Avatar of Mole


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1 mo ago
Prayers for Damascus. 🙏🏻
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1 mo ago
I kind of want to do a werewolf murder mystery role play revolving around a college campus. Does anyone want to be my co-GM?
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2 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that the guy who founded the Texas RenFest in 1974 has been the mayor of the sponsoring town since 1982. #AmericanPolitics
2 mos ago
You can do it, Dark Cloud!
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2 mos ago
And of course, it wouldn’t be me without mentioning how amazing newborn baby heads smell. ; - ; )

Most Recent Posts

I have no idea how much water fifty-five elephants can drink.
‟The Fountain of Youth”
This looks really awesome, and I wanna join. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for it, so here’s a bump to success!
My new year resolutions are pretty basic, but here they are:

1.) Be more positive! Life is hard, and no one said it would be easy. In fact, people say the opposite, and it’s true. No use in being miserable in the rain — sing and dance in it, I say!

2.) Read more Indy novels. I already have a pension for avoiding mainstream music, cinema, and fashion. Why not go even further off the record? All the literature that lives underground is just waiting to bloom into a beautiful garden on my bookshelves. And let’s be honest, the mainstream literature stuff is largely lacking in content like most mainstream things anyways. It’s win-win investment of time.

3.) Conquer the eight mile stroller jog. It’s going to happen. Nuff said.

4.) Write more but role play less. I love you guys. (Ewwwh, gross, she said she loves me!) But, my time is valuable, just like yours! I also have a lot of offline commitments that make keeping up with youz guyz unreasonable. This works out great though, because I want to be more serious about my writing and actually make something useful of it aside from just pure entertainment. Maybe I’ll be a success. Maybe I won’t. But, I’ll never know if I don’t try.

So, here’s to 2023!

What was your favorite cartoon in elementary school and why?
hi, i'm mole
f 18+ advanced
posting — 1x a month
ooc chatter positive


slice of life

send a PM for inquiries

I would love to hear more about the Catholic and Orthodox writing convention.

You can find more information about the Catholic & Orthodox writing convention here.

On the note of paintball, I spent 21 years in the Army, mostly in the Infantry, so shooting paintballs at others takes on a new meaning.

That makes a lot of sense. Our oldest has had health problems and has been in and out of the hospital several times this year. He will be going out of the city for a more extensive program soon, and we wanted to do something special for his birthday. We surprised him with paintball, and he said it was his best birthday, yet. (Win!) Coincidentally, he is passionate about the armed forces and wishes to join the Army, one day, as well, like his great-grandfather.
@Gunther, it did take all afternoon, and I attended a Catholic & Orthodox writing convention on Saturday, which meant by Sunday evening there was a sink full of dishes. ^^; Thank goodness for Monday’s.
I played paintball for the first time today. It was fun. I loved it.
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