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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T , B A T H I N G S U I T

In shock, Aurora’s hand slipped away from Slick and cupped inside her other. Both hands nestled at her bosom. Her mouth was closed and trembling a small mindful prayer to keep her calm. She could see the magic, the light, and the darkness. A void devouring the innocent. She could taste the emptiness.

The weakness of humanity lit up the sky, as the light of a precious soul was put out. She could feel the energy being taken from her as an empathetic wave to life itself. Her eyes closed, not wishing to see the dazzle in the sky, any longer.

A breath escaped her, and in all the darkness that she had known her entire life, murder was the darkest she had ever known. She thought of her dream. She thought of the elf in the jungle. She thought of the cast from when she still resided within the kingdom’s walls.

Aurora slowly lowered her hands, letting out a calmer, more resided breath. She opened her eyes and cast them over the lights of all in her party, “We should skip gambling and head back to the inn.” Her voice was solemn and serious, thankful she had managed to keep everyone together.

It was one less thing she had to consider, amongst all the dilemmas, had just taken their first breath inside of her worries.

The food tasted better than Seraphima was expecting. She was famished and quietly slurping down some seaweed soup while simultaneously enjoying the scent of hot, relaxing green tea, and for a brief moment, she set the bowl down and leaned back in her chair.

“Ahhh…” Her mouth made a small o, and her eyes closed. Her head tilted back, and when she opened her eyes, she stared at the ceiling. The Warped monster had taken more out of her than she had thought. In fact, she was surprised she even had an appetite.

I better slow down. She thought to herself. A small smirk emerged on her lips as she sat back up. This whole Frame Pilot thing was going to be hard. She understood that coming into the position. However, the mental level was more disturbing than she had anticipated.

At least, the food was good. Her eyes stared at the meal in front of her. Maybe this is why they feed us so well. She looked at the other Pilots. They were ravenous, and she could not pass judgement. She had no idea what they must be feeling, right now. She, for one, felt a tinge of embarrassment for yearning such nourishment so deeply. At the monastery, the Abbess would have scolded her manners…

Her powers seemed trivial compared to that of other Frame Pilots. It made her ponder how much their own humanity had changed. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as she recounted the mission. More missions meant the likelihood of running into a Warped that looked more humanly was bound to happen. And yet, that was exactly why she was here: to kill them, to save humanity.

Her appetite did not feel very human. There had been a shift from leaving the monastery, which she tried to uphold even after leaving it. And now, she felt herself restraining herself from eating any faster. Unfortunately, the only way to slow down her appetite was to recall the encounter she had with the ape-like centipede and that brief moment in which she hesitated, just like now, as she stared at her entree of vegetables.

Just then, through all the shenanigans, Xuan-yu came through, holding in his arms liquid gold. This seemed curious and natural. It would take her mind from things. Seraphima had not had anything to drink since entering the monastery, and even then, she rarely drink much if at all. What could one or two do but lift her spirits. She should be celebrating like the rest of them. At least, that’s what she believed anyways.

L O C A T I O N : C A E S O N I A C A S T L E B A L L R O O M I N S O R I A N
I N T E R A C T I O N S : P R I N C E S S B E A T R I C E C A M I L I A , L A D Y T H E A S M I T H W O O D , L O R D L E O S M I T H W O O D , N A H I R A Y S U N K A D I R , S U L T A N R A I F K A D I R
M E N T I O N S : @Aerandir , @baraquiel , @Helo , @Rodiak , @Tae

The light in Prince Felix's eyes flickered as they assessed Lord Leo Smithwood. He adjusted his body into a bow with a polite, noble smile relaxed throughout his jaw. "My Lord, the pleasure is all mine." His hand held strongly to Lady Thea, his honorary prize for such a dutiful behavior. He preferred something with more honor to shine with the name that he was supposed to waltz around with for the entirety of his life and history. However, he could not expect too much from the lady. She had her foibles, and only so much of her could be tamed. This caused a stress in the prince, but he was not open to letting it show. "The honorary day shall come soon enough," he forced his smile to be a little more cheerful, trying to exude a friendly demeanor, for he did not wish to treat Lady Thea with any ill will despite his lack of favorable feelings for the woman.

He glanced briefly at the Sultan and his court and then turned his attention quickly back to the Lord. Both Lady Thea and he had been received by the Sultan favorably if with a little annoyance. Of course, Prince Felix insisted in his own mind that the annoyance was all with him and felt himself glad to have gotten the introduction out of the way and wished to get himself away from all the charlatans and their beastly stenches. On such a note, his betrothed smelt like the bottle of whatever she had been previously drinking. But, in all due respect, Lord Leo deserved his respect and attention. After all, he had more reasons to be privileged by the Lord's presence than he could care to acknowledge at this point in time. One of them was on his arm, making an embarrassment just by the lights shimmering against her bare skin. (She must really admire the attention, but to what end?)

The lingering thought needn't be attended to, as one of the Alidasht approached them with arrogance in her form. She addressed Lord Leo without looking in his direction. Prince Felix pretended not to note this and continued in his respectful manner. She remarked his sister Princess Beatrice well enough. "The pleasure is mine." He bowed again, as he had to Lord Leo, and of course, once again, he nudged Lady Thea to bow alongside him. As the two rose from their honorary positions, Nahir was already making her exit, and Verrick, who lacked many things when it came to noble tack (dismissed for a variety of reasons), made his vocal entrance.

Prince Felix flexed again on the hilt of his sword. The words were downright preposterous, if only more so because he had the power to whisper words of nonsense to his sister all day along. His kind would not likely understand the proper attire needed for a Varian Princess, even if he was beside one all day. He would have dismissed the comment altogether if his own had not taken to the compliment so happily. Prince Felix blamed the drinking and loosened his fist on the hilt.

He turned his attention to Lady Thea, allowing the bodyguard to maintain his own pleasure at the party. He had his rights to relax, after casting all his lots on protecting his sister so dutifully. The prince thought many of times, and now was not an exception, that the man who held little dignity with duty must be spending quite an amount of energy to have his whole life at stake for duty. In such a way, he was learning the noble way, but his gaffs were always readily noticeable.

"My Lady," he smiled at her, but before he could make a further introduction, Auguste came and made his introduction, to which Prince Felix made his automatic redundant greeting.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T , B A T H I N G S U I T

"Y-you're a cowboy?" Aurora let out a nervous laugh. She tried to change the subject as she listened to Caelen's banter. He was very drunk. She hoped nothing more would happen during their time together. However, she did consider that gambling may take an unwanted turn. Her hand continued to let Slick guide her into the water. The feeling was funny and overwhelming. She enjoyed it immensely, the sighing and singing of the liquid against her.

L O C A T I O N : C A E S O N I A C A S T L E B A L L R O O M I N S O R I A N
I N T E R A C T I O N S : L A D Y T H E A S M I T H W O O D , S U L T A N R A I F K A D I R
M E N T I O N S : @Tae

Tightening his grip on his rapier as he allowed the duchess to grab hold of him, Prince Felix reflected swiftly on the situation. A needle has pricked the Sultan’s ego, a precious monument to the nation; his own actions to the Kingdom of Varian were accountable; a war was transpiring on the banquet floor. There was much more to this than just an interrupted and mistranslated entrance. However deep the bad blood ran, he could only point to history for the best explanation for what was transpiring. The rest was was a secret kept amongst the elite.

“Of course, my dear,” his eyes, green and bright, glanced at his distressed damsel. A small smile flickered on his lips to comfort her. Perhaps, he was being a tad arrogant for showing any such emotion, but it was better, especially in her drunken stupor, to see something positive than a palace of grimacing faces. He was to be her anchor in a world of politics and malice.

He saved grace for her, in a low voice, keeping a stoic manly demeanor. He was a steady man and groomed for his noble position. Upon first examination of her pleas, he supposed she meant little sincerity in her letters, which explained quite a bit. However, he had very little time to ponder this and would make deductions when the time proved appropriately. For now, his time was re-arranging his priorities.

Prince Felix began escorting Lady Thea gently towards the Sultan. He noted the animosity flaring through the postures of the court that surrounded him. There were endless ways to approach the situation, with endless outcomes surely to render themselves from each approach. However, there were only a few proper solutions to the dilemma that was trying to scribble itself over history in the making. And, no one of notable importance was doing anything.

“Your Majesty,” he bowed as he spoke, motioning for Lady Thea to follow him. His arm caved against her side, nudging a pressure point to help her relax into a bow, “Peace be upon you,” Prince Felix continued. He thought of all who he was representing at this point. He might have been complying with Lady Thea’s extravagance, but the prince was doing this for more than just her.

His whole kingdom was resting on the shoulders of Lord Leo, and Prince Felix would not let it fall. He would keep the responsibility where it was duly respected, “Your court is too praiseworthy for a silent reception. I humbly applaud your introduction. I have been made aware of your kingdom’s ability to move not just my stature and that of my beloved Lady Thea, but the prestige of kingdoms. Your entrance not only echoes a fierce national understanding of Aldasht nobility and importance but has sounded the high privilege of her laurels, as well. Please, Your Majesty, I am Prince Felix Camilla, and upon my arm is my betrothed and precious Lady Thea Smithwood. We honor you from the Kingdom of Varian.”

The smell of the animals resonated in his nostrils, along with other such scents that were actually due worthy of the ballroom. He minded them little as strong as they may have been. It only caused a more troubling and unpredictable air to the entire event. There had been misunderstandings, but there should not be further conflict to escalate the hostilities, "Your Majesty, accept not just our own but this entire room's unworthy praise of your kingdom."

Prince Felix kept his bow, allowing his own neck to be on the line. If it was his future wife who began the initial uproar, then he would take full responsibility for it. For Duke Lorenzo, there was little the prince could do aside from assure the Sultan that his accident was merely brushed aside upon seeing the grandiose noble pomp that reigned the kingdom.

While Seraphima rocketed towards the the Warped, she found herself slowing significantly as the shape of the monster became more dignified. It had limbs. Human limbs. It had a torso. A human torso. It had hair. Human hair. Still, it was warped in nature. It’s human body was twisted and distorted, all connected with something like a cyclops and a snake. Something inside her felt sadness as the bolt from Supplice struck the creature.

A hiss coiled and writhed from the monster, as a charge began electrifying it’s mouth. It’s direction was facing Supplice. She was right in the line of fire, and Seraphima mentally kicked herself for pausing, losing any form of concentration. Why had she been contemplating if the monster was a male or female? It was hard enough to remember that many of them had been humans, but to begin assigning personalities was crossing the line; and yet…

It really did not matter. The humanity of the creature was gone. It was her job to destroy it and defend what was left of the human race. “Not on my watch,” she grimaced to herself, determining if she had not paused, she may have missed an opportunity to change directions and tactics. Lord have mercy… Her rocket jetted, and she zoomed towards the mouth of the creature. She had just saved herself from being too reckless.

With her dagger still in her hand, she flung it towards the giant eye. She could feel the airy slowness of our suit failing her and her lack of large ammunition. Still, with good aim, something could be done, ”Supplice! K-01 making cover! Over! Infernos, Supplice and K-01 need backup. Over.” With her claws retracted. Her frame blasted behind her. The weight slowed her down, albeit, kept her frame in-check. Her force field was projected.

All Seraphima wanted to do was claw the eye out. The window to the soul. Even if meant taking some of the hit, she calculated that her shield could take the blast, and if anything took her out momentarily, Infernus would be able to hold things while she recovered.

L O C A T I O N : C A E S O N I A C A S T L E B A L L R O O M I N S O R I A N
I N T E R A C T I O N S : T H E B A L L R O O M , L A D Y T H E A S M I T H W O O D
M E N T I O N S : @Tae

Closing his pocket watch, Prince Felix quickly slipped the trinket into the waist coat pocket of his outfit. It was still early evening as the newly dressed night began to add a little more life and color to the arrangements. His gloved hand removed his fingers from any trace of having guided themselves to his pocket. It was not so much the time he had been after, but the shine of himself in the gold of the casing. His eyes had caught themselves quickly, steadying his own gaze and promptly, the time before sealing the device. He had much to do in such a small amount of time.

There was no wasting time at one of these events, as even the finest details have been planned out, months in advance. Therefore, he found no use in making such an event be counted among anything less than important. However, he did not take the banquet so strikingly interesting that he came off with a broken stiffness. The educated man had his own endeavors that sprawled across many areas of interest and not just this one in particular. It just so happened that this grandiose event fell under such jurisdictions to continue his thoughtful attitude.

Among those things that pertained to his responsibilities was determining who desired the most respect at any given moment and noting such personalities with diligence. A competitive spirit had been sharpening its sword long before since the invitations had been sent off, and the theatrical play of festivities had only heightened the competition. Pride was over-flowing with an unwillingness to lose the show under any conditions. Why, he had his own camaraderie to continue.

However, having already made his introductions to all persons necessary, the prince made sure they were brief and timely. He noted himself as patient in his manners. Of course, now having known the allotted time it took him to properly align himself with the respective individuals (spare a few due to others making introductions or being sparse in the moment), he continued his responsibilities: romancing his fiancé. For months now, he had been writing to her weekly. Every Thursday evening, he would conscribe his letter, and every Friday morning the letter was mailed to her at once. By Saturday morning, the letter was delivered promptly to awaken her weekend. He meant none of what he wrote, but with all things considered, it was the thought that counted. He held seriously about the engagement and preferred to keep his letters crossed and dotted.

She wrote back in a language that seemed to hint such interest as his own writing proposed. Although, her in-person manners were less than adamant to what she wrote. For this reason alone, he had found himself glancing his appearance in his pocket watch before making his way under her graces. A bafflement kept him bewildered by her, and he presumed she may have trouble with the arrangements as well. She was not a dutiful woman, and he had been drafted to take her hand under such circumstances. Under negotiations, he agreed to take the coquette for marriage. Thus, for his family's honor, he was to prepare her to be his respectable bride.

From across the room, the young lady wore a pink and gold dress. Her bodice was glimmering under the lights. He would have preferred her to be in something more modest, but standing at rest next to her brother, she looked more protected. She stood upon the tips of her toes, right at the moment and garnished him with a polite kiss before making her way to the alcohol. His eyes quickly left her, glancing to another guest, interrupted in his well-meaning intentions and found himself making quaint with someone less than important than himself. Of course, he let the person have as much respect as the next. After making acquaintances, using his born-into princely charm, there was an interruption -- the Alidashi party.

There was something off-putting about their display. There was something gaudy about their display. And of course, there was something demanding of respect about their display. However, he could not help but think that during their entire spectacle, not anything about the particular opening was as much of a gem than his dear sister and hopefully, his future wife...

... who was clapping. The silence from the dark feline's roar had erupted a silence, but still a clap remained. Quickly, the prince began clapping, as well to accompany her, first out of embarrassment for her outburst and then out of necessity. Is this not what they wanted, a display of such emotion? He could slant this for his family. The Varian Kingdom would not be shaken by the bold introductory, and thus, the guest he had just became acquainted found himself clapping, as well, under the charm of the prince. If no one else joined, it was all well. The idea was genius in its own right. The Varian Kingdom would not be fearful of the Alidasht Kingdom.

Prince Felix began walking over towards Lady Thea. His strides were vigorous, concealing any animosity he was feeling. He knew attention had been driven away from the opening momentarily, and if anything, it was now that he and his fiancé made their introduction to the sultan and his entourage. But first, to test her volatility. With that, it was merely entering the measure of her presence that would tell him her guard.
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