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I may come to regret this but I thought I'd give it a shot.

Not twelve hours yet but it will be soon enough. (And I'll hopefully be going to bed soon)

Doom, Thor, Daredevil, Captain Marvel, Aquaman, Dent, and Miles are approved. The rest of you fuckers will - barring some heinous error in your sheets - be approved in the morning.

"I’m living everyday like a hustle. Another drug to juggle, another day another struggle"
-- Notorious B.I.G.

This is an actual screenshot from Byrd's Tinder account.

Byrd Man, 27
Location: South Carolina.
Interests: politics, history, political history, and gangsta rap.
@Vandy We good.

@Byrd Man Once you've found some way to shoehorn a City Councilman, a Supreme Court verdict, or a missing girl into your first Captain Cold post your transformation into a satire of yourself will be complete.
@Vandy I think you're taking things a little more personally than intended. You do your thing, homie.
Doesn't surprise me. You fuckers are all talk, no action!

"Trigger fingers turned to Twitter fingers" - Aubrey Graham, On Liberty.
Well I mean, Lex IS a bad guy. He is the bad guy that everyone thinks is a good guy, sure he is leading the Justice League but he is Lex Luthor. He's doing it to further his agenda. I can dial it down some I guess but I'm not going to play Lex as a good guy or a "misunderstood" business man. He's selfish and doing what he thinks will further grow his power, that's who he is. I plan to have all his criminal stuff blow up in his face, lose the Justice League, go full evil, truly try to redeem himself and become a better person, fall back into old habits. I don't want him to be bleeding heart redemption story yet when he hasn't been beaten into that or have a life changing experience for that to happen.

If you play Lex without an ounce of nuance all you're going to do is play a caricature of Lex.

You have to bear in mind that Lex himself doesn't consider himself a bad guy - he thinks he's a good guy. Nobody walks around thinking they're a bad guy (except maybe Thanos) otherwise they wouldn't do anything at all. Nobody is suggesting you play Lex as a hero. Just that you remember in his own story he is the protagonist and that at this point in the story he's at the top of his game. The Justice League are the undisputed premier superhero team in the world and LexCorp is doing well.

You have an opportunity to do something other than Superfriends Lex. Make use of it.
Can we cut the Magneto stuff? I'm also not very fond of the Mercy/Lex thing either - it seems a little tad unsophisticated for Lex.

Your Lex reads a little too "Mwahaha!" evil. Too Norman Osborn in Dark Avengers. I'm not sure whether you ever read it but I think Lex at this stage is more Helmut Zemo in the Thunderbolts. He's been funding the world's premier super team for several years and whilst it began as a ploy to spite Superman there's a part of him that is beginning to enjoy the adulation. Rubbing shoulders with Captain America has rubbed off on him more than he'd like.

Ultimately he's still Lex and when push comes to shove he's still going to be the same old Lex. But... don't be afraid to have a little fun with him being in charge of the JLA. A little uncertainty is a good thing.
You know, I meant hero, walking the line, and villain for that alignment section but people ran with Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Good thing and by then it was too late. So don't worry about it too much.
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