I was going to open the voting but there's every chance someone else might be piecing together a Superman sheet under our noses. So once the twenty-four hours have passed, we'll open the voting. For everybody else - if you're unopposed by the twenty-four hour mark, you'll be approved. Barring some glaring issue with your sheet.
With that being said, it is to be avoided where possible. Trim as much fat as you can. Unless it's going to become relevant IC at some point there's nothing wrong with leaving parts of your character's history left unsaid. I think roleplaying should be a showing medium and not a telling one. We should learn as much as we can IC, not from the OOC thread or a character sheet, so try to keep that in mind.
There are still plenty of big characters that nobody has even taken a sniff at. Captain America, The Flash, Thor, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman all come to mind. The game could really do with some Justice League members if only to help move things a long a little.
Guys, I appreciate the effort some of you are going to in order to integrate your character into the wider universe but let's try not to create too much continuity before the game has even begun, shall we? This isn't directed at anyone in particular but when I said that this game is set in the present, I meant it.
Don't get caught up on the history portion. Explain where and how it diverts from the mainstream origin - if it does at all - and try (and this is the most important part) not to create continuity that will hamper anybody else.
New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:
Clark Kent - Kal-El - Superman. Neutral Good. Unaffiliated.
"It's not about where you were born. Or what powers you have. Or what you wear on your chest. It's about what you do... It's about action." -- Clark Kent.
Nearly three decades ago the Last Son of Krypton’s life raft crash-landed in “New Frontier” Smallville, Kansas and Kal-El, son of Jor-El, became Clark Kent. Unlike mainstream Smallville, Frontier Smallville is a hard, unforgiving place and Clark’s childhood was equally unforgiving. The post-agricultural town has been all but stripped of its character by economic downturn after economic downturn and farms that had been family-owned since before the Civil War have been driven to ruin. Kent Farm perseveres partly due to Jonathan Kent’s pig-headedness and partly due to Clark’s abilities alleviating the pressure on the Kents.
Though he is loathe to leave his adoptive parents, Clark dreams of a day when he can leave dreary Smallville behind and see the world. He’s clever, much cleverer than any Kent before him, and Martha pushes him to apply for colleges rather than follow in Jonathan Kent’s footsteps. Clark would study Journalism at Metropolis University although his storied career as "Superman" (then referred to in the pages of the city's less reputable news outlets as "The Blur") would take precedent over his studies. After graduating he would take up work at the Daily Planet alongside Lois Lane, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen. The reports of a figure pulling people from car wrecks, rescuing them from fires, and anonymously apprehending criminals seemed to grow in frequency after Clark began work at the Planet until one act would finally force "The Blur" out into the open.
The mutant terrorist Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants would make an attempt on the life of President-elect Robert Kelly (R) that would require Clark, as well as many other masked vigilantes from across America, into battle for all the world to see. After an adruous battle, Magneto was defeated and Clark, feeling compelled by the moment, would use the occasion to call for peace between mutants and humans and for President Kelly's Mutant Registration Act to be repealed. The Daily Planet would dub him "Superman" and at first the people of America would love him.
Until superhuman villains began to appear across the country - some mutants, others not - that would make a mockery of Clark's call for peace. The Daily Bugle would dub Superman, as they did Spider-Man, a menace and question his patriotism for denouncing the Mutant Registration Act. One man, Lex Luthor, would offer Superman a chance to put a halt to the media whirlwind around Superman's repudiation of legislation passed by a democratically-elected Congress. Join his Justice League of America and the hatchet jobs would come to an end. Suspecting that Luthor was behind the hatchet jobs and having learned of Lex's true nature from Lois he refused.
Since then Superman has cut a solitary figure, watching over Metropolis, a liberal, metropolitan city at odds with the rest of the country, while the media fawns over Lex's Justice League of America - led by none other than Captain America. Superman and a cabal of other masked vigilantes, some of whom he teamed with during Magneto's attack, cast a watchful eye over this Justice League as a new presidential election nears. There is trouble brewing. That much they sense.
Supporting Cast:
Jonathan and Martha Kent – Clark’s adoptive parents. They found and raised Clark as best they could despite their humble means. Jonathan Kent was a deeply conservative man in many ways, harbouring views many would consider backwards today, but he had a deep sense of fairness. From him Clark inherited his stoicism and his bouts of righteous fury in the face of unfairness. Martha Kent was a soft, gentle woman that was compassionate to a fault at times. From her Clark gained his ability to empathise with people. Jonathan Kent suffers from early onset dementia and is cared for by Martha Kent in Clark’s family home on Kent Farm. Martha has resisted Clark’s many attempts to move the pair of them elsewhere.
Lois Lane – Clark’s colleague at the Daily Planet. Lois Lane is tenacious, combative, and her journalistic instincts are unparalleled. Though he would be loathe to admit it she serves as his professional inspiration. At first Clark considered her deep dislike of Lex Luthor to be irrational but he too has become convinced there is more to Lex Luthor than meets the eye. In the past year Clark has revealed his identity to Lois and the pair are muddling their way through an on-again, off-again romantic relationship.
Jimmy Olsen – Famously locked in a toilet during Magneto’s assassination attempt at Robert Kelly’s inauguration. Jimmy has been unable to live this moment down despite taking several excellent pictures since joining the Daily Planet staff full time. He keeps Clark honest and optimistic through sheer exuberance alone. Superman’s biggest fan in the world.
Clint Barton – An ex-con turned superhero that Clark busted nearly half a decade ago. Barton was left to die by his so-called partner during a bank heist and Superman saved his life. Once Barton was released he sought Superman out – not to exact his revenge – but to inform him he was a changed man. He speaks truth to power at all times, keeps Clark’s feet on the ground when he thinks Big Blue has forgotten his place, and shares Clark’s dislike of Lex.
Justice League of America – Superman’s relationship with the Justice League is fraught. Luthor sought Superman out as a founding member of the JLA but Clark turned him down and sent him on his way in the brusquest way possible. In the years since then LexCorp has uncovered both Captain America and Thor and the JLA has gone from strength to strength. It is the single most powerful super team on the planet and it has a frosty relationship with Superman at the best of times. Clark has had little to no contact with Captain America, observing his trained silence on Mutant rights from a distance, and awaits the seemingly inevitable day that he and Thor will lock horns. The Asgardian appears the only Earthly being capable of besting Superman in single combat due to Clark’s weakness to magic. Clark considers the JLA a vanity project and its members compromised by their proximity to Lex.
Lex Luthor – Lex is the epitome of everything Clark dislikes made flesh. Vain, self aggrandizing, and imbued with a sense of entitlement that one can only attain by being born into wealth. Lex is a media darling and LexCorp technology and software is ever present in public life. His hastily assembled Justice League of America are the foremost force for good in the world. Yet Clark is certain there is something going on beneath the surface and years of working with Lois Lane has only strengthened that opinion. To coin a phrase, “What the man doesn’t own, he runs. What he doesn’t run, he burns to the ground.”
Magneto – The mutant terrorist was Superman’s first high profile scalp. Clark foiled Magneto’s assassination attempt on Robert Kelly with the help of some of America’s other masked vigilantes and sent the mutant packing. Though Magneto has underground since, Clark is certain that he will rear his head again and seek revenge on Superman for humiliating him. With another presidential election on the horizon America is high alert.
Amanda Waller – Director of SHIELD and a renown Superman-sceptic. Director Waller works closely with Lex and his JLA and is deeply suspicious of Superman and believes his open displays of defiance regarding the Mutant Registration Act undermines SHIELD’s effort to tackle the mutant menace. In private, she covets Superman’s power and dreams of the possibilities if SHIELD had such a power at their disposal.
How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:
The Frontier version of Superman is far from universally loved. Though the world knows Superman thwarted Magneto’s attempt on Robert Kelly’s life, his usurpation of Kelly’s inauguration to condemn the Mutant Registration Act rubbed many Americans the wrong way. Mutants are still considered a menace and those that sympathize with them are treated with suspicion. Especially if they have powers themselves. This coupled with Clark’s crusade against Lex Luthor and his Justice League of America has led some to believe that Superman is a politicized, divisive a figure and many believe his growing politicization is the thin end of the wedge. Superman is at odds with the United States security apparatus and SHIELD and its new Director Amanda Waller considers him a threat. It remains to be seen whether her fears are well founded or not.
Not to mention that Frontier Superman’s upbringing is slightly different. Frontier Smallville is not mainstream Smallvile by any stretch of the imagination. What were once prosperous, family-owned farms have been reduced to squalor through a combination of economic downturn and greedy corporations undercutting them. Only the Kent farms remains and even that is not what it was. Having grown up in that environment, to a harsher Jonathan Kent, this Superman is deeply driven by a sense of fairness. It manifests itself both in his dislike of anti-Mutant sentiment and his ill feelings towards Lex Luthor and his Justice League.
Sample Post:
SHIELD Helicarrier 30,000ft above Puerto Rico
A gust of wind passed through Conference Room B as Superman’s hulking figure appeared in the crowded room. Several SHIELD agents assembled around the long table climbed to their feet and unholstered their weapons. The volley of loud clicks lasted several seconds before Superman tipped the contents of his hand onto the floor of the conference room. Two-dozen bullets tinkled along it and Superman smiled at the woman sat at the head of the table. Director Waller cleared her throat and stood up from her seat with a scornful look in her subordinate’s direction.
“If you are done embarrassing yourselves, gentleman.”
The SHIELD agents placed their weapons back in their holsters and filed out of the room with sheepish looks. Superman waited until the room was emptied before unfolding his arms and nodding politely to the SHIELD Director.
“Director Waller.”
“Superman,” Amanda Waller said with a smirk as she gestured to a seat. “To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?”
Superman flicked his bright red cape over the back of the seat and sat down.
“I thought it was about time you and I sat down across from one another and had a civilized discussion.”
Waller chuckled.
“Would it have killed you to have called ahead?”
“I don’t know,” Superman said with a searching look. “Would it?"
Waller smiled as she wagged her finger in Clark’s direction. “You’re cannier than I gave you credit for, Superman.”
Superman took a look over his shoulder at the security camera in the corner of the room. He knew that King Faraday, Deputy Director of SHIELD, was in the control room by now listening into their conversation.
“Now that we’ve been properly introduced maybe you could tell your man Faraday to stop sending his drones after me. I’m sure the money SHIELD spend scrapping them for parts after I’m done with them would be better spent elsewhere.”
He had first noticed them six months ago but they’d grown in number since then. Rarely a day went past now without having to down one or two before he made his way home. What was what an annoyance had grown into a genuine hindrance. Every second he spent dragging those things out of the sky was a second not spent helping people.
“Faraday thinks he’ll have your name, date of birth, and social security number on my desk within six months. I’m thinking more like… nine.”
“I'm flattered but I think SHIELD has slightly more pressing things to worry about than my home life.”
One of Waller’s eyebrows lifted involuntarily at that and a playful look appeared on her face. “Oh?”
“Lex Luthor,” Superman said calmly. “The Justice League of America.”
“How disappointing,” Waller said with a pained sigh. “I had heard you had it out for Luthor but I didn’t realize just how much. What’s wrong? Are you that upset Luthor’s Justice League has upstaged you? Is that it?”
Clark tried his best to disguise that the barb rattled him but Waller notice the slight gritting of the teeth. Superman’s dislike of Lex Luthor was common knowledge. Whilst the rest of America was enamoured by the billionaire playboy that financed the Justice League of America, Clark was certain that Luthor was a crook.
When Superman opened his mouth to speak the voice that came out was gravely serious.
“You are going to have blood on your hands if you place your trust in Lex Luthor.”
Waller stared at the superhero unblinkingly as the corners of her mouth twisted into a knowing smile. “Who says I don’t already?”
Beneath the table Clark’s hands balled into fists out of frustration. He could lift a car with a single hand or melt a steel beam with his eyes but try as he might he couldn’t make these people see what was right beneath their noses.
“If I was your enemy I could have snapped your neck in the time it took you to blink. Yet here I am talking to you like a reasonable person. Isn’t that enough to make you question whether maybe you’ve got the wrong idea about me?”
Waller shook her head.
"The fact you could do that is enough to make you my enemy, Superman."
It was only then, staring into Waller's dark brown eyes, that Clark realised the truth. It wasn't that they weren't afraid of him. They wanted to control him. For as long as he wasn't under their thumb they would consider him an enemy of the state. Luthor's League got a free pass because they signed on the dotted line. Unless Clark did the same they would hound him until his dying day - even if it meant hugging his enemies close to them to force his hand.
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
It didn't make a difference. He would be there for them when Luthor made his move. Not because it was the right thing to do or because he wanted to but because they would need him. Between Waller's blinks there was another heavy gust of wind and by the time she opened her eyes she was alone, staring at an empty seat that Superman had once been sat in.
So I have a couple options: the crazy contraption Hillan's coming up with (and roping me into), bringing back the old beast of a Constantine sheet (though I need to plan out some arcs again and see what other magic-users are being submitted), writing a new Spidey sheet if no one else with (because I do not complete sheets quick enough to compete), or pitting a villain against Wraith's Brucey-boy.
Or there's this newfound appreciation for Daredevil's character...
FUCK. I'm in, one way or another.
If you make Daredevil you should totally make Harvey Dent/Two-Face his nemesis. It works so well that it would be absurd not to. Bullseye is great and all but having had Murdock/Dent in law school with one another is such a nice wrinkle, it would be a shame not to pursue it. Plus Bullseye would make a pretty good Green Arrow villain if Two-Face took his place as Daredevil's nemesis.