L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The River
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts , @Lava Alckon
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts , @Lava Alckon
E Q U I P M E N T :

Aurora felt the movement of the Dark Elf rippled through the air. His scent lingered a path around him, and the faintest spirit that possessed his weapon shot through her vision.
What should have been a blow to her staff swished past her, and the death of Zora echoed in her ears.
“Zora…” the whisper was barely audible from Aurora’s lips. She felt her hand trembling around her staff. In front of her, Rowan’s own light was churning.
Suddenly, a sickening sound drenched the air.
“Zora!” Aurora called out as the Dark Elf dragged the human body through the air and the hellish sound screamed around them. Her hands immediately clasped over her ears, as her mouth opened, but her voice failed to cry-out from the pain.
Rowan pulled his weapon and lunged towards the enemy, in an attempt to retrieve Zora and help Barrock. He was shouting something at the Dark Elf, but Aurora could not hear it.