'd like to know about William, or that you would like to tell me about Isabella?
Yup, sure, @Levythelevy! Only, could you post a larger picture of the schedule? I can't read it very well. Thanks!

That's great, @Animelover4evah! Gonna go read it now.


Mia watched as the man she was sure was half-mad took the waitress - Delilah, that was her name - by the hand and spun her around, skipping and dancing to a tune only he could hear. But it was a light-spirited tune, to be sure, and Mia couldn't help the surprised laugh that bubbled from between her lips. The queue of customers reared away as Dan came to a halt by the counter, and demanded that Delilah and Mia take the tip. Which was - to say the least - incredibly generous. $200. "Today is the best day of my life the least I can do is share a bit of happiness. Today I am meeting my soulmate," said the man.

Soulmate. Mia froze, and looked down at her own wrist. Oh.

She had forgotten, hadn't she? Had spent the best part of twenty years mulling over the date etched into her skin, committing its every arch and edge to memory; had even fallen asleep countless times with the name and date glowing in her mind's eye. And when the day had come - finally, actually come - she had been too preoccupied with the move to this country to even think of it when the sun rose.

The jingle of the bell as the door was opened shook her from her reverie. Dan turned back to say, "Mia! I am not yet done with the Sundae! Coming right back! I am not letting my soulmate slip out my claws!" She grinned at the character who ducked out the door, swiftly taking in the twist of metal on the street that was Jeep and Porsche. She could hardly tell where one car ended and the other began. Through the glass, Mia could see an elderly woman and a strange blonde-headed figure seated in the monstrous blue-white Jeep. But there didn't seem to be any casualties. Only a very, very angry driver on the docket.

She turned her attention back to the line of people before her, scribbling names on plastic cups and weaving from counter to behind to prepare their beverages. The bell jangled again, and as Delilah stepped forth to greet the newcomer, Mia's wrist began to burn.

Sharply, she stepped back from the counter, under the critical eyes of a customer who had been mid-order. "Oh!" She gripped her wrist, as though quick pressure would lessen the sting.

"...and a frappucino with that," the suited man dragged his syllables, appearing prepared to grab his suitcase and find a comparatively saner coffee shop to find his caffeine at.

Mia nodded, struggling for composure. "Name, please?" Her eyes darted around the shop as her hand squeakily worked the nib of the pen over the plastic cup. Her grip was tense, a vice, from the burning. She glanced up, and looked around the non-plussed man to see the ever-growing queue of people. She could hardly abandon the counter to approach every table and ask to see their wrists, could she? Delilah - who was terrified of the grinding machine and the way it seemed to growl at every hand laid on it - might be willing to switch places. Her heart bobbed the slightest, caught between desperate hope and stark realism. Maybe.

As Mia turned to make the man's frappucino, she heard a grunt of impatience and disapproval. "A waste of my time," she heard over her shoulder, followed on the heels by the efficient tapping of fingers over a phone screen. Mia's eyes narrowed at the machine, but she bit her tongue, even if the man didn't look to be a tipper. Twirling around with her apron billowing around her, she deposited the drink on the counter.

"That will be three-fifty, sir." As the man muttered and searched for change, Mia's fingertips fluttered anxiously on the marble, her gaze wandering the store. It fell on the man Delilah was attending to. His hands were in gloves and he wore a coat - even with the sun out. Well-groomed and sitting poised, he held Mia's attention captive for far too long, and she started when coins splattered onto the countertop before. To the irritable customer, she echoed verbatim from shifts of learned phrases, "Have a good day." It was going to be a long one for her.


Nuna intertwined her fingers with Nodah's. Shocked, Nodah stood still for a moment, rooted to the spot. He could well unclasp their hands, and lay Nuna's on his forearm - as he had expected her to do. But that seemed like to insult her. Within the second, he had thawed. He smiled down at Nuna, and allowed his arm to hang limply by his side, conjoined to hers, his heartbeat pulsing in the cavern of their palms. "Marvellous."

Nodah followed Nuna, walking into the portal, their hands swinging idly between them both. "I guess we look good as a couple, eh?" said Nuna. Startled, Nodah stared down at Nuna. But before he could formulate a response, the portal was summoned and they stepped inside to teleport to the dining hall.

How easily Nuna unmanned him. Unnerved and stole his composure. Nodah liked it not. He closed his eyes and drew a breath, willing his calm to return to him, and opened an ocher gaze as Nuna said, "Huh, seems like we've been trekking for hours with all the commotion. Wouldn't you agree?" A soft smile unfolded easily over Nodah's face. They were so easy to conjure these days. "I would hardly have noticed, or minded, in your presence," he said smoothly.

Coming to the food stations, Nodah scanned his pendant, and was presented with a steaming platter of rice and servings of side dishes. As he was, Nuna requested him to join her at the table. Nodah lifted his gaze to do a quick assessment. Kuroda Daichi, a towering elf, Level, and the hooded girl were seated. He looked at Nuna, noting briefly an alliance. "How could I refuse?"

Before Nuna could move off, however, Nodah laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I am delighted to share your company, I hope there is no mistake there," Nodah said quietly, with a playful smile so that the seated students in the distance would only see the sharing of murmured jovial words. "But I do hope there is no misunderstanding; I would be honoured to be with you in amour, but I am afraid I cannot." He widened his eyes, in limpid understanding, willing blue to swirl in with hazel and put one in mind of the Caribbean skies. "Would you grant me that?"
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