
Gender: Female Age | Birthday: 15 | December 12th, 831 Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: Dutch Height: 5'6" Branch: 112th Cadet Corps | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ | Appearance: Elsie stands at an above average, five feet, six inches. Her long blonde hair falls in choppy layers, and is usually tied up with spare fabrics and the occasional colored ribbon. She has the same emerald green eyes as her brother, though hers are generally sharper. Her lips are thin and normally set in a firm line. The skin of her face is mostly clear, and aside from a few nicks, scratches, and bumps so is the rest of her skin. Elsie's posture is rigid, her shoulders thrown back just barely and her chest slightly puffed. Generally, Elsie dresses in plain clothing. There are times when she'll wear a colored shirt, but it's unlikely. Personality: Elsie, unlike her brother, is rather quiet and collected to the point of being tense. When she was a child, she was quite sly, keeping to herself and moving unnoticed throughout Trost. Elsie is heavily reactive and hostile under moments of stress, and rarely ever in control of what's going on around her. Despite this, she's a skillful girl, and able to keep herself from taking too much damage physically or emotionally. When it comes to her friends, she's incredibly loyal and respectful. She gives her trust a bit too easily in the eyes of some, which may be a result of her empathetic nature. Though her outer shell is cold and stern, she usually understands the emotions others are feeling, and does her best to react appropriately. Biography: Born in the Southern district of Trost, Elsie spent most of her early years growing alongside her twin brother Ezra. When it came to socializing, Ezra had matured before her. While she learned to speak a couple of months before him it was rare for her to talk for herself. Her brother had seemingly taken the reins, and Elsie was fine with this. When they entered school, the dynamic was the same as it was at home. Elsie remained quiet, while her brother blossomed into a social butterfly. Though Elsie had a few friends of her own it was more common for her to follow her brother around silently, not realizing that this stalking made him look strange in his groups of friends. It wasn't until her brother began openly picking on her outside of their home that she began to express her own interests. Developing a strong bond with her parents during those times, Elsie rarely went out of the house to play. Instead, she did chores for her mother and occasionally her older neighbors. One day, on a laundry run between houses, Elsie stumbled across a scene that was troubling for her young mind. Her brother was pinned beneath an older boy, his face bloodied. Loyal to her twin, Elsie dropped the laundry she was carrying and attacked the older child. While she wasn't stronger than the boy, her attack allowed Ezra enough time to slip out from under him, and the two promptly ran back to their home. That night, Elsie and Ezra had a heart-to-heart that ended in discussions of their future. Neither of them wanted to be stuck in Trost for the rest of their lives. Elsie in particular was interested, not in what awaited them beyond the walls, but in what they could make of themselves from the inside. She had heard her parents talk of the different military branches, and knew of their prestige. Together, over the course of a few weeks, they came to the conclusion that the military would be the best choice for both of them. After arguing with her mother for a day and a half, Elsie was able to convince her that they would be alright. Of course, it helped that their father was on their side. The eve of the next day, the twins were being proudly sent off by their parents, going to enlist in the military. Relationships: Lisbeth Taffer - Mother Unlike most people, Elsie was openly close with her mother. She always went to her, rather than her father, to talk about almost everything. Though her mother was upset about their decision to enter the military, it was Elsie who helped talk her down. Tanner Taffer - Father Elsie was also close with her father. Though she didn't go to him for advice, she respects him deeply. He helped Elsie when it came to her mother's resistance, and for that she's especially grateful. Ezra Taffer - Twin Brother Elsie has always loved her brother. Though he had a period where his dislike for her ran deep, she was always watching his back and supporting him from afar. Now that they're closer, she's especially content. Character Theme: |

Gender: Male Age | Birthday: 15 | December 12th, 831 Sexuality: Heterosexual Ethnicity: Dutch Height: 5'10" Branch: 112th Cadet Corps | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ | Appearance: Standing at five feet, ten inches, Ezra is still in the midst of filling out. His shoulders and neck are rather slender and his limbs stretch for miles. Despite his lanky build he carries himself with a surprising level of fluency. His posture is normally confident, without much in the way of evident tension. His sandy blonde hair is unmanageable despite his attempts at slicking it down. He has bright emerald green eyes that are generally full of emotion. His lips rest in a slight grin, and are easily the most expressive feature on his face. His civilian clothing consists of plain, beige t-shirts and trousers with the occasional added jacket depending on the weather. Personality: Like most other kids his age, Ezra is still finding himself. He's quite a boisterous teenager, approaching things with a youthful attitude. Ezra is a casual man, without much weighing on him. He's known to try to cheer up those whose company he enjoys. Despite his charisma, he's generally sarcastic and abrasive. More often than not, he toes the line when it comes to acceptable humor, and despite having been punished for it numerous times it seems he hasn't learned his lesson. Like most others in his age group, he's an athletic young man with a strong will. He often attempts to take the lead on group efforts, though his private demeanor holds him back. He struggles to associate on an empathetic level with others. When things come down to the wire, he does his best not to panic aimlessly. Instead, he'll throw out ideas and hope something sticks. Biography: Ezra was born and raised in the Trost district within Wall Rose. From youth, he was enamored by his family, especially his father. He took cues from the older man, learning how to socialize despite being in diapers. He was the more expressive sibling by far, and though he didn't see it at the time, his beaming personality was squashing his sister's. Upon entering grade school, Ezra had little difficulty when it came to making friends. Despite this, his sister hung around him far too much for his tastes, making him seem weaker in the eyes of those he wished to befriend. Because of this, he took the hint from his peers and began to torment his younger sister. From that age forward, he did this with those he didn't like or didn't want communicating with him. While his sister stayed at home and made a recluse out of herself, Ezra thrived in his community. Though he wasn't the kindest, he thought himself to be the most well-received member of his group of friends. Of course, his theory proved to be incorrect when one day he found himself staring down the eldest member of his friends group. They had gotten into a squabble over something. Whether it was a girl, or the fact that Ezra always called the boy blockhead and it had finally gotten on his last nerve, Ezra was unsure. Either way, he found himself in a fight he was sure to lose. Pinned on the floor, it wasn't until a surprise attack from none other than his twin sister came that he was able to crawl out from underneath the larger boy. Booking it home with his sister in tow, Ezra's petty opinions of his sister were dropped. They had a long conversation, which ended with them discussing their futures within the wall. And the next day, they had another discussion, and another, and another, until finally they determined that they would enlist in the military together. A long argument with their mother later, and they were on their way to the Cadet Corps. Relationships: Lisbeth Taffer - Mother Ezra's relationship with his mother is strained due to his wanting to serve in the military, but otherwise average. He's not quite as attached to his mother as some may be, but he's not cold toward her either. Tanner Taffer - Father Ezra's far more inclined towards his father than his mother. They share a strengthened love for each other, especially since Tanner was supportive of his children's desire to enter the military. Elsie Taffer - Twin Sister Despite having a rocky childhood with his twin, Ezra and Elsie have always been close. They decided to go into the military together, and plan on joining the same branch when the time comes. Character Theme: |