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Here's the character sheet I'm running with for this game. I'll edit it into the first post so that any newcomers can see. Obviously I won't be considering any sheets until the actual OOC thread goes up.

The New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:





Supporting Cast:

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

Post References:
So what are the odds that you can pull an Andy or Eddie out of your ass, Mord?

If you mean whether I can get them aboard, I'm unsure. I tagged Eddie and we've spoken about doing something together so there's always a chance. It would be great to have him with us, for sure.
If you want to change something be prepared to make the case for it, that's all I say.

I'm open-minded about these things. I'd sooner have an active Green Lantern Ben Grimm than an NPCed The Thing. With that being said, I'm equally as open-minded about retconning things out of existence should they not work out. I'll accept changes if and where they work but I think it's unfair for other people to have their hands tied by them when they do not.
No, this is not an amalgamation game. That's not to say that everything has to stay exactly as it is. Who's to say things wouldn't have changed if Superman, Thor, Lobo, and Squirrel Girl all existed in the same universe? Perhaps Matt Murdock would have been chosen as a Green Lantern? Perhaps Snapper Carr may have been out of that nuclear testing field instead of Rick Jones?

My rule is this: as long as the spirit of the character is the same, I'm cool with it. I'm not so precious with the specifics that everyone has to be exactly the same but I do ask that we stay true to the spirit of the characters.
I gave some thought to Superman too but my mind is far from made up. (As silly as it might sound given that it's "my" game)

I'm of the opinion that a GM shouldn't have automatic "dibs" on a character by virtue of their being the GM. I think calling dibs on a character in a roleplay is pretty icky altogether, let alone when the GM does it. So the application/acceptance process will go as follows: if you put a sheet up and it's unopposed I'll get back to you after a twenty-four hour grace period. If two sheets go up for the same character there'll be a public vote in the OOC thread to decide who is approved and the vote will be binding. Even (heck, especially) if I'm the one applying.

In the instance applications are unopposed four references will do as a sample. If there's competition a small sample post will be necessary.

Sound fair?
Most people seem ambivalent if not leaning towards a modern setting and I think on balance that it's better for the longevity of the game for it not to be reliant on a gimmick - no matter how cool that gimmick might be. Like I said, I'd like this game to last where others have not.

So the present it is.
@Byrd Man Pls stop.

But yeah, I'll give some of the other people I tagged a chance to sound off before I make a decision on the Sixties thing. Ideally I want this game to still be alive in six months time and I think the best way to do that is by giving people a say in how it's actually run.
<Snipped quote by Gowi>

Tailgunner Joe was dead by '57, drank himself to death. Kelly would be George Wallace.

That's President Kelly to you, son. He's still the President, no matter what you think of him, and I'll be damned if I let some beatnik that hasn't shaved in two weeks demean the Office of the President.

Sixties enough for you sons of bitches?
I meant it when I said I wanted this to be your game as much as mine.

If most people want to set the game in the Sixties, we can set the game in the Sixties. It will mean that we'll have to give some people from outside of the States (which includes myself - though I'm an Americophile so I'll get by fine) some help here and there if they need it. Plus no bitching if people write themselves into a corner or something.
It would be really neat to set it in the Sixties but I think it's better to set it in the present. Not everyone has an idea of what life was like back then and not everyone is from America or even the Anglosphere so I don't want to needlessly put people at a disadvantage.
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