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1 mo ago
Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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2 mos ago
Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
5 mos ago
Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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7 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
8 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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𝒊 · 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 · 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕

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My Neighbor Totoro

What is something you’re thankful for?
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@HaleyTheRandom, same.

I think it’s unreasonably useless for people to try and “get me out of my shell.” Some people act as if I have not experienced enough of life or need a change of venue. What most people do not know is there was a period in my life where I used to abuse drugs partially because it helped me socialize more. An altered state of mind caused me to be more outgoing. (Although, truthfully, I was still pretty quiet.) Needless to say, it ended catastrophically, but I am still alive. With that said, now I am stubbornly content being a shy introvert and have no desire to change.

For Halloween, I am going as the Pokemon Sylveon. What are you going as?

L O C A T I O N : Shooting Range
I N T E R A C T I O N S : Lord Roman Ravewood @ReusableSword, Princess Anastasia @princess
M E N T I O N S : Lady Thea Smithwood @Tae, Lord Leo Smithwood @Helo, Sir Matthias & Lukas @Rodiak

A nod was granted to Lord Roman with a gracious acceptance of the offer before he gave Princess Anastasia a handsome smile, "Of course, I am here to support Lady Thea," He glanced towards the range, taking his chances of seeing her disposition, again. His smile faded, as he turned away from her. The jewel dangling from his ear jingled with the motion. He had little else to say to Princess Anastasia. He had not been too terribly impressed with her at the banquet. However, he felt it was necessary to keep some sort of camaraderie with her for the sake of his relationship with Lady Thea. His eyes studied her contempt smile before he continued. "That is not to say it's the sole reason I am here. Archery competitions are rarely dull. And, look, Sir Matthias is also competing." The tail end of his statement ended with enthusiasm and another smile. To see Lady Thea and Sir Matthias compete against each other would be a delight, hopefully.

Sir Matthias looked awfully nervous, and Lady Thea was dreadfully tired looking. Albeit, despite her current state, she still looked beautiful, to say the least. For that, the prince was thankful. He chanced not betting on either. Both were good archers, but he found it hard for him to make a decision on who he wished to win. Sir Matthias was a good friend and confidant. They dueled together often and enjoyed many long talks. He glanced at Lukas. He thought to say something but remained silent.

Part of him thought it would be a great lift for Lady Thea if she won. Sir Matthias could handle a good sportsmanship loss to the Lady. After what she went through last night and how her brother performed earlier in the competition, he thought it might be something to help alleviate the stress. It went without saying that it would also be an honor for her to win as his betrothed. Of course, something still held him back from placing too heavy of an investment in either of the two.

When Lady Thea won, Prince Felix smiled and clapped his hands. It was an exciting and close round. The banjo music only added to the effect. He tilted his head slightly, contemplating Lady Thea. She was a strong woman -- in many different ways. Although, she miss managed them quite heavily. It was like walking into a room, readily furnished but subtle things were out of place. The room itself was still of use albeit in dramatic need of rearranging. He could not say he had the ability to stand in the room for too long of a time, but at this distance, the view of the window curtains was decent enough.

"Your father did well against Lady Thea, Lukas. It was close," the prince looked at the younger boy with a personable smile, and then resumed back to watching the range.
Currently, I am reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. I recently read The Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I am enjoying 1Q84 more than the other two, but I have skipped several erotic parts of the book. So far, I highly recommend it. It’s a good book with moral dilemmas that circle around sexual abuse of women (and girls) and religious cults while also incorporating an intriguing romance. I have not yet once felt bored with the novel, despite many mundane details.

I also started re-reading Lord of the Rings last night. It’s just as enjoyable if not more so than the last time I read it. (This re-reading is partially inspired by The Rings of Power.) Obviously, this is recommended. The only person I know who wouldn’t recommend this series is Hayao Miyazaki. But he’s Hayao Miyazaki, so he gets a pass.

On the back burner, several of the books that I am reading are The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro, Death by Water by Kenzaburo Oe, The Guest Book by Sarah Blake, and Turning Point by Hayao Miyazaki. I am not too terribly far into these books, but they are interesting and thought provoking. (In fact, The Guest Book pops into my mind periodically when I contemplate parenting my children.) Needless to say, I can’t wait to finish them.
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