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@Divine Darkness No to the first set of questions. A very, very conditional, tentative yes to the second question but it would have to be in keeping with the spirit of the character (so a character renown for being a paragon of moral virtue could not turn evil overnight) and it would have to be well done and gradual.
@Morden Man Could I not have Luthor invite Supes to the Justice League? I just don't see him doing that. Oh I started on my sheet by the way.

Why not? Plenty of adaptations have Lex attempting to harness Superman's powers to his own end before coming to hate him. I don't think it's out of character at all.

Either way, sheets aren't gospel. They're made in a vacuum before any of the rest of the game is given flesh. Nobody is going to break a sweat if you, with the consent of whoever plays Superman, go against a minor detail in your sheet.
@Eddie Brock I guess it stands to reason that given the concept of mutants doesn't exist in the DC universe, some of their metahumans might in fact be considered mutants in a shared universe where mutants are considered a thing.
So to clarify, Matt being blinded and thus becoming the man without fear could become a Green Lantern due to having stronger will than say Hal Jordon. But Barry Allen couldn't be born a mutant and become an X-Men.

Yeah, feel free to talk as normal, guys. There's no need for the voting to take over the thread completely.
Oh crap, I keep totally forgetting about Killer Moth because the sheet is in a hider sandwiched between huge sheets.

You're approved, dawg. @Kingfisher
Through what form will we cast our votes?

I think we're adult enough to hold a public vote? Just post in the OOC thread and we'll keep a tally of the votes as we go along.
For the avoidance of doubt I'm going to restate for everyone's benefit that this is a One Universe roleplay and not an Ultimate one.

That means that Matt Murdock of the New Frontier world is the same Matt Murdock of the 616 universe at birth. The events thereafter may have changed slightly due to the fact he grew up in the same world as Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, etc. For example, Dr. Strange may not be the Sorcerer Supreme of the New Frontier world if a DC mystic is deemed to be more powerful than him. That's not an existential change to the character but a byproduct of the characters having lived in the same world.

Fundamentally changing a character outside of these parameters is not acceptable. You need to explain how said Marvel or DC character coexisting with their other company counterpart has caused the changes you wish to make.

Are we all clear on that? Because it seems like there is still some confusion.
The Punishers and Batman are approved.

The application process for Superman is now closed. You can read Gowi's application and then my application and cast your votes for who you think should be Superman. For the avoidance of doubt, we'll say only people that have been active in the OOC thread or expressed an interest in the Interest Check can vote - lest we suddenly be flooded by new created accounts with 6 posts in 1 day.
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