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1 mo ago
Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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2 mos ago
Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
5 mos ago
Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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7 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
8 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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m o l e
𝒊 · 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 · 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕

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In Book Quotes 8 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
“He was. A great man, but maddening. Most great men are. The way he went through tobacco and pens. . . and dear me, the water bill for all those hot baths when he was working through some problems!”

— Kate Quinn, The Rose Code

Banned for having a long username.
@Raptra, yay!
I like pondering on what life would be like as a nun.

@Raptra, I think socks are a fun surprise gift. I bought my bestie a 12 Days of Valentine’s Marvel Sock Pack one year, for instance. Total win.
In Book Quotes 8 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
“They’re like your Orthodox priests, aren’t they, your women? Beautiful in their obstinacy.”

— Stephen Siniari, Big in Heaven

@wheels, there are great books on how to navigate social situations with toxic people/toxic situations. There are also books dedicated to setting healthy boundaries. I strongly recommend looking into those. They won’t gaurantee perfection, of course, but at least, they will help to enrich your social and emotional toolbox.
In Avalia 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The River
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @13org, @Conscripts
T A G S : @13org , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Rowan’s body tensed when Zora began speaking. He thought to interrupt her but decided against it. Aurora had been so adamant that he try to be more civil. How could he not listen to his dear sister? And her, the more the human began speaking, the more he cursed himself for taking his sister’s advise.

Barrock was someone they could trust. He was certain of it. However, the Light Elf wished that he had been the one to introduce Zora as a human. If there were any flaws in his strategy, Zora was certain to find them. It was irritating how unruly she could be.

Alas, he let out a deep breath. He would be minding the situation better from here on out. The biggest obstacle was not relenting his sister, which at many times was seemed more daunting than the task ahead of them.

“I can’t quite answer where we are headed at the moment, my friend.” Rowan glanced at Zora and Aurora. “For the time being, we are training Zora. Within her is the affinity of water magic. We must cultivate and train her powers.” Rowan sighed again. “It’s been quite the challenge… but in the mean time, we also need to introduce Avalia to her, let her get used to this land.” His left hand raised in the air, showing off the darkness around them.

His hand landed on his knee. “Your clan does not favor you? I can see you are not like most orcs, as we have already determined, my friend. Please, tell us, was there something that happened?”

As Rowan spoke, Aurora turned quietly towards Zora. Her milky eyes looked tired, as if having been looking at something despite their inability to see. “I feel I just have needed the break today, perhaps more than you did. Suddenly, I have sensed something coming… or perhaps…” she shook her head and turned her attention to Rowan. He was watching them now.
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