Avatar of Mole


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1 mo ago
Prayers for Damascus. 🙏🏻
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1 mo ago
I kind of want to do a werewolf murder mystery role play revolving around a college campus. Does anyone want to be my co-GM?
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2 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that the guy who founded the Texas RenFest in 1974 has been the mayor of the sponsoring town since 1982. #AmericanPolitics
2 mos ago
You can do it, Dark Cloud!
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2 mos ago
And of course, it wouldn’t be me without mentioning how amazing newborn baby heads smell. ; - ; )

Most Recent Posts

(Currently) Haruki Murakami and (still) Kazuo Ishiguro. I was briefly inspired by Osamu Dazai for a month or two but not so much anymore.

Alright, not Ryan, so here's Roune One:


T I M E : Sunset
L O C A T I O N : Hinode Wild Birds Sanctuary Nature Park
I N T E R A C T I O N S: None
M E N T I O N S: None

Screaming as she fell for the ground, Ryan’s legs crumpled. Her body collapsed, and her cheek scraped against the hard dirt. She knew she was breathing rapidly, but she could not feel it through all the pain.

Slowly, Ryan pushed her body upwards, only to collapse, scraping her face against the ground again. She tasted blood. A small moan escaped her lips as raspy breaths beaded in-and-out of her. “T…” she looked to her left. The traces of where Terriermon had been were prevalent. “Terrier…mon,” she mouthed. Tears swelled in her eyes. She closed them as they ran down her dirty heeks.

“I’m still here, Ryan.”

Ryan’s eyes shot open. Terriermon? Her breaths increased as she tried to move. Had he survived?

“Don’t move, Ryan. You’re badly injured. I’d never let anyone kill you.” A small light of pixels glowed by Ryan’s chest. It had a unique warmness that made the pains of breathing feel less stressful

“Terrier… mon?” She spoke with a barely audible voice. “Is th-at… you?”

“I swore to protect you, Ryan. I’m sorry. I put us in danger. It’s all my fault, and now, we only have one choice if both of us want to make it out of this alive. We have to make a contract.” The glowing pixels moved with the voice of Terriermon.

“It is… you,” Ryan made a weak smile, as more tears trickled down her cheeks. “You… you’re alive.”

“For now, in this form. But we’re both going to die if we don’t make a contract.” Terriermon warned her. “It’s your choice Ryan. I would never tell you to do something like this if it was a bad idea. But, it’s up to you. I’ll do whatever you want, Ryan.”

“A con… tract?” Ryan’s smile continued to delicately remain traced on her lips. “Just as long as you’re okay… Terrier… mon.” She could barely focus anymore from the pain. Her body ached all over, and her head was throbbing.

“Thank you, Ryan,” the glow spread its form and merged into Ryan’s body. The pixels disappeared as they entered her.

“Contract initiated.”
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