Avatar of MsMorningstar


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5 yrs ago
Current I'm updating my status so it's relevant again.
6 yrs ago
I had to update my status because my old one is no longer relevant.
6 yrs ago
Woah squadfam, I just finished my bio. Stalk me.


Hello! I'm MsMorningstar, or Momo for short. I'm a college student in my early twenties, located in the Western United States. I have a deep appreciation for memes and vines (RIP Vine), so if you're a wandering soul feel free to drop a couple in my visitor messages. I like loom knitting, and I used to be a big reader but haven't touched a book in a while since I've been writing. I love procedural cop dramas, my favorite being Criminal Minds, though I guess it's technically a procedural FBI agent drama. Everything else I'm into, I'll tack on in a different section. I'm a big fan of RPing, though I do tend to fade in and out. Luckily, I've made some friends here who've helped me sink my hooks into the forum. Speaking of which, I'd like to give them their own section.

If you're uninterested in me rambling about these amazing guild members, feel free to move on to the next section.
  • @NorthernKraken: I knew I had to start with this lovely, Texan woman. She's definitely one of the brightest people I know. There's a reason why people come to her daily seeking help and advice. She pushes me to do what I love, even when I don't want to. For this, I'm extremely grateful. Thank you, Goblin Queen.
  • @c3p-0h: The coolest cool kid around, by far. Not to mention, the nothingness that will eventually swallow up our universe. Cep, even though you're way too awesome for me you somehow make me feel amazing. Your compliments really lift me up, and I hope someday I can repay you for all your kindness. Also, you gave me my nickname, and I'm eternally grateful.
  • @Damo021: You've been my buddy since the beginning of Red Hoods. Even if our characters don't end up together, they're still my OTP. Thank you for always offering to help me, and chatting with me about everything and anything.
  • @Almalthia: You've been off living your life and being the responsible adult I wish I was, and I commend you for that. Doesn't mean I don't miss you like hell, though. You're the best mom older sister ever, and I eagerly await the moments when you're online.
  • @RedVII: My honorary brother. I feel like I could talk to you about anything, so I usually do. You understand me when others don't, and I'll never stop being weird alongside you. You're the strangest person, and that's what makes you wonderful.
  • @ZAVAZggg: You're the angstiest EdgeLord I know, but I appreciate everything about you. You keep me in check, in a way not many others are capable of. You're always scheming, and I'm pretty sure you have a ten-step plan for world domination. Despite this, you've proven to be an amazing GM, and a great friend.
  • @Senhara: Screm

I listed a few of these in my About Me Section, but I'll list them again.
  • Reading: Fantasy, mystery, drama, romance, etc.
  • Loom Knitting
  • Anime: AoT, Soul Eater, Seven Deadly Sins, Kakegurui.
  • Television: Criminal Minds, Lucifer, Black Mirror.
  • Music: R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop.
  • Memes & Vines

  • Fantasy: High, Low, or Urban.
  • Slice-Of-Life
  • Superheroes
  • Crime/Mystery
  • Historical: Egyptian, Victorian, Ancient Greece.

Here are some links to music I love. If you'd like to drop some music suggestions, be my guest!

More to be added! (SO much more)

I'm extremely active on discord. So, if you'd like to add me and chat, I'm likely available.
Ms. Morningstar#2903

Most Recent Posts


<Snipped quote by MsMorningstar>

Yes they would! Though expect some tribulations going their way. Feel free to join the discord for a much more active OOC!


Great! Also, is that the proper discord link? It says there's 93 Members lol!

Would a pair of fraternal twins be acceptable?
@MsMorningstar So, here's the things I've noticed that need edits (my co-GM may spot more when she gets off work):

-Sleep deprivation as a fear... I would suggest adding a qualifier onto that or swapping it out entirely. Since sleep deprivation is arguably the norm for this group. If you mean someone forcing her to stay awake, add forced in front of it and that'll be good.
-Delete the descriptions in her skills - just need the name (i.e. "Haggling" not "Haggling (Getting that five dollar item for two bucks at the pawn shop)")

I'll message you the info for our Discord server and our backup forum. The last bit is a question for you - at this moment, would you like for her to start off unaffiliated with a group or would you want her to be a member already of the Underground or the Hellfire Club?

Alrighty, I'll make those edits! Thank you for getting back to me so soon! As far as sleep deprivation goes, I did mean forced but I think I'll swap it out with something else.
Finally finished my character! Much thanks to @Nallore for bringing this RP to my attention, and @Morose for helping me along the way. Hopefully she's good to go, but if not I'll make the proper adjustments!


Time: Morning
Location: Ember Grove Mall
Interactions: Illia Green, Oliver Green, Carter Patrick-Winslow - @Vixen58
Vibes: “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing..."

There was a brief moment, when the man bent down to retrieve his bags, where Genesis and Illia’s nostrils flared. As they took in his scent, and identified his lycanthropy, Illia brightened exponentially. As if she had forgotten all about her previous annoyance, she rocked on the balls of her feet and grinned like mad. She loved having a shared secret, it was just like being in her favorite dramas.

Oliver, who had realized the man was a werewolf the second he had pushed Illia into him, seemingly paid little mind to the situation. His headphones were now plugged in, but nothing was being played through them. He did this often, playing videos on mute and keeping a watchful eye on the situation at hand.

At the same time, Genesis was putting on her best diplomatic veneer. She hoped to make a lasting impression on Carter, and kindness made that easier. Getting an in with the local werewolves was always important. She wanted to know all about their dynamics, see what she could learn and bring back to Liam. She also wished to offer any advice she could, to ensure their packs remained safe. After all, her mother and father’s packs had been great. Large, self-sufficient communities in the middle of a dense forest. Despite that, they had fallen prey to hunters. She blamed their downfall on a number of things, including herself, and made sure to advise each wolf who would listen about them.

That could all come in time, though. She had to make it past introductions first.

”I’m Genny, that’s Oliver,” She pointed over at the boy, who didn’t move to introduce himself. ”And the girl that bumped into you is Illia.”

“Yup! Illia Green, it’s a pleasure!” Illia held out a hand for Carter to shake, but upon seeing how full his hands were she dropped it. ”I wasn’t hurt at all, don’t worry.” She was still grinning like a fool, but didn’t speak further. After all, she didn’t want the man to think she was strange.

”Would you mind if we took some of your bags? Sometimes it helps to share the load.” Genesis grinned, wondering if he’d accept the help. ”And, if you’re not too busy, maybe I could grab us some drinks and we can sit down and chat?” Hopefully he had picked up on their similarities. Otherwise, that would probably sound kind of creepy.

Time: Morning
Location: Sweet Kek’s ----> Ember Grove Mall
Interactions: Illia Green, Oliver Green, Carter Patrick-Winslow - @Vixen58
Vibes: "If you just say the words, I’ll up and run..."

Genesis strode casually out of the sweet shop, her two companions following closely behind. While Illia lapped up the chocolate frosting on her cupcake, and Oliver took frightfully large bites of his pretzel, she took in their surroundings. There was no shortage of mom and pop shops to explore, but she found herself drawn to the mall. It was a safe location, with plenty of people and plenty of stores that would be attractive to both Oliver and Illia.

”What do you guys think of the mall?” She asked, already altering their course to guide them there.

”I just hope they have a Lush! I need some good conditioner…” Illia remarked, lifting a clump of frizzy auburn hair to her eyes.

Oliver grunted in agreement through a mouthful of pretzel, chewing slowly. His tongue darted out past his lips, licking a crumb off the corner of his mouth.

Genesis winced at the sight, forcing a small smile. ”Alrighty, mall it is.”

In about five minutes, the group found themselves inside the mall. Genesis was greeted by an array of sights, sounds, and…interesting smells. It was just as overwhelming and nauseating as any other large, commercial area, but she hid her distaste well. Besides, the Greens seemed to be overjoyed, which was all she needed.

Making her way past a directory, Genesis decided against getting directions and opted to float around the individual stores, seeing what piqued the pair’s interest. Oliver gravitated heavily toward the tech stores and kiosks for a time, gradually losing interest until he pulled out his headphones, plugged them into his old phone, and tuned out entirely.

Illia was inexhaustible, leading Genesis into clothing stores and shops filled with smelly goods, only to walk out empty-handed. They repeated this pattern for a time, before eventually beginning to wander without entering any stores.

”Ya know, staring at your phone like that is gonna strain your eyes!” Illia said, trying to draw Oliver’s attention and annoy him at the same time.

Oliver said nothing, still staring down at the video playing on his phone.

”What are you even watching?” Illia asked, lips slightly pursed. She despised how he was able to ignore her so easily.

Again, the older boy said nothing.

Genesis watched the interaction, wondering who’d come out on top in their little squabble.

Illia huffed, creeping closer before launching a hand toward the phone. Seizing it, she tore it from his grasp and tapped on the screen. ”Too Many Cooks? What--hey!” She exclaimed as Oliver wrenched the phone from her hand.

”You’re being disrespectful.” Oliver quipped, moving to plug his headphones back in.

”And you’re being a shut-in! In public!” Illia spat, reaching out to grab the phone once more. Oliver stiff-armed her attack, sending her flailing into a stranger.

As soon as Illia’s eyes flashed yellow, Genesis stepped in, grasping Illia’s wrist and tugging her in close. ”Calm down, yeah?” Her voice was motherly and quiet, a gentle scolding for their public setting.

Raising her voice, she addressed the man Illia had been shoved into. ”Hey, sorry about that! My friends are just a little rowdy.” She waved at the man, hoping he’d let it slide without making a fuss. ”You didn’t drop anything, did you?”

Time: Morning
Location: Lover’s Lake ----> Sweet Kek’s
Interactions: Illia Green, Oliver Green, Sorrel Jager - @Tae
Vibes: "It’s a new day...and I’m feeling good."

”Genny~” Illia cooed, reaching out with a finger to poke Genesis’ forehead. “Wake up!”

The older woman was curled up alongside the most recent addition to the pack, soaked through, and somehow sleeping peacefully. She shuddered softly as Illia’s calloused finger pressed against her skin, before stretching out and tossing an arm over Volfango.

“God, Genesis, aren’t you cold?” Came the distant voice of Oliver, harsh in comparison to Illia’s subtle prodding.

At this, Genesis stirred. With a groan, she peeled open her eyes and took in her immediate surroundings. Volfango. Yes, he was to be expected. Illia? Not that surprising, as the girl seemed to enjoy following her. That meant Oliver was somewhere in the nearby vicinity. A deep inhale confirmed her suspicions. Out of all the people who could have stumbled upon them, she was glad it was the Greens. They didn’t run their mouths.

Sitting up, she began to cautiously remove herself from Volfango, standing as soon as she was separated from the man. She stared down at him, unsure of what to do. She didn’t want to wake him up, if only because dealing with her mistakes made her panic.

”Fun night?” Illia asked, breaking Genesis out of her trance. The grin on the young woman’s face was mischievous.

Ignoring her question, Genesis asked, ”Do you have a blanket? I don’t want to leave him in the cold…”

”You could always wake him-” Upon seeing the pleading look on Genesis’ face, Illia backtracked. ”No...I don’t think so. Ollie?”

“Nah, but we did bring you a change of clothes... Maybe your windbreaker will fit him?” Oliver offered up the bundle of warm clothes he held in his arms. When Oliver had picked up Genesis’ scent in the woods, he had returned to the camp to retrieve her most comfortable clothing, assuming she had shifted and was in need of a new outfit.

Genesis smiled softly, walking over to retrieve the garments. Unzipping her windbreaker, she laid it out over Volfango’s body, figuring she’d retrieve it sooner or later. With that dealt with, she made her way to a tree and began to change into the leggings and long-sleeve that had been provided for her. Stepping back into view, she jerked her chin in the direction of the path, making her way toward it. As she went, she bent down to collect her purse, leaving any and all sopping wet clothing behind. Without a word, the siblings began to follow.

”So, Genny," Illia called after a few moments of walking in silence. ”We were kinda hopin' that maybe you would consider taking us into town?"

Genesis glanced over her shoulder at the pair. They didn't require her permission to do things, but it made her feel...worthwhile when they asked. It reminded her of the respect she had in her old packs, the respect that took so long to gain in Liam's.

”Yeah...why not?"

As the trio passed different places in town, the siblings made up excuses to stop at each location that wasn't a family home. They explored what areas they could, rummaging around shops and pressing their faces up against the windows of closed establishments. It wasn't long until Illia found herself hungry, and Oliver requested they all eat.

Stepping into an adorable, quaint bakery, Genesis walked up to the counter where a petite blonde woman was working. ”Morning," Genesis greeted, as her eyes ran over the many items on the menu. She glanced down at the assortment of cupcakes and other treats protected by a glass cover. Her stomach clenched, hunger filling her.

”What do you guys want?" She asked the two behind her, shifting to let them see better.

"A chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting!" Illia chirped, smiling merrily at Sorrel.

Oliver looked over the menu, brow scrunched. “Can I just get a pretzel?"

”I'll have a pretzel, too." Genesis added, digging around in her purse for the money she had taken from Trance. Clutching a few bills, she waited for the woman to tally up their purchase.
Gonna bump this!

Life got incredibly busy, but things are slowing down again. I will have business in March, but other than that I'm available. If you're an old partner of mine wishing to restart, or someone I never got around to writing with, feel free to PM me!
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