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Yeah, it would be nice to get one of DC's Big Three on the team but Superman is obviously off limits, it wouldn't really work with Bruce, and I don't think it's in Gowi's plan for Wonder Woman. So we'll have to be flexible and work out a more balanced roster.
Captain America
The Flash
Black Widow
Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers (?)

Needs more DC. It wouldn't hurt to have an NPC or two on the team. Maybe someone like Hawkman or something.

You're not really about that nerd life unless you watch the Venture Bros.
@DrewVonAwesome I shall convene with the Order of the Triad and get back to you on that shortly.
Oh, @Lord Wraith is going to become the third head of the Frontier dragon and help me with GMing.

@DrewVonAwesome I'm going to keep it real and tell you that I would never accept that sheet. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If you make someone like Quicksilver the Flash you deprive someone else of the ability to play Pietro proper or Barry/Wally proper for... what's essentially a gimmick.
Pietro as the Flash?

@DrewVonAwesome There's this guy called Barry Allen. Don't know if you've heard of him.

Woah, someone mentioned the Panther? I must've missed that, but hell yeah!

Also, thanks for the approval, @Morden Man. Are we free to start working on the IC once we're approved, or do you want to set a start date once some more approvals go through?

I think we have quite a few approvals down the pipeline later this evening so once I've done those I'll open the IC thread with a Supes post and it's fair game from there.
Unfortunate timing there.

@Eddie Brock Spider-Man is approved.
Hmmm. The people want a Flash, eh? Although, while I agree that the JLA should have actual JLA members, I also worry that we're going to have a lot of PC Leaguers and comparatively few Avengers (whenever they arise) at this rate.

A mixture of Marvel/DC on both would be great.

Here's my rough idea: at some point Lex is uncovered as a fraud and/or something goes wrong and somebody (we'll work that out) dies, forcing Superman's hand into starting a team of his own - The Avengers. In all likelihood it'll be a short term thing until the League is "reclaimed" from Luthor and then we'll have an expanded JLA rather than two teams awkwardly coexisting.
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